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A28     u.s. news
                       Diasabra 4 Juni 2022

                           Landmark bill to limit cryptomining passes NY Legislature

            ALBANY,  N.Y.  (AP)  —                                                                                              of energy. One study calculat-
            New York lawmakers have                                                                                             ed that as of November 2018,
            passed  a  milestone  envi-                                                                                         bitcoin’s  annual  electricity
            ronmental  measure  de-                                                                                             consumption  was  compara-
            signed  to  tap  the  brakes                                                                                        ble to Hong Kong’s in 2019,
            on  the  spread  of  crypto-                                                                                        according to the U.S. Energy
            currency  mining  opera-                                                                                            Information  Administration.
            tions that burn fossil fuels.                                                                                       Some miners are looking for
                                                                                                                                ways to reduce their reliance
            Both  supporters  and  op-                                                                                          on fossil fuels to produce the
            ponents  say  that  the  closely                                                                                    necessary electricity.
            watched  bill,  approved  early                                                                                     A coalition of environmental
            Friday by the state Senate, is                                                                                      groups  has  separately  been
            the first of its kind in the U.S.                                                                                   urging the Hochul adminis-
            If  it  becomes  law,  it  would                                                                                    tration to deny the air permit
            establish a two-year morato-                                                                                        renewal for Greenidge Gen-
            rium  on  new  and  renewed                                                                                         eration  in  the  Finger  Lakes,
            air  permits  for  fossil  fuel                                                                                     which  also  produces  power
            power  plants  used  for  ener-                                                                                     for the state’s electricity grid.
            gy-intensive “proof-of-work”                                                                                        A decision could come at the
            cryptocurrency  mining  —  a                                                                                        end of the month.
            term  for  the  computational                                                                                       The  moratorium  measure,
            process  that  records  and  se-                                                                                    if  signed  into  law,  would
            cures  transactions  in  bitcoin                                                                                    not  affect  pending  applica-
            and  similar  forms  of  digital  fossil  fuel  power  plants  for  without addressing other fos-  governor  realizes  that  the  tions,  such  as  the  one  from
            money. Proof-of-work is the  the  purposes  of  private  gain  sil fuel use. They argue that  long-term  benefits  of  em-  Greenidge.
            blockchain-based  algorithm  in  New  York,  especially  as  the  legislation  would  crimp  bracing this industry and this
            used  by  bitcoin  and  some  we’re looking to move away  economic  development  in  technology  far  outweigh  a  The measure also would re-
            other cryptocurrencies.      from  fossil  fuels  entirely,”  New York while other states  potential  pause  on  prospec-  quire  the  state  Department
            Environmentalists are urging  said  Liz  Moran  of  Earthjus-  court the burgeoning field.  tive  future  emissions,”  he  of Environmental Conserva-
            Gov.  Kathy  Hochul  to  sign  tice.                      “The  message  from  the  bill  added.                    tion  to  perform  an  environ-
            the legislation. They say the  Dozens of fossil fuel plants in  and the embrace of that kind  Hochul, a Democrat, has said  mental impact assessment on
            state is undermining its long-  New  York  could  potentially  of policy is not a good one for  she  want  to  make  sure  any  how cryptomining affects the
            term climate goals by letting  be converted into mining op-  an industry that really can go  legislation balances economic  state’s ability to meet its cli-
            cryptomining operations run  erations, she said.          anywhere,”  said  John  Olsen  and environmental concerns  mate goals.
            their  own  natural  gas-burn-  Cryptocurrency   advocates  of  The  Blockchain  Associa-  Cryptocurrency  mining  re-  The bill passed the Assembly,
            ing power plants.            complained  that  the  mea-  tion, an industry group.     quires specialized computers  the Legislature’s lower cham-
            “We  cannot  be  re-powering  sure singled out the industry  “We’re very hopeful that the  that consume huge amounts  ber, in April.

                        Indiana court strikes down emergency law fought by governor

                                                                      agreed,  writing  for  the  five-  of  many  conservatives  even  to  find  a  way  forward  that
                                                                      justice court that Holcomb’s  though  any  mask  mandates  serves the best interests of the
                                                                      attorneys  had  “satisfied  the  or business restrictions end-  State of Indiana.”
                                                                      high  burden  required  to  es-  ed in spring 2021.       Although  Friday’s  ruling
                                                                      tablish that the law is uncon-  Under  the  law,  it  would  be  found  the  “emergency  ses-
                                                                      stitutional.”                up to the Legislative Council  sion”  law  to  be  unconstitu-
                                                                      “Under  our  Constitution,  — made up of eight senators  tional,  Rush  wrote  that  the
                                                                      the  General  Assembly  sim-  and  eight  House  members  General Assembly does have
                                                                      ply cannot do what the chal-  — to call an “emergency ses-  “the  constitutional  authority
                                                                      lenged  law  permits  absent  a  sion” if it determined that the  to set additional sessions.”
                                                                      constitutional  amendment,”  governor had declared a state  “While our Constitution au-
                                                                      Rush added.                  of  emergency  with  “state-  thorizes  only  the  Governor
                                                                      Holcomb said in a statement  wide  impact”  and  that  “it  is  to  call  a  special  session,  the
                                                                      that  the  battle  over  the  law  necessary for the General As-  General Assembly can set ad-
                                                                      had raised “important proce-  sembly to address the state of  ditional  sessions  --  but  only
                                                                      dural,  statutory  and  Consti-  emergency  with  legislative  by fixing their length and fre-
            INDIANAPOLIS          (AP)  VID-19 pandemic.              tutional  questions  that  only  action.”                 quency in a law passed dur-
            —  The  Indiana  Supreme  The new law gave legislative  the courts could answer.”      GOP legislative leaders have  ing  a  legislative  session  and
            Court on Friday threw out  leaders  authority  to  call  the  “Today, the Indiana Supreme  maintained that the measure  presented  to  the  Governor,”
            a  law  that  gave  state  leg-  General  Assembly  into  an  Court  has  provided  clarity  wasn’t  “anti-governor”  and  she wrote.
            islators  increased  power  “emergency  session”  if  the  and finality on these impor-  praised  Holcomb’s  handling  All  of  the  court’s  justices
            to  intervene  during  pub-  governor declares a statewide  tant issues,” he said.     of the coronavirus pandemic,  were  appointed  by  Repub-
            lic  health  emergencies,  emergency. The GOP-domi-       The high court’s ruling came  which health officials say has  lican  governors.  Only  Jus-
            agreeing  with  arguments  nated Legislature approved it  after a Marion County judge  killed more than 23,000 peo-  tice  Christopher  Goff  was
            from  Republican  Gov.  over Holcomb’s veto.              sided with the Legislature in  ple in the state.          appointed  by  Holcomb,  in
            Eric  Holcomb  that  the  Holcomb’s lawyers contend-      October.                     Republican  House  Speaker  2017.
            move  violated  the  state  ed that the state constitution  Legislative leaders never tried  Todd Huston said in a state-  Holcomb’s  lawsuit  divided
            constitution.                allows  only  the  governor  to convene an emergency ses-  ment  that  he  respected  the  Indiana’s  Republican  hierar-
                                         to  call  the  Legislature  into  sion under the law. Holcomb  court’s  ruling.  “We’ll  con-  chy,  with  Attorney  General
            The court’s unanimous deci-  meetings for consideration of  first  issued  a  public  health  sider all options moving for-  Todd Rokita siding with leg-
            sion  settles  a  legal  fight  that  new laws outside of its annu-  emergency in response to the  ward,” he said.  islators.  Rokita’s  office  un-
            began  more  than  a  year  ago  al sessions that begin in early  pandemic on March 6, 2020,  Republican Senate President  successfully  argued  that  the
            when  Holcomb  sued  over  a  January  and  adjourn  by  the  and terminated it this March.  Pro Tem Rodric Bray echoed  attorney  general  alone  had
            law that was a response to his  end of April.             He  had  issued  23  monthly  that,  saying  in  a  statement:  the  legal  authority  to  repre-
            efforts to deal with the CO-  Chief  Justice  Loretta  Rush  extensions,  drawing  the  ire  “We will work collaboratively  sent the state in court.
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