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A30     world news
                       Diasabra 4 Juni 2022

                            Pakistan reports 7th polio case of this year amid outbreak

            ISLAMABAD  (AP)  —                                                                                                  Pakistan  has  for  the  past  25
            Pakistani  health  authori-                                                                                         years  carried  out  regular  in-
            ties  on  Friday  confirmed                                                                                         oculation campaigns in which
            the  seventh  case  of  po-                                                                                         health  workers  go  door-to-
            lio so far this year, saying                                                                                        door  to  give  polio  drops  to
            it  was  registered  in  the                                                                                        children. Most of the work-
            country’s  former  Taliban                                                                                          ers  are  women,  as  they  can
            stronghold  in  the  north-                                                                                         get  better  access  to  mothers
            west,  a  region  bordering                                                                                         and children. The anti-polio
            Afghanistan.                                                                                                        teams  are  often  escorted  by
                                                                                                                                security forces.
            The  outbreak,  after  the  first                                                                                   So far this year, the govern-
            polio  case  of  2022  was  reg-                                                                                    ment  carried  out  three  na-
            istered in the same region in                                                                                       tionwide  anti-polio  drives
            April, is a blow to the Islamic                                                                                     — in January, March and in
            nation’s  efforts  to  eradicate                                                                                    May. During the March cam-
            the disease, which can cause                                                                                        paign, gunmen in northwest-
            severe paralysis in children.                                                                                       ern  Pakistan  shot  and  killed
            All seven cases have been re-                                                                                       a female polio worker as she
            ported in North Waziristan, a                                                                                       was  returning  home  after  a
            district in the Khyber Pakh-                                                                                        day  of  vaccinations.  And  in
            tunkhwa province where the                                                                                          January,  gunmen  shot  and
            government has launched an                                                                                          killed  a  police  officer  pro-
            investigating  into  the  out-                                                                                      viding security for polio vac-
            break.  Parents  in  the  region                                                                                    cination workers, also in the
            often refuse to get their chil-                                                                                     country’s northwest.
            dren inoculated.             tion program in recent years.  police  assigned  to  protect  hold of the Pakistani Taliban  Pakistan  and  Afghanistan
            Pakistan’s  Health  Minister  He urged parents to get their  them,  falsely  claiming  the  until recently, when the mili-  are the only countries in the
            Abdul  Qadir  Patel  issued  a  children vaccinated.      vaccination  campaigns  are  a  tary  claimed  to  have  cleared  world  where  polio  remains
            statement  Friday,  saying  au-  Pakistan’s  anti-polio  cam-  Western conspiracy to steril-  the  region  of  militants  fol-  endemic.  In  2021,  Pakistan
            thorities were taking steps to  paigns  are  regularly  marked  ize children.          lowing several widescale op-  reported only one case, rais-
            protect the gains made by the  by violence. Islamic militants  North  Waziristan,  a  former  erations  there.  However,  at-  ing hopes it was close to erad-
            government’s  polio  eradica-  often target  polio  teams  and  tribal  region,  was  a  strong-  tacks still persist.  icating polio.

                                                                       U.N. says Yemen’s warring parties agree to

                                                                                                     renew truce

                                                                      support  will  remain  critical  didate for the White House.  which runs rebel-held areas,
                                                                      for the continuation and suc-  Biden’s   initial   position  said  the  Houthis  decided  to
                                                                      cessful  implementation  of  was  provoked  by  the  grue-  “respond  positively”  to  the
                                                                      the truce.”                  some  2018  killing  at  the  U.N. envoy’s push to renew
                                                                      The fighting in Yemen erupt-  Saudi  Consulate  in  Tur-  the truce in order “to alleviate
                                                                      ed in 2014, when the Houthis  key  of  U.S.-based  journal-  the suffering” of the Yemeni
                                                                      descended from their north-  ist  Jamal  Khashoggi,  a  critic  people,  and  to  allow  more
                                                                      ern enclave and took over the  of  the  de  facto  Saudi  ruler,  time for the implementation
                                                                      capital  of  Sanaa,  forcing  the  Crown  Prince  Mohammed  of all provisions included in
            CAIRO (AP) — The Unit-       expire later on Thursday.    internationally   recognized  bin  Salman.  Khashoggi  was  the original cease-fire agree-
            ed Nations said Thursday  “The  truce  represents  a  sig-  government to flee into exile  killed  by  a  team  of  Saudi  ment. In recent weeks, com-
            that Yemen’s warring par-    nificant  shift  in  the  trajec-  in Saudi Arabia. A Saudi-led  agents, including individuals  mercial flights have resumed
            ties have agreed to renew  tory of the war and has been  coalition  entered  the  war  in  who  worked  for  the  crown  from  Sanaa,  and  fuel  ship-
            a nationwide truce for an-   achieved  through  respon-   early  2015  to  try  to  restore  prince’s  office.  His  remains  ments  have  arrived.  How-
            other two months. The de-    sible  and  courageous  deci-  the government to power.   have not been found.         ever, the opening of the roads
            velopment offered a glim-    sion making by the parties,”  The  conflict,  which  eventu-  The provisions of the original  around  Taiz  remains  a  con-
            mer of hope for the coun-    U.N.  Special  Envoy  for  Ye-  ally  descended  into  a  proxy  truce included reopening the  tested  issue  and  both  sides
            try, plagued by eight years  men Hans Grundberg said in  war  between  Saudi  Ara-     roads  around  the  besieged  have yet to agree on a frame-
            of civil war — though sig-   a statement. He said he will  bia and Iran, has killed over  city of Taiz, establishing two  work  for  lifting  the  block-
            nificant  obstacles  remain  mediate between the warring  150,000  people,  including  commercial  flights  a  week  ade on the key city.Fighting,
            to lasting peace.            parties  to  solidify  the  new  over 14,500 civilians, and cre-  between  Sanaa  and  Jordan  airstrikes  and  bombardment
                                         truce and to try to eventually  ated one of the world’s worst  and Egypt, and also allowing  have subsided since the truce
            The  cease-fire  between  Ye-  reach a political settlement to  humanitarian crises, pushing  18  vessels  carrying  fuel  into  first started in early April, and
            men’s  internationally  recog-  end the conflict.         millions  of  Yemenis  to  the  the  port  of  Hodeida.  Both  the  rebels  have  ceased  their
            nized  government  and  the  President  Joe  Biden  wel-  brink of famine.             Sanaa and Hodeida are con-   cross-border attacks on Saudi
            Iran-backed  Houthi  rebels  comed the development and  In  his  statement,  Biden  also  trolled by the Houthi rebels.  Arabia  and  the  United  Arab
            initially  came  into  effect  on  stressed that ending the war  lauded the Saudi government  Later  Thursday,  the  Yemeni  Emirates,  the  two  pillars  of
            April 2. And though each side  in Yemen has been a priority  for  what  he  said  reflected  government’s   presidential  the Saudi-led coalition.
            at times accused the other of  of his administration. “I urge  “courageous  leadership”  in  council  expressed  its  sup-  The  Norwegian  Refugee
            violating the cease-fire, it was  all  parties  to  move  expedi-  endorsing  and  implement-  port for the U.N. envoy’s ef-  Council’s  Yemen  director,
            the first nationwide truce in  tiously  towards  a  compre-  ing  the  U.N.-led  truce.  His  forts and reiterated that that  Erin  Hutchinson,  expressed
            the past six years of the con-  hensive  and  inclusive  peace  remarks  came  as  overriding  Houthis  must  be  prompted  hopes  that  the  cease-fire
            flict in the Arab World’s most  process. Our diplomacy will  U.S. strategic interests in oil  to re-open roads around Taiz,  would lead to the reopening
            impoverished nation.         not  rest  until  a  permanent  and  security  have  recently  according  to  the  state-run  of roads so that humanitarian
            The announcement, which is  settlement  is  in  place,”  he  pushed  the  administration  SABA news agency.         aid  can  reach  those  in  need
            the outcome of U.N. efforts,  said. U.N. Secretary-General  to  rethink  the  arms-length  In  a  statement,  Mahdi  al-  and  so  that  more  displaced
            came only few hours before  Antonio  Guterres  said  that  stance that Biden pledged to  Mashat, head of the Houthis  Yemenis could return to their
            the  original  truce  was  set  to  “regional  and  international  take with the Saudis as a can-  supreme  political  council  homes.q
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