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                                                                                         world news Diasabra 4 Juni 2022

                         Nigerian police seek abductors of prelate freed after ransom

            ABUJA,  Nigeria  (AP)  —                                                                                            between  2011  and  2020,  ac-
            Nigeria’s police on Friday                                                                                          cording  to  the  Lagos-based
            said they are still looking                                                                                         SBM  intelligence  research
            for suspects in the abduc-                                                                                          firm.
            tion  of  the  head  of  the                                                                                        Nigeria’s  federal  authori-
            Methodist  Church  Nige-                                                                                            ties have been trying to stop
            ria  who  was  freed  in  ex-                                                                                       the  abductions  for  some
            change for a ransom of 100                                                                                          time,  most  recently  through
            million naira ($240,600).                                                                                           legislation  to  ban  ransoms.
                                                                                                                                The country’s Senate  said  it
            Samuel Kanu Uche was freed                                                                                          would “turn around not only
            on Monday, a day after he was                                                                                       the security situation in Ni-
            kidnapped in Abia in south-                                                                                         geria but even the economic
            east  Nigeria,  the  Christian                                                                                      fortunes of our country.”
            Association of Nigeria said.                                                                                        Earlier  this  month,  federal
            Security forces “are still look-                                                                                    authorities  also  barred  calls
            ing  out  for  the  suspects”                                                                                       from  more  than  70  million
            who  abducted  Uche,  police                                                                                        unregistered  phone  lines  in
            spokesman Geoffrey Ogbon-                                                                                           an attempt to target kidnap-
            na said.                                                                                                            pers and make it difficult for
            “When  the  incident  hap-                                                                                          them to contact the families
            pened,  policemen  were  de-                                                                                        of  those  held.  But  kidnap-
            ployed to that area and up till                                                                                     pers have found a way to get
            now, they are still there,” the                                                                                     around that measure, analysts
            police  spokesman  said,  add-                                                                                      say.
            ing that the prelate “went to  places;  some  people  were  at  som was paid into an account  “The  primary  purpose  of   The   prelate’s   abduction
            Lagos as soon as he regained  the  back,  some  were  at  the  provided  by  the  kidnappers,  government is to secure lives   prompted  fresh  concerns
            his freedom.”                center and there was another  he  said.  Police  have  denied  and  property.  Any  govern-  over Nigeria’s worsening se-
            The  cleric  described  his  ab-  group in front to make sure  knowledge of the ransom.  ment  that  has  failed  in  that   curity as there are numerous
            duction at a briefing in Lagos  that we didn’t run away. They  Uche  criticized  the  govern-  has  failed  woefully,”  Uche   kidnappings and the military
            this week.                   fired  shots  at  our  vehicles  ment  for  the  deterioration  said after his release.  battles a decade-long extrem-
            “These people came out from  and they eventually abducted  of the country’s security that  Nigeria’s  kidnap-for-ransom   ist  insurgency  in  the  north-
            the bush,” Uche said. “They  three of us.”                has  allowed  kidnappers  to  business has seen more than   east and widespread banditry
            divided themselves into three  Uche was freed after the ran-  flourish.                $18 million in ransoms paid   in the northwest.

             100 speeches in 100 days of war: Zelenskyy

                                        rallies Ukraine

            As  Ukrainian  President  soothing, a deep, confidential  also  has  given  interviews  to
            Volodymyr Zelenskyy tells  almost-whisper  as  he  looks  journalists.  He  held  a  news
            it,  when  Russia  invaded  directly  into the camera.  Or  conference  in  the  safety  of
            100  days  ago,  no  one  ex-  forceful, rising in moral out-  the Kyiv subway.
            pected his country to sur-   rage as he condemns the most  But his nightly video address
            vive.  World  leaders  ad-   recent Russian atrocities and  has been his favored channel
            vised him to flee.           insists that those responsible  for  informing  and  inspiring
                                         will be punished.            his fellow citizens.
            “But  they  didn’t  know  us,”  As  the  days  and  weeks  have  He often begins with an exu-
            he said in a late-night video  ticked  by,  his  unshaven  face  berant greeting to Ukrainians
            address  in  April  when  the  has grown a dark beard. He  as “the free people of a brave
            war  hit  its  50th  day.  “And  has  lost  his  boyish  looks.  country”  or  “the  invincible
            they didn’t know how brave  The  puffiness  from  sleep-  people of our great country.”
            Ukrainians  are,  how  much  less nights as Russian troops  He invariably ends with a de-
            we value freedom.”           marched  on  the  capital  was  fiant “Glory to Ukraine.”  did  not  fall  within  days  as  dicts and neo-Nazis” of Zel-
            He could have been speaking  replaced  by  new  resolve  He  tells  them  of  the  world  Russia  expected,  he  said  on  enskyy’s government. He has
            about himself. No one knew  when the invasion stalled.    leaders  he  has  spoken  with  April  14,  was  because  mil-  ignored Zelenskyy’s calls for
            how a 44-year-old man who  From  the  start  of  the  war  during the day and his efforts  lions  of  Ukrainians  “made  a meeting.
            had catapulted himself from  he  has  dressed  in  various  to  get  those  leaders  to  send  the most important decision  Back  in  June  2019,  shortly
            the  world  of  entertainment  shades  of  army  green,  ap-  more and better weapons, to  of their life – to fight.”  after  Zelenskyy  was  elected
            into the presidency would re-  pearing most often in a sim-  inflict  ever  more  punishing  He  also  has  tried  to  reach  a  president,  Putin  was  asked
            spond to an invasion by Rus-  ple  T-shirt.  The  impression  sanctions on Russia.     Russian audience, as on April  why he hadn’t congratulated
            sia’s giant army.            he leaves is clear: He’s fresh  He  speaks  to  his  fellow  1  when  he  switched  from  the new Ukrainian leader. In
            His response has been force-  from  the  fight  and  about  to  Ukrainians’  anger  and  pain  Ukrainian  into  Russian  to  a  condescending  response,
            ful — and compellingly pub-  get back to it.              from  the  devastation  of  the  urge  Russians  to  keep  their  Putin seemed to write off the
            lic.  Zelenskyy  has  led  his  A  tireless  and  skilled  com-  country,  the  untold  deaths.  sons away from the war.  actor-turned-president.
            country in mounting an un-   municator,  Zelenskyy  has  “My heart breaks from what  “We  do  not  need  new  dead  “Well,  it’s  one  thing  to  play
            expectedly  fierce  resistance.  spoken  by  video  link  to  the  Russia  is  doing  to  our  peo-  people  here,”  he  said.  “Take  someone  and  another  to  be
            Every night, he rallies Ukrai-  United Nations, British Par-  ple,”  he  said  on  March  16  care of your children so they  someone,”  Putin  said.  “The
            nians to the fight with a vid-  liament,  U.S.  Congress  and  after  Russian  bombs  killed  do  not  become  villains,  do  important thing is to have the
            eo  address  on  social  media.  about  two  dozen  other  par-  hundreds sheltering in a the-  not  send  them  to  the  army.  courage and the character to
            There  have  been  100  so  far  liaments  around  the  world,  ater in Mariupol.      Do whatever you can to keep  take responsibility. He hasn’t
            – one for each day of the war  as  well  as  to  the  Cannes  He salutes their courage and  them alive. At home.”   shown his character yet.”
            — in nightly reminders that  Film  Festival  and  America’s  says  he  never  gets  tired  of  In  justifying  the  invasion,  For 100 nights, that character
            he has not fled, that Ukraine  Grammy  Awards.  Rarely  if  thanking  all  those  fighting  Russian  President  Vladi-  has been shown to Ukraini-
            has indeed survived.         ever has a man without a tie  to  determine  the  future  of  mir  Putin  says  he  is  saving  ans  and  the  world.  And  to
            His actor-trained voice can be  addressed so many VIPs. He  Ukraine.  That  the  country  Ukraine from the “drug ad-  Putin.
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