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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diamars 7 December 2021

                          Hawaii leaders call on Navy to suspend fuel tank operations

            (AP) — Hawaii’s governor  the  underground  fuel  tank  Reps.  Ed  Cases  and  Kaiali’I
            and congressional delega-    complex  that  has  been  the  Kahele, all Democrats.
            tion  have  called  on  the  source of multiple fuel leaks
            Navy  to  suspend  opera-    over the years.              The  Navy’s  water  system
            tions  at  World  War  II  era                            serves  about  93,000  people.
            fuel  tank  farm  that  sits  “Test results confirming con-  Nearly 1,000 military house-
            above an aquifer that sup-   tamination of drinking water  holds complained about their
            plies  water  to  urban  Ho-  at  Joint  Base  Pearl  Harbor-  tap  water  smelling  like  fuel.
            nolulu.                      Hickam show that the Navy  Others  reported  becoming
                                         is  not  effectively  operating  ill with ailments like stomach
            The  call  from  the  elected  the World War II-era facility  cramps and vomiting.
            leaders  comes  as  Navy  Sec-  and protecting the health and
            retary Carlos Del Toro is set  safety  of  the  people  of  Ha-  The Navy said it would flush
            to  hold  a  news  conference  waii.                      clean water through the dis-
            Monday  afternoon  at  Pearl                              tribution system to clear re-
            Harbor to discuss the ongo-  We are calling for the Navy to  sidual  petroleum  products
            ing crisis concerning tap wa-  immediately  suspend  opera-  from the water. The process,  vestigate  how  contaminates  to submarines, ships and the
            ter at Pearl Harbor.         tions at Red Hill while they  along with testing, could take  got  into  the  well  and  to  fix  commander  of  U.S.  forces
                                         confront  and  remedy  this  up  to  10  days  to  make  sure  the problem.            in  the  Indo-Pacific  region.
            The  Navy  last  week  said  a  crisis,” said the Sunday state-  the  water  meets  Environ-                        They also threaten to jeopar-
            water sample from one of its  ment  signed  by  Gov.  David  mental  Protection  Agency  The tap water problems have  dize one of Honolulu’s most
            wells showed the presence of  Ige, U.S. Sens. Mazie Hirono  drinking standards.        afflicted one of the military’s  important aquifers and water
            petroleum.  The  well  is  near  and  Brian  Schatz,  and  U.S.  The Navy also pledged to in-  most important bases, home  sources.

                         NYC to impose vaccine mandate on private sector employers

            (AP)  —  From  multina-                                                                rise in cases in recent weeks  nor  of  New  York  next  year,
            tional banks to corner gro-                                                            has  swamped  hospitals,  es-  has  sought  to  portray  him-
            cery stores, all private em-                                                           pecially  in  the  Midwest  and  self as a national leader in the
            ployers in New York City                                                               New England.                 fight against COVID-19. His
            will  have  to  require  their                                                                                      other vaccine mandates have
            workers to get vaccinated                                                              Health  experts  have  strong-  largely  survived  legal  chal-
            against  COVID-19,  the                                                                ly  urged  people  to  get  their  lenges,  and  he  has  credited
            mayor  announced  Mon-                                                                 shots  and  a  booster,  saying  the  policy  with  raising  vac-
            day in the most sweeping                                                               they believe the vaccine will  cination rates among the re-
            vaccine  mandate  of  any                                                              still  offer  protection  against  luctant.
            state or big city in the U.S.                                                          the new form of the virus.
                                         lion.                        mandate to survive any legal                              The new mandate takes effect
            The  move  by  Mayor  Bill                                challenges.  Employees  will  “Vaccination  is  the  central  days  before  de  Blasio  leaves
            de Blasio comes as cases are  De  Blasio  said  the  move  is  be able to ask for religious or  weapon  in  this  war  against  office  and  Democrat  Eric
            climbing  again  in  the  U.S.  aimed at staving off a spike of  medical exemptions.   COVID.  It’s  the  one  thing  Adams  is  due  to  be  sworn
            and the worrisome but little-  infections amid holiday gath-                           that has worked every single  in. Evan Thies, a spokesman
            understood  omicron  variant  erings  and  as  cold  weather  The  mayor  also  announced  time  across  the  board,”  de  for  Adams,  said  in  a  state-
            is  gaining  a  toehold  in  the  drives  more  people  indoors,  that anyone 12 or older who  Blasio  said  at  a  virtual  news  ment  that  the  mayor-elect
            nation’s largest city and else-  where  the  virus  can  spread  wants  to  dine  indoors  at  a  conference.       “will  evaluate  this  mandate
            where around the country.    more easily.                 restaurant, go to a gym or see                            and other COVID strategies
                                                                      a show will have to produce  “A  lot  of  folks  to  me  in  the  when he is in office and make
            “We in New York City have  Vaccine rules across states and  proof of having received two  private sector have said to me  determinations based on sci-
            decided  to  use  a  preemp-  cities vary widely, with some  shots of the vaccine, up from  they  believe  in  vaccination,  ence, efficacy and the advice
            tive strike to really do some-  states resisting any mandates  the  current  requirement  of  but  they’re  not  quite  sure  of health professionals.”
            thing bold to stop the further  and  others  requiring  the  one  dose.  In  addition,  chil-  how  they  can  do  it  them-
            growth  of  COVID  and  the  shots  for  government  em-  dren  ages  5  to  11  will  have  selves,” he continued. “Well,  The  Greater  New  York
            dangers  it’s causing to all of  ployees or certain sectors that  to show proof of at least one  we’re going to do it.”  Chamber  of  Commerce,
            us,” he said.                run  a  particularly  high  risk,  shot, de Blasio said.                               which includes some 30,000
                                         such as health care workers.                              Vaccinations  are  already  re-  businesses  big  and  small,
            De  Blasio,  a  Democrat  with                            De Blasio said he will release  quired in New York City for  said it supports the tightened
            just weeks left in office, said  Full  Coverage:  Coronavirus  more details next week about  hospital  and  nursing  home  measures.
            the  mandate  will  take  ef-  pandemic                   how the mandate will be en-  workers and for city employ-
            fect Dec. 27, with in-person  But no state has announced a  forced.                    ees,  including  teachers,  po-  But  other  industry  groups
            workers  needing  to  provide  broad private-sector mandate                            lice  officers  and  firefighters.  said  the  plan  would  add
            proof  they  have  received  at  like New York City’s, accord-  About  5.9  million  adults  in  A  vaccination  mandate  for  to  the  strain  on  businesses
            least one dose of the vaccine.  ing  to  data  compiled  by  the  New  York  City  have  gotten  employees of private and reli-  still  struggling  to  recover
            And they will not be allowed  nonpartisan  National  Acad-  at least a first dose, out of 7  gious schools was announced  from the pandemic and find
            to get out of the requirement  emy for State Health Policy.  million people age 18 and up.  last week.              enough employees.
            by  agreeing  to  regular  CO-                            That translates to 84%. About
            VID-19 testing instead.      President  Joe  Biden  sought  5.8  million  New  Yorkers  of  Some  other  private-sector  Kathryn  Wylde,  president
                                         to impose a less far-reaching  all ages are fully vaccinated.  employees,  including  those  and CEO of the Partnership
            The  measure  will  apply  to  mandate nationally, requiring                           at restaurants, gyms, theaters  for  New  York  City,  a  lead-
            roughly  184,000  businesses  employees of businesses with  Cases of the omicron variant  and  other  entertainment  ing business group, said it is
            not covered by previous vac-  100  or  more  workers  to  ei-  have been reported in about  sites, were also required to be  unclear who will enforce the
            cine mandates, ranging from  ther get vaccinated or under-  one-third  of  the  states,  but  vaccinated under rules issued  mandate  and  whether  it  is
            big  corporations  to  mom-  go regular testing. But federal  scientists cannot say for cer-  earlier by the mayor.  even legal.
            and-pop  businesses  in  the  courts have blocked that plan  tain  yet  whether  it  is  more
            city of 8.8 million people, ac-  for  now  ahead  of  the  Jan.  4  dangerous than previous ver-  De Blasio, who leaves office  “It is hard to imagine that the
            cording to a spokesperson for  deadline.                  sions.  The  delta  variant  still  at the end of the month and  mayor can do what the presi-
            the mayor. The city’s private-                            accounts  for  practically  all  has  indicated  he  may  seek  dent  is  being  challenged  to
            sector  workforce  is  3.7  mil-  De Blasio said he expects his  infections in the U.S., and a  the  nomination  for  gover-  accomplish,” Wylde said.
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