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A30 world news
Diamars 7 December 2021
Myanmar’s Suu Kyi convicted in further blow to democracy
The incitement charge Suu a statement, using a former Political Prisoners.
Kyi faced centered on state- name for Myanmar.
ments posted on her party’s Peaceful protests have con-
Facebook page after she and As is typical, China, a neigh- tinued, but amid the se-
other party leaders were de- bor that has maintained vere crackdown on them,
tained by the military. She friendly ties with Myanmar’s an armed resistance has also
was accused of spreading military leaders, declined to grown, to the point that
false or inflammatory infor- criticize the verdict but urged U.N. experts have warned
mation that could disturb all parties to work together the country is sliding into
public order. In addition, she to continue the democratic civil war. Monday’s verdict
faced a charge of violating transition. could inflame tensions even
coronavirus restrictions for further.
her appearance at a campaign Suu Kyi’s trials are closed to
event ahead of the elections the media and spectators, and “It doesn’t matter for the
last year. her lawyers, who had been woman who doesn’t need
a source of information on anything. But the fires will
Dr. Sasa, spokesperson for the proceedings, were served burn hotter and hotter for the
the National Unity Govern- with gag orders in October one who wants everything,”
(AP) — Aung San Suu fort in carrying out evil. The ment, an opposition group forbidding them from releas- Zenn Khi, a well-known ac-
Kyi, the civilian leader of people will be free only if we that has declared itself the ing information. As a result, tor, wrote on Facebook, in a
Myanmar who was oust- win the revolution, so work country’s shadow adminis- Monday’s verdict was initial- reference to Suu Kyi and her
ed in a de facto coup this harder for the revolution.” tration, called the verdict “a ly relayed to The Associated military antagonists.
year, was convicted on shameful day for the rule of Press by a legal official who
two charges Monday and The cases against Suu Kyi law, justice and accountabil- insisted on anonymity for Decisions in other cases
handed a four-year sen- are widely seen as contrived ity in Myanmar” and said it fear of being punished by the against Suu Kyi are expected
tence that was quickly cut to discredit her and keep her represented an effort to “re- authorities. next week. The cases against
in half — in proceedings from running in the next place our dreams with mili- her include the alleged un-
widely criticized as a fur- election — and many in the tary dictatorship forever.” He Defense lawyers are expected registered import and use of
ther effort by the coun- international community uses only one name. to file appeals in the com- walkie-talkies by her security
try’s military rulers to roll decried Monday’s verdict as ing days for Suu Kyi and two guards; a violation of the Of-
back the democratic gains a farce. If found guilty of all U.N. High Commissioner colleagues who were also ficial Secrets Act, in which
of recent years. the charges she faces, Suu Kyi for Human Rights Michelle convicted Monday, the le- jailed Australian economist
could be sentenced to more Bachelet called the proceed- gal official said. They have Sean Turnell is a co-defen-
The verdict — on charges than 100 years in prison. She ings a “sham trial,” while argued that Suu Kyi and a dant; and corruption charges.
of incitement and violating is being held by the military Phil Robertson, deputy Asia co-defendant, former Presi-
coronavirus restrictions — at an unknown location — director for Human Rights dent Win Myint, could not The military says its takeover
serves to cement a dramatic and state television reported Watch, said it was just the be- be held responsible for the was lawful and not a coup be-
reversal of fortunes for the that she would serve her sen- ginning of a process that “will statements on which the in- cause the 2008 constitution
Nobel Peace laureate, who tence there. most likely ensure that Suu citement charge was based —implemented under mili-
spent 15 years under house Kyi is never allowed to be a because they were already in tary rule — allows it to take
arrest for resisting the South- That sentence was reduced free woman again.” detention. control in certain emergen-
east Asian nation’s gener- hours after it was handed cies. It argues that the 2020
als but then agreed to work down in what the report said The United States joined Win Myint’s sentence was re- general election contained
alongside them when they was an amnesty ordered by others in calling for her re- duced along with Suu Kyi’s. widespread irregularities
promised to usher in demo- the country’s military leader, lease. and thus constituted such an
cratic rule. Senior Gen. Min Aung Hla- February’s seizure of pow- emergency.
ing. “The regime’s continued er was met by nonviolent
The case is only the first in disregard for the rule of law nationwide demonstra- The state election commis-
a series brought against the Suu Kyi is widely revered and its widespread use of tions, which security forces sion and independent observ-
76-year-old Suu Kyi since her at home for her role in the violence against the Burmese quashed with deadly force. ers have disputed that there
arrest on Feb. 1 — the day the country’s pro-democracy people underscore the urgen- They have killed about 1,300 was substantial fraud. Critics
army seized power, claiming movement — and was long cy of restoring Burma’s path civilians, according to a de- also assert that the takeover
massive voting fraud in last viewed abroad as an icon of to democracy,” Secretary of tailed tally compiled by the bypassed the legal process for
year’s election. Suu Kyi’s Na- that struggle, epitomized by State Antony Blinken said in Assistance Association for declaring an emergency.
tional League for Democracy her 15 years under house ar-
party won that vote in a land- rest.
slide, and independent elec-
tion observers did not detect But since her release in
any major irregularities. 2010, she has been heavily
criticized for the gamble she
Just as the takeover has been made: showing deference to
met with fierce resistance, so the military while ignoring
too was the verdict, including and, at times, even defend-
a spirited protest in the cen- ing rights violations — most
tral city of Mandalay, where notably a 2017 crackdown
demonstrators chanted slo- on Rohingya Muslims that
gans and sang songs popular- rights groups have labeled
ized during pro-democracy genocide.
protests in 1988.
While she has disputed al-
They also took to social me- legations that army person-
dia, which has been an im- nel killed Rohingya civilians,
portant arena for resistance torched houses and raped
to the military. Htoo Ko, a women and she remains im-
medical doctor and popular mensely popular at home,
travel blogger who is also an that stance has tarnished her
activist, wrote: “They have reputation abroad.
expended their maximum ef-