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                                                                                                       sports Diamars 7 December 2021

                              Derby winner Medina Spirit collapses, dies in California

            (AP)  -  Kentucky  Derby  erinary team took blood, hair  have  “definitely  confirmed”
            winner Medina Spirit col-    and urine samples from Me-   Medina  Spirit  tested  posi-
            lapsed  and  died  after  a  dina Spirit and sent them to  tive  for  the  steroid  —  not
            workout Monday at Santa  the California Horse Racing  through an injection but due
            Anita.                       Board. The colt will undergo  to an ointment used to treat a
                                         a  full  necropsy,  as  required  skin rash.
            The  3-year-old  colt  trained  by the racing board, to try to
            by Bob Baffert had just com-  determine the exact cause of  The Kentucky Horse Racing
            pleted  five  furlongs  in  his  death.                   Commission has been inves-
            second workout since finish-                              tigating the case, and has yet
            ing  second  in  the  Breeders’  Medina Spirit tested positive  to hold a hearing that could
            Cup Classic a month ago at  after  the  May  1  Derby  for  possibly  disqualify  Medina
            Del Mar, according to Craig  betamethasone, a legal medi-  Spirit.
            Robertson, Baffert’s attorney.  cation  that  is  not  allowed
            Baffert said in a statment that  on  race  day.  It  was  Baffert’s  In the $6 million BC Classic,
            the horse suffered a heart at-  record  seventh  win  in  the  Medina Spirit couldn’t mus-
            tack.                        Derby. In the wake of Medi-  ter the necessary late kick to
                                         na Spirit’s failed test, Baffert  threaten winner Knicks Go.
            “My entire barn is devastated  was suspended by Churchill                              the  event’s  money-leading  ing to Equibase. The colt was
            by  this  news,”  Baffert  said.  Downs and barred from en-  “I’m very proud of him. He  trainer  had  to  meet  certain  owned  by  Amr  Zedan,  who
            “Medina  Spirit  was  a  great  tering horses in the 2022 and  ran a great race,” Baffert said  conditions, including stricter  competes  as  Zedan  Racing
            champion, a member of our  2023  Kentucky  Derbies.  He  last month. “To me, he’s the  out-of-competition   testing  Stables.
            family who was loved by all,  also was banned by the New  best  3-year-old.  He  showed  of his horses and greater se-
            and we are deeply mourning  York    Racing   Association  it  today.  That’s  what  racing  curity at his barn. He agreed  “Our  most  sincere  condo-
            his  loss.  I  will  always  cher-  from  entering  horses  at  its  is all about, proving it on the  to the extra scrutiny and was  lences  go  out  to  Mr.  Amr
            ish  the  proud  and  personal  Belmont, Saratoga and Aque-  racetrack.  And  he  proved  it  required to pay for it out of  Zedan and the entire Zedan
            memories  of  Medina  Spirit  duct tracks.                today that he’s the real deal.”  his own pocket.          Racing  Stables  family,”  Baf-
            and his tremendous spirit.”                                                                                         fert  said  in  his  statement
                                         Last  Friday,  Robertson  re-  Baffert was allowed to enter  Medina  Spirit  had  five  wins  Monday.  “They  are  in  our
            Santa  Anita  released  a  stat-  leased a statement saying that  horses  in  the  season-ending  in 10 career starts and earn-  thoughts and prayers as we go
            ment  saying  the  track  vet-  tests done by a New York lab  world  championships,  but  ings  of  $3,545,200,  accord-  through this difficult time.”

                         Oregon’s Cristobal takes Miami coaching job after Diaz fired

            (AP)  —  For  Mario  Cris-   ter,” Oregon athletic director  title-winning  teams  and  re-  the school was trying to pry  tions to our campus commu-
            tobal, the road has always  Rob Mullens said.             turned  to  start  his  coaching  Cristobal out of Oregon. Fir-  nity and to his native South
            led back to Miami.                                        career as a graduate assistant  ing  Diaz,  though,  suggested  Florida,  and  for  the  strong
                                         Diaz  was  hired  in  2018  on  for  the  Hurricanes  under  Miami was secure in the be-  leadership  and  exemplary
            Once  again,  he’s  coming  the same day that Mark Richt  Butch Davis in 1998.         lief that Cristobal is coming.  character he exhibited during
            home.                        stepped down; this time, the                              “An announcement regarding  his tenure at the University,”
                                         football  vacancy  was  even  He left to spend three seasons  new leadership for the foot-  Frenk  said.  “We  wish  him
            Cristobal  is  leaving  Oregon  shorter,  since  Miami  wasn’t  at Rutgers, then returned to  ball  program  will  be  forth-  and  his  family  the  very  best
            and returning to Miami, ac-  firing  Diaz  without  a  com-  Miami  from  2004  through  coming,”  the  university  said  as they move forward.”
            cepting  an  offer  to  become  mitment  from  Cristobal  to  2006. He wanted to be a can-  in the news release where it
            the  head  coach  at  his  alma  come aboard.             didate  for  the  top  job  when  revealed that school president  Miami went 5-1 in Diaz’s fi-
            mater,  where  he  won  two                               the  Hurricanes  fired  Larry  Julio Frenk had fired Diaz.  nal six games. And with the
            national  championships  as  A person with knowledge of  Coker but instead was hired  Miami will play Washington  exception  of  Notre  Dame’s
            a  player.  He  let  the  Ducks  the  school’s  plans  told  The  as coach at FIU and spent six  State  in  the  Sun  Bowl  later  one-year appearance as a con-
            know  of  the  decision  Mon-  Associated  Press  that  Miami  seasons there.          this  month.  It’s  unknown  ference member, Diaz guided
            day, his team meeting in Or-  expects to complete the hir-                             who will be the interim coach  Miami to the second-best re-
            egon nearly simultaneous to  ing  of  Dan  Radakovich  as  A four-season stint as an Ala-  for that game.           cord in Atlantic Coast Con-
            the  other  part  of  the  move,  athletic  director  this  week.  bama assistant followed, and                     ference  games  in  his  three
            that  being  Miami  announc-  Radakovich  has  been  ath-  then  Cristobal  spent  four  Diaz was criticized by an im-  seasons.  The  Hurricanes
            ing the firing of coach Manny  letic director at Clemson but  years  as  head  coach  in  Or-  patient  Miami  fan  base  for  were 16-9 against league op-
            Diaz after three seasons.    started  his  career  in  sports  egon — winning two Pac-12  some  bad  losses,  such  as  a  ponents in that span, behind
                                         administration 40 years ago at  titles  and  leading  the  Ducks  2019  defeat  to  FIU  and  the  only Clemson.
            “We appreciate all of Mario’s  Miami, where he got one of  to the title game this season  bowl loss later that season to
            accomplishments  and  hard  his degrees.                  as well.                     Louisiana  Tech.  The  Hurri-  The  recruits  Diaz  landed  in
            work here at Oregon, and we                                                            canes started 2-4 this season,  the  last  two  years  proved  to
            wish  him  and  his  family  all  Cristobal  played  at  Miami,  But the lure of home was just  one  of  those  defeats  com-  be among Miami’s best play-
            the  best  in  their  next  chap-  was part of the 1989 and 1991  too strong. So the Miami na-  ing to Virginia when Miami  ers  in  2021.  Miami  was  the
                                                                      tive is returning again.     missed a short field goal that  lone ACC team to beat con-
                                                                                                   would have won the game as  ference  champion  Pitt  this
                                                                      It comes after Diaz was fired  time expired.              season and after the regular-
                                                                      following  a  7-5  regular  sea-                          season  finale,  many  players
                                                                      son and going 21-15 in three  But  Diaz’s  fate  may  have  took  to  social  media  to  post
                                                                      seasons at Miami. His job se-  been sealed with a 31-28 loss  support for Diaz.
                                                                      curity  had  been  in  question  to Florida State last month, a
                                                                      for  some  time,  and  specula-  game  where  the  Hurricanes  Diaz’s firing continues what
                                                                      tion ramped up three weeks  let  the  Seminoles  take  the  is  now  an  18-year  cycle  of
                                                                      ago when the Hurricanes dis-  lead  in  the  final  seconds  on  impatience at Miami, starting
                                                                      missed athletic director Blake  a  drive  where  they  couldn’t  with the season in which the
                                                                      James  —  one  of  the  people  get a stop on a fourth-and-14  Hurricanes joined the ACC.
                                                                      who hired Diaz in 2018.      play.                        That was 2004, and the Hur-
                                                                                                                                ricanes  are  still  waiting  for
                                                                      But  Diaz  kept  working,  “We  are  grateful  to  Coach  their  first  conference  cham-
                                                                      even  in  recent  days  while  Diaz for his many contribu-  pionship.
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