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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Friday 9 February 2018

            Rio beefs up Carnival security amid wave of violence

            By MAURICIO SAVARESE                                                                                                fore  Carnival,  several  key
            RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — Au-                                                                                           arteries  were  blocked  by
            thorities  in  Rio  de  Janeiro                                                                                     confrontations  and  there
            state said Thursday that se-                                                                                        have been many victims.
            curity is being beefed up as                                                                                        “This year alone we seized
            the  world-famous  Carnival                                                                                         65  assault  weapons,  42
            bash  begins,  following  a                                                                                         policemen    got    injured
            wave  of  violence  caused                                                                                          and  five  died.  This  makes
            by  rival  drug  trafficking                                                                                        criminals feel powerful,” Sa
            gangs.                                                                                                              said.  “We  cannot  accept
            Gov.  Luiz  Fernando  Pezao                                                                                         this and we will work even
            said in a press conference                                                                                          more to stop them.”
            that security forces will now                                                                                       Earlier on Thursday, mourn-
            total  more  than  17,000                                                                                           ers  buried  a  13-year-old
            statewide per day. That in-                                                                                         boy  who  had  been  being
            cludes  2,000  extra  agents                                                                                        killed during a shootout be-
            who were off duty and will                                                                                          tween police and suspect-
            now work during the bash.                                                                                           ed drug traffickers in a Rio
            Last  year  Rio  used  almost                                                                                       slum.
            12,000  policemen  during                                                                                           Jeremias  Moraes  da  Silva
            Carnival, but it also count-                                                                                        was  walking  home  after
            ed  on  the  help  of  9,000                                                                                        playing soccer on Tuesday
            members  of  the  country’s                                                                                         when  he  was  struck  by  a
            armed  forces.  Brazil’s  most                                                                                      stray  bullet  in  the  slum  of
            popular    Carnival   party                                                                                         Mare. He died shortly after
            starts  on  Friday  and  ends                                                                                       being  rushed to the hospi-
            Tuesday.                     Friends and family surround the gravesite of 13-year-old Jeremias Moraes da Silva, during a burial   tal. Also on Tuesday 3-year-
                                         ceremony at a cemetery, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Thursday, Feb. 8, 2018. Jeremias was walking
            Rio police spokesman Ivan    home after playing soccer Tuesday, when he was struck by a stray bullet during a police opera-  old Emily  Sofia  Neves Mar-
            Blaz said that this time, mili-  tion in the Mare slum. He died shortly after being rushed to the hospital.         riel was shot dead during a
            tary  presence  is  not  nec-                                                             (AP Photo/Silvia Izquierdo)  robbery in Rio’s north zone.
            essary.  “This  is  the  biggest                                                                                    On  Wednesday  a  stray
            increase  Rio  Carnival  has  Gov.  Pezao  also  promised  rise in state revenues.     crisis  like  this  in  Rio,”  the  bullet  wounded  4-year-
            seen in the number of po-    to  pay  policemen  more  Officers  have  said  police’s  governor said. “But now we  old  Joao  Pedro  Soares  da
            licemen  on  the  streets,  he  than $20 million in delayed  low morale was also stimu-  have the money to say we  Costa. According to Rio da
            said.  “That  figure  is  what  salaries  and  bring  back  a  lating  gangs  to  face  off,  can pay.”             Paz, a group that works to
            we need to give people a  bonus  program  that  was  which  could  affect  the  Rio’s security secretary Ro-        reduce  violence,  44  chil-
            safe Carnival without losing  downsized  due  to  the  city’s biggest party.           berto Sa said police face a  dren  have  been  killed  by
            presence in the most sensi-  state’s  financial  crisis.  He  “It is not easy to face what  war-like challenge from lo-  stray bullets in Rio de Janei-
            tive parts of the city.”     said the decision is due to a  we face with an economy  cal gangs. In the weeks be-    ro since 2007. q

            Uruguay will extend aid to ex-Guantanamo inmates for a year

            By L. HABERKORN              will also pay their rent and  and  Arabic,  and  a  fourth  al-Qaida   militants,   had  The most vocal of the men
            Associated Press             might  pay  so  they  can  is  selling  Middle  Eastern  been held for more than 12  has been Abu Wa’el Dhiab.
            MONTEVIDEO,        Uruguay  learn a trade, seek psycho-   food. The others are unem-   years in Guantanamo with-    For years, the Syrian native
            (AP)  —  Uruguay's  govern-  logical  therapy  and  study  ployed.                     out being charged.           was at the center of a legal
            ment  has  decided  to  ex-  Spanish. The aid's extension  "One of them took a course  When  the  U.S.  released  battle at Guantanamo be-
            tend  for  another  year  the  has been approved by the  to  learn  how  to  drive  a  them  because  they  were  cause of repeated hunger
            economic  aid  that  it  has  government and must now  backhoe and passed it, but  determined  to  no  longer  strikes  launched  to  protest
            given six former Guantana-   be signed by Uruguay's for-  he  didn't  get  a  job,"  Mirza  represent  a  threat,  they  his indefinite detention.
            mo Bay prisoners who reset-  eign minister.               told  the  Associated  Press.  were invited to Uruguay by  Dhiab  went  on  a  hunger
            tled in the country in 2014,  The  financial  support  was  "The  stigma  of  Guantana-  former  President  Jose  Mu-  strike in 2016 to demand he
            an official said Thursday.   expected  to  end  in  Janu-  mo is a very difficult wall to  jica as a humanitarian ges-  be  allowed  to  leave  Uru-
            The   government     liaison  ary  2018.  But  the  former  lift."                     ture.                        guay  and  join  his  family  in
            with  the  ex-Guantanamo  inmates  have  struggled  to  The  four  Syrians,  one  Tuni-  Despite  the  social  and  fi-  Turkey  or  in  another  coun-
            inmates,  Christian  Mirza,  adjust in Uruguay.           sian  and  one  Palestinian  nancial aid, the men have  try.  He  also  tried  to  travel
            said  they  will  receive  a  Mirza said that two of them  were released from Guan-    complained  that  the  gov-  to  Russia  in  2017  in  one  of
            minimum  salary  of  about  work at a low-paying park-    tanamo in December 2014  ernment  needs  to  help  at  least  four  attempts  to
            $450  until  January  2019.  ing garage.                  and  resettled  in  Montevi-  them  more  and  have  leave  the  South  American
            Mirza said the government  Another  teaches  English  deo.  The  men,  suspected  staged protests.                  country.q
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