Page 12 - aruba-today-20180209
P. 12
Friday 9 February 2018
Venezuela election could trigger deeper sanctions, exiles
By SCOTT SMITH U.S. Secretary of State Rex
CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) Tillerson, who just finished a
— The Venezuelan gov- tour of the region, said he
ernment's decision to plow was more favorable now to
ahead with early presiden- the idea of oil sanctions be-
tial elections over the ob- cause the situation in Ven-
jections of the opposition ezuela has steadily wors-
risks spurring more interna- ened.
tional sanctions and exac- The ultimate decision will
erbating an economic and be left to President Donald
social crisis driving increas- Trump, he said.
ing numbers of Venezue- In Washington, U.S. State
lans into exile, analysts said Department spokeswom-
Thursday. an Heather Nauert said in
Opposition politicians were a statement Thursday that
meeting the day after offi- the snap election date de-
cials announced the April nies the opposition its ability
22 vote, deciding whether to take part in the electoral
to challenge socialist Presi- process. “The Maduro re-
dent Nicolas Maduro in an gime continues to disman-
election that several for- tle Venezuela’s democracy
eign nations have already and reveals its authoritarian
vowed not to recognize — rule,” she said. “It is unfortu-
or to boycott it. Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro and first lady Cilia Flores raise their fists acknowledging nate the Maduro regime is
They accuse Maduro's gov- supporters during a rally marking the anniversary of the 1992 failed coup led by late President not courageous enough to
Hugo Chavez in Caracas, Venezuela.
ernment of rigging recent (AP Photo/Ariana Cubillos) contest elections on a level
elections and making a playing field.” Venezuela’s
fair race impossible, in part inclined to abandon their firm IHS Markit. "That could the opposition. Foreign Minister Jorge Ar-
by barring the most popu- native country than risk jail be a game changer." "If the government wasn't reaza railed against Tiller-
lar opposition parties and or death. Election officials loyal to afraid of a free election, son’s Latin America tour via
candidates. International The real pressure driving Maduro moved swiftly it would have no choice Twitter, saying it was aimed
condemnation of the snap change could come from Wednesday to set a date but to sign our document, at shoring up support
election has begun pour- the United States and pos- for the early presidential which is based on Venezu- among “ruling elites” in the
ing in. sibly European nations, election, acting just hours ela's laws," said Julio Borg- region against Venezuela.
Once among Latin Amer- targeting Venezuela's oil after a breakdown in talks es, opposition leader at the “Our sovereign democracy
ica's wealthiest countries, exports. Maduro's govern- between the government talks. The vote also might does not obey imperialist
oil-rich Venezuela is in a ment relies on that cash and opposition over how prompt the U.S. to follow pressures,” Arreaza said. “It
deepening crisis marked by flow the oil provides to to conduct the vote. through on a threat to cut obeys a free people.”
soaring inflation and food maintain power inside his Venezuela traditionally has off oil shipments from Ven- Meanwhile, the Interna-
shortages. government, especially held its presidential elec- ezuela, which is an OPEC tional Criminal Court an-
But analysts say massive military support. tions late in the year, and nation. While Venezuela nounced that it is opening
street protests are unlikely "When you run out of mon- the United States along has diversified its exports in preliminary probes into al-
to re-ignite because many ey, your friends become with several countries in recent years, it still depends leged crimes by police and
were frightened by the your enemies," said Diego Europe and Latin America heavily on shipments to the security forces in Venezu-
government's brutal re- Moya-Ocampos, a Ven- condemn the rushed vote, U.S., where several refiner- ela stemming from violent
sponse to unrest last year. ezuelan analyst with the saying it undercuts political ies are designed to handle clashes last year with pro-
They say people are more London-based consulting negotiations and is unfair to Venezuela's heavy crude. testers. q
Colombia tightens border control as Venezuela migrants surge
By CHRISTINE ARMARIO country illegally or remain border city officials have More than 2,000 additional granted to 1.5 million Ven-
Associated Press there without any official said they believe that num- military officers will be de- ezuelans to allow them
BOGOTA, Colombia (AP) status. ber is higher. ployed to control the hun- short visits to purchase food
— Colombia will tighten "Colombia has never lived The unprecedented migra- dreds of dirt-road crossings and medicine. All Venezu-
control of over its porous a situation like the one we tion wave is putting strains known as "trochas" that elans inside the country will
border with Venezuela as are encountering today," on Colombia at a delicate dot Colombia's 1,370-mile also be required to present
thousands of migrants flee- Santos said. time in its history. The na- (2,200-kilometer) border themselves to officials and
ing a rapidly deteriorating Migration into Colombia tion is crawling out of a with Venezuela. A new enroll in a registry.
political and economic cri- has surged as Venezuelan five-decade-long armed migration patrol unit will Santos said Colombia
sis escape into the neigh- President Nicolas Maduro conflict following the sign- also police public spaces wants to extend its solidar-
boring Andean nation. has moved to consoli- ing of a peace deal with where Venezuelan arrivals ity to needy Venezuelans
In a visit to a border city date his rule and the na- leftist rebels in 2016. Many congregate, provide them and will open a migrant
at the epicenter of Co- tion's economy plummets. of the Venezuelans are ar- orientation and to control center capable of provid-
lombia's mounting migra- Colombia migration au- riving illegally and in need ills like prostitution that have ing aid to an estimated
tion crisis, President Juan thorities say there are an of medical attention. surfaced in the migration 2,000 people in the near
Manuel Santos on Thursday estimated 600,000 Venezu- "This is a tragedy," Santos wave's wake. future. But he also stressed
announced new measures elans currently in Colombia said. "And I want to reiter- Migration authorities will that migration from Ven-
that could make it more — double the number six ate to President Maduro: no longer issue tempo- ezuela to Colombia needs
difficult for Venezuelan months ago. Venezuela ex- This is the result of your poli- rary border crossing cards, to be conducted in a safe
migrants to cross into the ile associations and some cies." which have already been and legal manner.q