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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Wednesday 21 OctOber 2020
            McConnell warns White House against COVID relief deal

            By ANDREW TAYLOR                                                                                                    every  Republican  agrees,"
            Associated Press                                                                                                    Trump said Tuesday on Fox
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  Sen-                                                                                           News. "But they will."
            ate  Majority  Leader  Mitch                                                                                        But   Republicans    have
            McConnell on Tuesday told                                                                                           spent months talking about
            fellow  Republicans  that                                                                                           a smaller aid package and
            he  has  warned  the  White                                                                                         the top GOP vote-counter,
            House not to divide Repub-                                                                                          Sen. John Thune, said Mon-
            licans by sealing a lopsided                                                                                        day that "it would be hard"
            pre-election  COVID-19  re-                                                                                         to  find  the  necessary  Re-
            lief deal with House Speak-                                                                                         publican  support  for  pas-
            er Nancy Pelosi — even as                                                                                           sage  of  any  agreement  in
            he  publicly  said  he'd  slate                                                                                     that range.
            any such agreement for a                                                                                            McConnell,  meanwhile,  is
            vote.                                                                                                               pushing  ahead  with  votes
            McConnell  made  his  re-                                                                                           this week on GOP measures
            marks  during  a  private                                                                                           that  stand  little  chance  of
            lunch  with  fellow  Repub-                                                                                         advancing.  On  Tuesday,
            licans  on  Tuesday,  three                                                                                         the GOP-held chamber will
            people  familiar  with  his  re-                                                                                    go on record in favor of an-
            marks said, requesting ano-                                                                                         other round of payroll sub-
            nymity because the session                                                                                          sidies for businesses such as
            was private.                                                                                                        restaurants and hotels that
            The  Kentucky  Republican    In this May 22, 2020, file photo the Dome of the U.S. Capitol Building is visible through heavy fog   are  having  particular  diffi-
            appears  worried  that  an   in Washington.                                                        Associated Press  culty during the pandemic.
            agreement  between  Pe-                                                                                             But  while  the  vote  would
            losi  and  Treasury  Secretary  The  contours  of  a  poten-  they  remain  at  odds  over  to exchange their best pro-  put  the  Senate  on  record
            Steven    Mnuchin    would  tial  deal  are  taking  shape  refundable  tax  credits  for  posals  on  a  host  of  unre-  as  supportive  of  the  idea,
            drive  a  wedge  between  behind the scenes even as  the working poor and fami-        solved  issues,  not  to  close  it's  not  aimed  at  advanc-
            Republicans,  forcing  them  President  Donald  Trump's  lies with children, the size of  out  all  of  their  disagree-  ing  the  measure  through
            to choose whether to sup-    GOP  allies  are  recoiling  at  a  Democratic-sought  aid  ments or have final legisla-  time-consuming  procedur-
            port  a  Pelosi-blessed  deal  the  administration's  toler-  package  for  state  and  lo-  tive language at hand.  al steps that could interfere
            with  Trump  that  would  ance for a $2 trillion pack-    cal governments, and a li-   "Let's  see  where  we  are,"  with a floor schedule domi-
            violate  conservative  posi-  age.                        ability  shield  for  businesses  Pelosi  said  Tuesday.  "We  nated by the nomination of
            tions  they've  stuck  with  for  McConnell  said  if  such  a  and  other  organizations  all  want  to  get  an  agree-  Amy  Coney  Barrett  to  the
            months.                      bill  passed  the  Democrat-  against  lawsuits  over  their  ment."                   Supreme Court.
            Many Republicans say they  ic-controlled  House  with  COVID preparations.             Aides familiar with the talks  On  Wednesday,  Trump's
            can't vote for another huge  Trump's blessing "we would  The  Pelosi-Mnuchin  talks  say the price tag for a po-    GOP  allies  in  the  Senate
            Pelosi-brokered     agree-   put  it  on  the  floor  of  the  also involve pandemic job-  tential Pelosi-Mnuchin deal  are  slated  to  support  a
            ment.                        Senate."  Those  public  re-  less  aid,  a  second  round  is inching close to $2 trillion.  revote  on  a  virus  proposal
            McConnell's  move  damp-     marks  came  after  the  pri-  of $1,200 direct payments,  Senate Republicans are re-  with  a  net  cost  of  about
            ens  even  further  any  po-  vate session with fellow Re-  and  money  for  schools,  coiling  at  both  the  size  of  $500 billion, though it does
            tential  for  an  agreement  publicans.                   testing and vaccines.        the  measure  and  Pelosi's  not  include  the  $1,200  di-
            and  comes  as  Pelosi  and  Pelosi  and  Mnuchin  spoke  Pelosi  had  said  Tuesday  demands,  even  as  Trump  rect  payments  that  are  so
            Mnuchin have arrived at a  again  Tuesday  amid  signs  was  a  deadline  day,  but  is beating the drums for an  important to Trump. But the
            critical  phase  of  their  talks  that  they  are  continuing  clarified in an interview with  agreement.          Senate  GOP  bill  has  failed
            if  any  relief  is  going  to  be  to narrow their differences.  Bloomberg  News  that  the  "I want to do it even bigger  once  before,  and  Trump
            enacted  by  Election  Day.  Pelosi  said  Tuesday  that  aim is to spur the two sides  than  the  Democrats.  Not  himself says it's too puny.q
            CDC: ‘Strong recommendation’ but no rule for masks on planes

            By The Associated Press un-  and continues to lead to --  The  new  guidance  issued
            defined                      interstate and international  Monday    includes   more
            The government's top pub-    spread  of  the  virus,"  the  specific advice for travelers
            lic health agency is raising  CDC  said  in  a  statement.  than  CDC  has  previously
            the  importance  of  wear-   "Local   transmission   can  given.  The  agency  said  it
            ing  face  masks  on  planes,  grow quickly into interstate  was  offering  the  new  rec-
            trains  and  buses,  although  and  international  transmis-  ommendations  to  support
            the  Trump  administration  sion when infected persons  state  and  local  health  of-
            has  resisted  making  masks  travel  on  public  convey-  ficials  and  transportation
            mandatory for travelers.     ances  without  wearing  a  operators  who  have  im-
            The  Centers  for  Disease  mask  and with others who  posed their own mask rules.
            Control  and  Prevention  is-  are not wearing masks."    Travelers are often in close
            sued new interim guidelines  The CDC said its advice on  contact  with  others  peo-
            for  travelers,  including  a  masks  should  be  followed  ple,  sometimes  for  several
            "strong  recommendation"  by  passengers  and  work-      hours,  raising  the  risk  of
            to  wear  face  coverings  ers on planes, ferries, trains,  contracting  or  spreading   In this Oct. 15, 2020, file photo, passenger Cari Driggs, right, from
            to  slow  the  spread  of  CO-  subways,  buses,  taxis  and  the virus that causes COV-  Provo, Utah, waits to board a United Airlines flight to Hawaii for
            VID-19.                      ride-sharing  vehicles,  in-  ID-19. Masks are necessary   vacation at San Francisco International Airport in San Francisco.
            "Transmission  of  the  virus  cluding  in  airports  and  at  because  travelers  might                                        Associated Press
            through travel has led to --  subway and bus stations.    not be able to keep six feet  apart from others on planes  and buses, CDC said.q
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