Page 14 - HOH OCT 21 2020_Neat
P. 14
Wednesday 21 OctOber 2020 LOCAL
DCNA’s Achievements September 2019-2020
and experience, DCNA is tions from the Netherlands,
able to strengthen the net- local stakeholders and
work and support conser- youth nature ambassadors
vation initiatives through- in closer collaboration.
out the Dutch Caribbean. Other activities included
The DCNA also aims to pro- supporting nature educa-
vide the parks throughout tion, development of im-
the region with a sustain- portant policy documents,
able funding future. management letters and
This has been a challeng- science communication
ing year not only for the and outreach.
DCNA but for all of the Pro- The booklets were spe-
tected Area Management cially developed for all
Organizations which form those interested in nature
a part of our network. De- conservation in the Dutch
spite this, DCNA has been Caribbean and our part-
working hard to ensure that ners locally and abroad,
they are able to continue such as the Dutch Post-
the support provided to the code Lottery, Worldwide
Protected Area Manage- Fund for Nature the Nether-
ment Organizations to en- lands (WWF-NL), Vogelbes-
sure that their critical work cherming Nederland, IUCN
of safeguarding nature in National Committee of the
the Dutch Caribbean con- Netherlands, Rabobank
tinues. and Ministry of Agriculture,
It has been a busy year at Nature and Food Quality.
the DCNA, starting with the The first copy of the update
KRALENDIJK, BONAIRE — safeguarding nature in the promote the sustainable opening of DCNA’s new was sent to the DCNA Pa-
The Dutch Caribbean Na- Dutch Caribbean. management of the natu- Secretariat Headquarters troness, HRH Princess Bea-
ture Alliance (DCNA) just ral resources of the islands in September 2019 until the trix, who is very interested
released an informative The DCNA is a non-profit both on land and in the work they are now execut- in Dutch Caribbean nature
booklet about DCNA’s foundation and regional water for the benefit of ing helping the Parks re- conservation.
achievements during the network created to sup- present and future genera- spond to the current global
last year. The challenges port and assist Protected tions. COVID-19 crises. A lot has Read more about DCNA’s
nature in Dutch Carib- Area Management Orga- The DCNA works with dedi- happened including a suc- achievements 2019-2020:
bean faces are immense, nizations on the six Dutch cated nature conservation cessful convention, bring-
but together as a network, Caribbean islands Aruba, organizations on Aruba, Bo- ing the Protected Area nature/docs/dcna-achie
DCNA’s six member Pro- Bonaire, Curaçao, Saba, naire, Curaçao, Saba, St. Management Organiza- vements?fbclid=IwAR1x9n
tected Area Management St. Maarten en St. Eusta- Eustatius and St. Maarten. tions from the six islands, PDNaV3e1OTxQBA641o_-
Organizations are stronger tius. The DCNA aims to By creating a united voice leading nature organiza- I7RYnIuvPTcQKLbJmdR1Zb-
in their common goal of safeguard biodiversity and and sharing resources, skills tions and scientific institu- P22V9ejco1U. q
Covid-19 in Aruba
ORANJESTAD — After being was allowed to go to the daily. Due to this and espe- and family parties in groups which 17.096 were persons
completely shut down for supermarkets. There was a cially to protect our visitors of 4 people or more. tested at the airport. The
3.5 months due to the Cov- shelter in place during the the Government of Aruba ● Masks are now number of deaths related
id-19 pandemic, Aruba was day, a curfew at night and together with the depart- mandatory in all locations to COVID-19 is now 34 (all
ready to reopen its border many other precautions ment of Public Health had (interior) and also on public residents). Sincere condo-
for international visitors on were taken with the sole to implement strict rules transport.. lences to the family of the
July 1st. Firstly, the borders purpose of the safety and and protocols again. ● Visits and admis- deceased. There are cur-
were opened to the Carib- well-being of our residents. These are the decisions tak- sions to elderly care homes rently 13 persons hospital-
bean (with the exception Aruba managed to flatten en by the Government of are prohibited. ized, of whom 2 are in in-
of Dominican Republic and the curve and also to beat Aruba up till today: ● Indoor and outdoor tensive care.
Haiti), Europe, and Canada the Covid-19 pandemic ● A Curfew from contact sports must stop.
and since July 15th, tourists fast. 12:00 am to 5:00 am until Advice for travelers
from the United States and further notice has been an- Latest update on cases- Prior to travel, visitors should
Canada were welcomed. A month after opening the nounced. October 20, 2020 download the Aruba De-
What a joy it was to see border we had the first ac- ● Restaurants need 21 new cases of COVID-19 partment of Public Health’s
the first flight land and the tive Covid-19 cases regis- to be closed at 11:00 pm. reported and 25 persons re- Aruba Health App. A mo-
first tourist touching Aruba’s tered, which marked the ● Tables in restaurants covered. The total number bile resource for informa-
ground after such a long start of the 2nd wave of cannot seat more than 4 of active COVID-19 coro- tion on COVID-19 health
time. the pandemic. We were people, excluding children navirus cases is 256 (249 procedures in Aruba, facili-
all conscious that we might under 12 years of age. residents and 7 visitors). The tation of the airport health
During the shutdown rules get affected by the vi- ● Bars (counter) at lo- total cases to date is 4.355 screening, and faster re-
and restrictions were imple- rus once again, but we cations cannot service, as (4.294 residents and 61 visi- sults for Molecular PCR CO-
mented to flatten the curve weren’t prepared for the there cannot be chairs at tors). The total recovered is VID-19 tests taken in Aruba.
as soon as possible. Schools strength in which this virus the bar to sit down. 4.065 (4.011 residents and More information on travel
were closed, bar and res- would manifest itself in the ● Avoid large gather- 54 visitors). The number of and health requirements
taurants had to close too, 2nd wave. Total cases were ings at the workplace. persons tested, including can be found on www.aru-
only one person per family increasing at a high speed ● Avoid visiting family visitors, is now 36.975 of