Page 18 - HOH OCT 21 2020_Neat
P. 18
A28 u.s. news
Diaranson 21 october 2020
Tribes make new move to shut down Dakota Access Pipeline
they're asking the judge to cole Ducheneaux wrote in a filed by the tribes, ordered
clarify his earlier ruling to Friday filing. an extensive environmental
satisfy the appellate judges study last spring because he
and then to again order the Tribes fear a spill into the felt previous, less-extensive
line to cease operations, the Missouri River just north of environmental analysis by
Bismarck Tribune reported. the Standing Rock Reserva- the Corps left lingering ques-
The tribes argue that poten- tion would pollute their wa- tions.
tial harm to their water sup- ter supply. Pipeline opera-
ply outweighs any economic tor Energy Transfer and the Boasberg in July revoked the
impacts of shutting down the Army Corps of Engineers easement that allows for the
line, which has been moving both maintain the pipeline river crossing and ordered
North Dakota oil to Illinois is safe. Prolonged protests in the pipeline shut down until
for more than three years. 2016 and 2017 drew thou- its environmental soundness
sands of people to camps near was proven. A federal appeals
"The Tribes are irreparably the river crossing and result- court allowed oil to keep
harmed by the ongoing oper- ed in hundreds of arrests. flowing, however, ruling that
ation of the pipeline, through Boasberg hadn't justified a
the exposure to catastrophic U.S. Department of Jus- shutdown. That same appeals
risk, through the ongoing tice spokeswoman Danielle court is now determining
BISMARCK, N.D. (AP) trauma of the government's Nichols declined to com- whether to uphold his deci-
— Native American tribes The Standing Rock Sioux refusal to comply with the ment Monday on the tribes' sion regarding the study.
opposed to the Dakota Ac- and other tribes succeeded law, and through undermin- filing. The Corps and Energy
cess Pipeline once again on their first attempt, only ing the Tribes' sovereign Transfer have until Nov. 20 Tribes are asking Boasberg to
have asked a federal judge to have an appeals court governmental role to protect to file a formal response. issue an injunction to shut
to stop the flow of oil overturn U.S. District Judge their members and respond down the pipeline while the
while the legal battle over James Boasberg's shutdown to potential disasters," attor- Boasberg, who is oversee- legal fight plays out.
the line's future plays out. order earlier this year. Now, neys Jan Hasselman and Ni- ing the four-year-old lawsuit
10 residents dead amid virus outbreak at Kansas nursing home
(AP) — A coronavirus March. Two other northwest Kan- not been on hospital grounds officials celebrated the open-
outbreak has killed 10 res- sas counties, Sheridan and for several weeks. The de- ing of a new laboratory that
idents in a nursing home But northwestern Kansas has Gove, also were among the partment did not identify the can run 32,000 coronavirus
in a northwestern Kansas been hit hard by coronavirus top 20 counties in the nation staffer. testing specimens a week.
county that proportional- in recent weeks, and Norton for the largest proportional Kansas has averaged about
ly already had the nation's County had the largest num- increases in cases for the two In Olathe in the Kansas City 29,000 tests a week over the
largest increase in cases ber of new cases per 100,000 weeks ending Sunday, based area, a middle school class- past month, according to data
over two weeks. residents of any county in the on Johns Hopkins data. room assistant died from from the state health depart-
U.S. for the two weeks end- COVID-19-related com- ment.
The health department in ing Sunday, according to data The state health department plications, KCTV report-
Norton County reported collected by Johns Hopkins reported Monday that Kan- ed. Mission Trail Middle Kelly said the high-capacity
Monday night that all 62 University. sas had 2,113 new confirmed School's principal said in lab will help the state identify
residents and an unspecified and probable coronavirus an email to parents that the coronavirus hot spots so that
number of employees at the The Kansas health depart- cases since Friday, an increase staffer had been sick for sev- its residents can avoid them.
Andbe Home in Norton had ment said that cases in Nor- of 3% that brought the pan- eral weeks and had not been "We can help provide cer-
tested positive for the novel ton County rose from 46 two demic total to 72,968. The in the building since Sept. 24. tainty that our schools and
coronavirus. The agency also weeks ago to 340 as of Mon- department also reported 13 our businesses can stay open
said one Andbe Home resi- day in Norton County. With additional COVID-19-relat- Meanwhile, Gov. Laura Kelly safely," Kelly said in a state-
dent was hospitalized, while about 5,400 residents, that ed deaths, bringing the total and Wichita State University ment.
the remaining 51 were being was an increase of 5,484 cases to 872 before the nursing
treated at the home. per 100,000 residents, ac- home deaths in Norton were
cording to the state's figures. reported.
"Steps are being taken to pre-
vent any further outbreak, But the state released its re- Kansas had an average of 729
including quarantining resi- port before Norton County new cases a day for the seven
dents in their rooms and not officials confirmed that all days ending Monday after
allowing outside visitors into Andbe Home residents had first exceeding 700 cases a
the facility," the county health tested positive for coronavi- day for the seven days ending
department said in a state- rus and before local officials Oct. 12. The record is 743
ment Monday evening. reported 10 deaths at the cases for the seven days end-
home. ing Wednesday.
The outbreak at the nursing
home came after the state The 15 counties in the state's The state on Monday also
Department of Health and northwest corner together reported its first COVID-19-
Environment last week re- had 987 new coronavirus cas- related staff death at one of its
ported more than 100 cases at es during the past two weeks, four hospitals for the mental-
the state's prison in Norton an increase of nearly 49%, to ly ill or the developmentally
over the two weeks ending bring the total to 3,024, ac- disabled.
Wednesday. cording to state health de-
partment data. With 80,000 The Department for Ag-
Kansas is seeing an average people living in the region, ing and Disability Services,
of more than 700 new con- the increase was 1,226 cases which oversees the hospitals,
firmed and probable coro- for every 100,000 residents, said an employee at the state's
navirus cases a day, its largest more than three times the mental hospital in Larned in
numbers since the pandemic state's figure. southwestern Kansas died last
reached the state in early week but said the staffer had