Page 19 - HOH OCT 21 2020_Neat
P. 19

                                                                                         world news Diaranson 21 october 2020

                           Iran breaks its record for most new virus cases in one day

             (AP) — Iran on Tuesday  Iran, which emerged early on  official  tolls  are  widely  con-
            reported its highest single-  as  an  epicenter  of  the  virus,  sidered to understate the true
            day  toll  of  new  coronavi-  has  seen  its  worst  wave  of  dimensions  of  the  outbreak
            rus cases since the start of  deaths from the illness in re-  among medical staff and na-
            the  pandemic  with  more  cent weeks. Monday’s death  tionwide.
            than 5,000 new infections,  toll  shattered  its  previous
            as the country struggles to  single-day record, prompting  The increase comes after Ira-
            cope with a surge in trans-  state news outlets to declare it  nians packed cafes and restau-
            mission.                     a “black day.”               rants at vacation spots during
                                                                      recent national holidays, and
            Iran’s  health  ministry  also  Hospitals in the hard-hit cap-  after  schools  reopened  for
            reported that 322 people had  ital  of  Tehran  are  overflow-  in-person  instruction  last
            died from the virus, pushing  ing.  Last  week,  health  offi-  month.
            the  death  toll  over  31,000.  cials announced that the city
            The  new  infection  count  had run out of intensive care  The  government  has  resist-
            Tuesday  eclipsed  the  previ-  beds for virus patients.  ed a total lockdown because
            ous high of 4,830 last week,                              it  does  not  want  to  further
            shining a light on the nation’s  In  a  grim  reminder  of  out-  weaken  an  economy  already
            floundering efforts to combat  break's heavy toll on medical  devastated by unprecedented
            the virus.                   workers,  Hamidreza  Azizi,  U.S.  sanctions.  The  Trump
                                         deputy  head  of  Iran’s  nurs-  administration   re-imposed
            Health  minister  Saeed  Na-  es'  organization,  announced  economic  sanctions  on  Iran
            maki made a dramatic appeal  Tuesday  that  31,000  nurses  after  withdrawing  in  2018
            for  people  to  follow  health  have  been  infected  with  the  from Tehran’s nuclear accord
            guidance  measures,  saying  coronavirus  in  the  country,  with world powers.
            that without public help, “the  with 6,000 currently sick and                          Police have deployed to fine  ed  on  state-run  media  but
            pandemic  in  this  country  staying home from work and  With the death toll skyrock-  those caught without a mask,  frequently forgotten on Teh-
            will  not  get  better  and  we'll  54  confirmed  dead,  accord-  eting,  authorities  are  now  but  enforcement  remains  a  ran's bustling streets.
            have  to  collect  the  bodies,"  ing to state-run IRNA news  starting  to  impose  more  re-  challenge  in  the  sprawling
            the semi-official ISNA news  agency.                      strictions.  The  government  city  of  10  million.  Months  “We  asked  for  fines  to  be
            agency reported.                                          closed  museums,  libraries,  into  the  pandemic,  fatigue  collected  from  anyone  who
                                         He  said  the  organization  beauty  salons,  schools  and  and frustration have set in.  doesn't wear a mask, but go
            “People,  be  aware,  I,  as  the  would  deploy  over  7,600  universities in Tehran earlier  Namaki, the health minister,  and find out how many peo-
            health  minister,  cannot  fix  more  nurses  to  compensate  this  month,  and  imposed  a  criticized authorities Tuesday  ple were fined," he said. “We
            this  epidemic  and  the  situa-  for dire staff shortages across  mask mandate outdoors.  for failing to implement new  said close roads, and yet how
            tion alone," he said.        the country's hospitals. Such                             anti-virus measures, promot-  many did they close?"

                         Thai Cabinet approves Parliament session to debate protests

             (AP) — Thailand’s Cabinet on Tuesday ap-       The government has sought to weaken the protest-
            proved  a  request  to  recall  Parliament  for  a  ers’ resolve over the past week by arresting their  Constitutional changes require a joint vote of the
            special session to deal with the political pres-  leaders, declaring a state of emergency for Bangkok  House and the Senate, but it was clear that the pro-
            sures from ongoing anti-government protests.  that makes all rallies illegal, and trying to physically  posals lacked enough support in the Senate, whose
            The Cabinet at its weekly meeting approved  impede their gatherings, including by closing mass  members  are  not  elected  and  are  generally  very
            the request, which calls for a non-voting ses-  transit stations.                               conservative and hostile to the protesters.
            sion on Oct. 26-27.
                                                            However, when riot police backed by water can-  Police announced Monday that they were seeking
            The  request  for  the  session  came  from  House  nons were sent in to break up a rally in Bangkok on  to  impose  censorship  on  media  reporting  of  the
            Speaker  Chuan  Leekpai,  who  said  Monday  that  Friday, it drew widespread criticism for the use of  protests,  citing  what  they  called  “distorted  infor-
            both government and opposition parties supported  force and failed to discourage the protesters, who  mation” that could cause unrest and confusion in
            it. Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha had already  have continued to gather in large numbers every  society.
            said earlier that he supports the move.         day. Protests have also spread to other provinces.
                                                                                                            They said they sought to block access to the on-
            There is a deadlock between the government and  Tuesday marked the seventh straight day of pro-  line sites of four Thai news organizations and one
            the  student-led  protesters,  who  want  Prayuth  to  tests, though they were much smaller in scale than  activist  group  that  broadcast  live  coverage  of  the
            step down, the constitution to be amended to make  previous rallies, with organizers telling supporters  protests. They also proposed a ban on over-the-air
            it more democratic, and reforms to the monarchy  on social media that it was a rest day. Small groups  digital television coverage of one broadcaster, Voice
            to have it conform to democratic norms.         of demonstrators gathered in at least five locations  TV.
                                                            in the Bangkok area.
            The protesters charge that Prayuth, an army com-  Two  detained  top  protest  leaders  were  released  Phuchphong Nodthaisong, a senior official from
            mander  who  led  a  2014  coup,  was  returned  to  Tuesday, but were immediately rearrested on other  the Ministry of Digital Economy and Society, an-
            power  unfairly  in  last  year’s  general  election  be-  charges, said their lawyer, Noraseth Nanongtoom.  nounced Tuesday that a court, at the government's
            cause laws had been changed to favor a pro-mili-  He said they would seek their release on bail when  behest, had ordered that Voice TV stop broadcasting
            tary party. The protesters say a constitution written  they are brought to court on Wednesday.  on all platforms. The company, which was founded
            and passed under military rule is undemocratic.                                                 by the son of former Prime Minister Thaksin Shi-
                                                            The two, Panusaya “Rung” Sithijirawattanakul and  nawatra, who was ousted in a 2006 military coup,
            But their more recent demand for checks and bal-  Parit “Penguin” Chiwarak, were initially taken into  has been sympathetic to the protest movement in
            ances  on  the  monarchy  has  deeply  angered  con-  custody during an attempted overnight rally out-  its coverage.
            servative Thais — and broken a taboo, since the  side  the  prime  minister’s  offices  on  the  night  of
            monarchy is considered sacrosanct and tough laws  Oct. 14.                                      The government also said it would try to block use
            protecting it from insult mean its role is not usu-  Parliament in September made its first attempt at  of the Telegram messaging app by protest groups,
            ally discussed openly. It has also raised the risk of  dealing with one of the protesters' demands when  who  announced  Sunday  that  they  would  use  it
            confrontation in a country where calls for political  it was scheduled to vote on six proposed constitu-  for organizing because they feared they might be
            change have a history of being met with military  tional amendments. But the vote was canceled at  blocked  on  other  platforms,  such  as  Facebook.
            intervention or even violence.                  the last minute as Parliament voted instead to set  Telegram channels of the protest groups were still
                                                            up a committee to further consider such proposals.  accessible on Tuesday.
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