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Diamars 23 di Juni 2020 Email: Tel: 582-7800 Fax: 582-7044 1,75 Florin
• Aruba lo traha cu
‘Nota di reforma hospital Corsou y
no ta skirbi den Sint Maarten
Pagina 3
piedra’ • No tin un fondo
di pension
pa Ministro y
Pagina 4
• Corte Penal
avanzando cu
caso contra
Pagina 2 Pagina 7
June 23, 2020
T: 582-7800 Inclusive Education
A Page 31/32
Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper ruba’s ONLY English newspaper
Surging U.S. virus cases raise fear that progress is slipping
By TAMARA LUSH, NATHAN in Florida, hospitalizations
ELLGREN and TAMMY WEB- are rising dramatically in
BER Houston, and a startling 1 in
ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. (AP) — 5 of those tested in Arizona
Alarming surges in corona- are proving to be infected.
virus cases across the South Over the weekend, the
and West raised fears Mon- virus seemed to be eve-
day that the outbreak is rywhere at once: Six staff
spiraling out of control and members helping set up for
that hard-won progress President Donald Trump’s
against the scourge is slip- rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma,
ping away because of resi- tested positive, as did 23
stance among many Ame- Clemson University foot-
ricans to wearing masks ball players in South Caro-
and keeping their distance lina. At least 30 members
from others. of the Louisiana State Uni-
Confirming predictions that versity team were isolated
the easing of state lock- after becoming infected or
downs over the past month coming into contact with
and a half could lead to someone who was. Meat- In this June 11, 2020, file photo workers on scaffolding lay blocks on one of the larger buildings at
a comeback by the virus, packing plants were also a development site where various residential units and commercial sites are under construction in
cases surpassed 100,000 hit with outbreaks. Cranberry Township, Butler County, Pa.
Continued on Page 25 Associated Press