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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Tuesday 23 June 2020
            Continued from Front         three months of shutdowns
            "It  is  snowballing.  We  will  that  have  damaged  the
            most  certainly  see  more  economy.
            people  die  as  a  result  of  In Louisiana, however, Gov.
            this  spike,"  said  Dr.  Marc  John  Bel  Edwards  extend-
            Boom,  CEO  and  president  ed  restrictions  on  business-
            of  Houston  Methodist  Hos-  es  because  of  a  troubling
            pital, noting that the num-  uptick  in  cases,  following
            ber  of  COVID-19  hospital  the  example  set  by  Utah
            admissions has tripled since  and Oregon last week. Lou-
            Memorial Day to more than  isiana  has  recorded  more
            1,400  across  eight  hospital  than 3,000 deaths.
            systems in the Houston met-  "There  are  a  lot  of  people
            ropolitan area.              out  there  saying  they  are
            He  predicted  that  in  three  done  with  this  virus.  Well,
            weeks  hospitals  could  be  the virus isn't done with us,"
            overwhelmed,     and    he  Edwards said.
            pleaded  with  people  to  Countries such as Brazil, In-
            cover their faces and prac-  dia  and  Pakistan  are  also
            tice social distancing.      seeing surging cases.
            "It  is  possible  to  open  up  Dr. Michael Ryan, the World
            at  a  judicious  pace  and  Health Organization's emer-
            coexist  with  the  virus,  but  gencies chief, said that the
            it  requires  millions  and  mil-  outbreak  is  "definitely  ac-
            lions  of  people  to  do  the  celerating"  in  the  U.S.  and
            right  thing.  Right  now,  we  a  number  of  other  coun-  In this May 28, 2020, file photo, patrons enjoy drinks while standing at tables placed outside res-
            don't  have  that"  because  tries,  dismissing  the  notion   taurants in New York.
            people have let their guard  that the record daily levels                                                                       Associated Press
            down, Boom said.             of new cases simply reflect
            Texas  is  among  a  number  more testing. He noted that  ic going."                   Dubai-based  World  Gov-     est  single-day  count.  And
            of states — including Arizo-  numerous  countries  have  Meanwhile, New York City,  ernment Summit that it took  nearly 1 in 3 people tested
            na,  Alabama,  Florida  and  seen  marked  increases  in  once  the  most  lethal  hot  over  three  months  for  the  overall  have  turned  up
            South  Carolina  —  whose  hospital  admissions  and  spot in the U.S., lifted more  world to see 1 million con-    positive,  according  to  the
            governors  have  resisted  deaths.                        of  its  restrictions,  moving  a  firmed  infections,  but  just  WHO's Ryan, who said that
            statewide  mask  require-    "The epidemic is now peak-   big  step  closer  to  normal.  eight days to see the most  the startlingly high number
            ments,  leaving  the  matter  ing  or  moving  towards  a  Restaurants  can  serve  din-  recent 1 million cases.   suggests  cases  are  going
            to local authorities.        peak in a number of large  ers  outdoors,  customers  Tedros  did  not  mention  either unreported or unde-
            The number of newly con-     countries," he warned.       can browse through stores  Trump by name or his deter-    tected  because  of  a  low
            firmed  coronavirus  cases  In the U.S., Arizona, in par-  and  get  a  haircut,  and  mination to pull the United  rate of testing.
            across  the  country  per  ticular,  is  seeing  disturbing  children can return to play-  States out of the U.N. health  Saudi Arabia said this year's
            day  has  reached  more  trends  in  several  bench-      grounds.                     agency  but  warned:  "The  pilgrimage,  or  hajj,  to  Is-
            than 26,000, up from about  marks,  including  the  per-  Eve  Gonzalez,  a  27-year-  greatest  threat  we  face  lam's  holy  sites  will  not  be
            21,000  two  weeks  ago,  centage of tests that prove  old food industry worker in  now is not the virus itself; it's  canceled,  but  only  "very
            according  to  an  Associ-   positive  for  the  virus.  Ari-  New  York  whose  job  had  the lack of global solidarity  limited numbers" of people
            ated Press analysis of data  zona's  is  the  highest  in  the  not  yet  resumed,  said  it  is  and global leadership." He  will be allowed to take part.
            compiled  by  Johns  Hop-    nation.                      too  soon:  "I'm  dying  to  go  added, "We cannot defeat  The  hajj  traditionally  draws
            kins University. Over 120,000  The state's positive test rate  out,  but  people's  health  is  this pandemic with a divid-  around  2  million  Muslims
            deaths  in  the  U.S.  have  is at a seven-day average  more important."               ed world."                   from  around  the  world  for
            been blamed on the virus,  of over 20%, well above the  In  Illinois,  museums,  gyms  Trump  has  criticized  the  five intense days of worship
            the highest death toll in the  national  average  of  8.4%  and  zoos  can  reopen  on  WHO over its early response  and rituals in Mecca.
            world.                       and the 10% level that pub-  Friday  with  restrictions.  In-  to  the  outbreak  and  what  India's  health  care  system
            In Orlando, 152 coronavirus  lic  health  officials  say  is  a  door dining can resume at  he  considers  its  excessive  has  been  slammed  by
            cases  were  linked  to  one  problem. When the positive  25%  capacity,  and  some  praise of China, where the  the  virus.  The  caseload  in
            bar  near  the  University  of  test rate rises, it means that  places, such as the Lincoln  outbreak  began,  though  the  impoverished  coun-
            Central  Florida  campus,  an outbreak is worsening —  Park Zoo, will require reser-   his  own  administration's  try  of  more  than  1.3  billion
            said  Dr.  Raul  Pino,  a  state  not  just  that  more  people  vations.              handing of the crisis in the  people  climbed  by  nearly
            health  officer  in  the  resort  are getting tested.     Worldwide,  9  million  peo-  U.S.  has  come  under  at-  15,000  Monday  to  over
            city.                        At Maryland's Fort Washing-  ple  have  been  confirmed  tack.  Trump  has  threat-    425,000,  with  more  than
            "A  lot  of  transmission  hap-  ton Medical Center on the  infected  by  the  virus  and  ened to cut off U.S. funding  13,000 deaths.
            pened  there,"  Pino  said.  outskirts of the nation's cap-  about  470,000  have  died,  for the WHO.              After  easing  a  nationwide
            "People  are  very  close.  ital,  workers  described  a  according  to  Johns  Hop-   Companies  around  the  lockdown,  the  Indian  gov-
            People  are  not  wearing  scramble to find new beds,  kins, though experts say the  world  are  racing  to  find  a  ernment  in  recent  weeks
            masks. People are drinking,  heartbreaking  encounters  actual  numbers  are  much  vaccine, and there is fierce  ran  special  trains  to  return
            shouting,  dancing,  sweat-  with family members of crit-  higher  because  of  limited  debate over how to make  thousands of migrant work-
            ing,  kissing  and  hugging,  ically  ill  patients  and  their  testing and cases in which  sure  it  is  distributed  fairly.  ers to their home villages.
            all  the  things  that  happen  frustration  with  Americans  patients had no symptoms.  WHO's  special  envoy  on  In  Pakistan,  infections  are
            in bars. And all those things  who  do  not  believe  the  Amid the global surge, the  COVID-19,  Dr.  David  Na-   accelerating and hospitals
            that happen are not good  coronavirus threat is real.     head of WHO warned that  barro, said he believes it will  are  having  to  turn  away
            for COVID-19."               "Everybody  is  out  loung-  world leaders must not po-   be  "2  1/2  years  until  there  patients,  with  new  cases
            Although  he  asked  health  ing  on  the  beaches.  Just  liticize  the  outbreak  but  will  be  vaccine  for  every-  up  to  6,800  a  day.  The
            officials  to  renew  calls  for  thinking  that  it's  over.  And  unite to fight it.  body in the world."         government  has  relaxed
            people to wear masks and  it's  not,"  respiratory  thera-  Tedros   Adhanom   Ghe-    Brazil,  with  over  50,000  its  coronavirus  restrictions,
            keep  their  distance,  Gov.  pist Kevin Cole said. "It's far  breyesus,  who  has  faced  deaths,  the  second-high-  hoping to salvage a near-
            Ron  DeSantis  has  not  sig-  from being over. And unfor-  criticism   from   President  est  toll  in  the  world,  regis-  collapsed   economy   in
            naled  he  will  retreat  from  tunately,  it's  those  people  Donald  Trump,  said  during  tered a record 54,000 new  the  country  of  220  million
            reopening  the  state  after  that will keep this pandem-  a videoconference for the  coronavirus cases in its lat-  people.q
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