Page 28 - bon-dia-aruba-20200623
P. 28
Tuesday 23 June 2020
China to Canada PM: Stop 'irresponsible remarks' on spy case
BEIJING (AP) — China Meng, the chief financial
told Prime Minister Justin officer of Huawei Technolo-
Trudeau on Monday to gies Ltd. and the daughter
"stop making irresponsible of its founder, is accused of
remarks" after he said Bei- lying to banks in Hong Kong
jing's decision to charge about Huawei's dealings
two Canadians with spying with Iran in possible viola-
was linked to his country's tion of U.S. sanctions.
arrest of a Chinese tech ex- Meng's case is a "seriously
ecutive. political incident" and part
The spying charges are of U.S. efforts to "suppress
"completely different" from Chinese high-tech enter-
the case of Huawei execu- prises and Huawei," Zhao
tive Meng Wanzhou, a for- said. He said Canada
eign ministry spokesman "played the role of an ac-
said. Meng was arrested on complice."
U.S. charges connected to "We strongly urge Canada
possible violations of trade to correct its mistakes as
sanctions on Iran. soon as possible, immedi-
Michael Kovrig and Mi- ately release Meng Wan-
chael Spavor were de- zhou and ensure her safe
tained in what was widely return to home," said Zhao.
seen as an attempt to Can- Meng is living in a man-
ada after Meng's Decem- In this March 2, 2017, file image made from video, Michael Spavor, director of Paektu Cultural sion she owns in Vancou-
ber 2018 arrest in Vancou- Exchange, talks during a Skype interview in Yanji, China. ver, where she reportedly
ver. Charges against them Associated Press is working on a graduate
were announced Friday af- degree.
ter a Canadian judge ruled "There is no such thing as ar- the charges against Kovrig and other allies for speak- Kovrig and Spavor are be-
Meng's extradition case bitrary detention," said the and Spavor "politically mo- ing out against China. ing held at an undisclosed
can proceed to its next ministry spokesman, Zhao tivated and completely "It has been obvious from location and have been
stage, moving her closer Lijian. groundless." the beginning that this was denied access to lawyers
to being handed over to "China urges the relevant "The United States stands a political decision made or family members.
American authorities. Canadian leader to ear- with Canada in calling on by the Chinese govern- China has also sentenced
Trudeau, speaking to re- nestly respect the spirit of Beijing for the immediate ment and we deplore it," two other Canadians to
porters in Ottawa, said Chi- the rule of law, respect release of the two men Trudeau said Monday. death and suspended im-
nese authorities "directly China's judicial sovereignty and rejects the use of these "This using of arbitrary de- ports of Canadian canola.
linked" the cases of Kovrig and stop making irrespon- unjustified detentions to tentions as a means to Zhao said visits by foreign
and Spavor with Meng. He sible remarks," Zhao said. coerce Canada," Pompeo advance political gains is diplomats to prisoners were
called on Beijing to end U.S. Secretary of State Mike said in a statement. totally unacceptable in a suspended due to the
their "arbitrary detention." Pompeo on Monday called Trudeau thanked the U.S. world based on rules." coronavirus pandemic.q
Trump downplays remarks about meeting Venezuela's Maduro
comments about recog- this moment, I've turned tions to back Guaidó, who
nizing Guaidó as Ven- them down," he said, ac- as head of the opposi-
ezuela's legitimate leader cording to the Axios report. tion-led congress claimed
— the linchpin of the U.S.' The comments sent so- presidential powers in early
18-month campaign to re- cial media in Venezuela 2019, arguing that Madu-
move Maduro. ablaze, with many won- ro's reelection had been
"I think that I wasn't neces- dering whether Trump was invalid.
sarily in favor, but I said — pulling the rug from under Guaidó was a surprise
some people that liked it, the opposition, which has guest at Trump's annual
some people didn't. I was struggled to ignite mass State of the Union address
OK with it. I don't think it was protests and has failed to in February, where Trump
— you know, I don't think it break military support for recognized Guaidó as the
was very meaningful one Maduro despite an un- only "legitimate president
way or the other," Trump precedented economic of Venezuela" and said that
was quoted as telling Axios. collapse. Maduro's hold on power
In this March 12, 2020 file photo, Venezuelan President Nicolas
Maduro gives a press conference at Miraflores presidential pal- He also said he would con- Trump, however, on Mon- "will be smashed and bro-
ace in Caracas, Venezuela. sider meeting Maduro de- day doubled down on his ken."
Associated Press spite the fact that the Ven- anti-socialist stand. But Trump's former nation-
ezuelan leader was indict- "Unlike the radical left, I will al security advisor, John
CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) Trump said in a tweet Mon- ed recently on U.S. drug ALWAYS stand against so- Bolton, says in an upcom-
— President Donald Trump day that "I would only meet trafficking charges: cialism and with the peo- ing book that Trump had
on Monday appeared to with Maduro to discuss one "I would maybe think about ple of Venezuela," Trump wavered on his support
walk back comments that thing: a peaceful exit from that. ... Maduro would like said. "My Admin has al- for Guaidó. At times Trump
he would consider meeting power!" to meet. And I'm never op- ways stood on the side of wanted to take military ac-
Venezuela's Nicolás Mad- That followed a White posed to meetings — you FREEDOM and LIBERTY and tion to oust Maduro, but
uro following an interview House interview published know, rarely opposed to against the oppressive he also said the socialist
that cast doubt on his sup- Sunday by Axios in which meetings. Maduro regime!" leader was too strong for
port for the socialist leader's the news website reported "I always say, you lose very The United States was first Guaidó to topple, accord-
main rival, Juan Guaidó. that Trump made lukewarm little with meetings. But at among more than 50 na- ing to Bolton. q