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locAl           Tuesday 23 June 2020

            United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) about inequality:

            Only quarter of countries in Latin America and the Caribbean

            have inclusive education laws

            PARIS,  FRANCE  —    A  new  report
            published today by UNESCO shows
            the  extent  of  exclusion  in  edu-
            cation  now  further  exacerbated
            by  Covid-19.  In  the  region,  only
            around a quarter of countries have
            inclusive education laws covering
            all  learners.  Chile  and  Paraguay
            are  noted  for  being  two  of  only
            five countries in the world to have
            inclusive education laws covering
            all  learners.  The  2020  Global  Edu-
            cation  Monitoring  (GEM)  Report
            shows  that  inequalities  will  have
            deepened  during  the  pandemic:
            40%  of  countries  worldwide  have
            not supported learners at risk dur-
            ing the crisis. It calls on the region
            to  foster  more  resilient  and  equal
            societies  by  concentrating  on
            those being left behind as schools

            “To  rise  to  the  challenges  of  our
            time, a move towards more inclu-
            sive education is imperative”, said
            the  Director-General  of  UNESCO,
            Audrey  Azoulay.  “Rethinking  the
            future of education is all the more
            important  following  the  Covid-19   existing  inequalities.  Even  before  a story. Ιn Brazil, Mexico and Peru,  website,  ‘PEER*’,  with  descriptions
            pandemic, which further widened     the  pandemic,  almost  12  million  there is persistent inequality by in-  of laws and policies on inclusion in
            and put a spotlight on inequalities.   children and youth were excluded  digenous background, even after  education for every country in the
            Failure to act will hinder the prog-  from  education  in  Latin  America  controlling for social class.    world. PEER shows that many coun-
            ress of societies.”                 and  the  Caribbean,  with  poverty                                     tries  still  practice  segregation  in
                                                the main constraint to access.      Socio-economic  segregation  is  education, which can feed stereo-
            Exclusion  is  persistent:  This  year’s                                also persistent: half the students in  typing,  discrimination  and  alien-
            Report, ‘All Means All’, is the fourth   Education systems are not adapt-  Chile  and  Mexico  would  have  to  ation:  42%  of  countries  in  the  re-
            in  the  GEM  Report  annual  series,   ing to student’s needs, leaving one  be  reassigned  schools  to  achieve  gion have laws calling for children
            which  monitors  progress  across   in four 15-year-old students global-  a uniform socio-economic mixture.  with disabilities to be educated in
            209 countries towards the educa-    ly reporting feeling like outsiders at  And data from the region suggest  separate  settings.  In  practice,  not
            tion targets in the Agenda 2030 for   school; rising to above 30% in the  that segregation by ethnic origin is  many mainstream primary schools
            Sustainable Development. It will be   Dominican  Republic.  The  region  even  more  widespread  than  seg-  receive students with disabilities; at
            followed  by  a  regional  report  for   is one of the most linguistically di-  regation  by  socio-economic  sta-  most 40%, according to the latest
            Latin America and the Caribbean     verse  in  the  world,  but  education  tus.                            comparable data.
            this October.                       systems do not always reflect this:
                                                In  grade  3,  students  who  do  not  Exclusion  can  be  very  blatant.
            The  education  crisis  during  Co-  speak the language of the test are  Alongside today’s new Report, the                 Continued on Page 32
            vid-19  was  fueled  by  deep  pre-  3 times less likely to be able to read  GEM Report has launched a new

                 Aruba Today launches survey to serve better

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