Page 32 - bon-dia-aruba-20200623
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Tuesday 23 June 2020
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) about inequality:
Only quarter of countries in Latin America and the Caribbean
have inclusive education laws
Figures on learning are taken from
school even if many are not partic-
ipating. And learning assessments
are often too difficult for some of
the most marginalized students:
three-quarters of students in the
region who did no better on multi-
ple choice questions than random
guessing were considered profi-
cient in reading.
There are some signs of improve-
ment, however. The number of
Latin American countries that in-
corporated at least one ethnicity
question in their census increased
from 6 in 1980 to 13 in 2000. Today,
all countries in the region except
the Dominican Republic have cen-
sus questions about ethnicity. Im-
provements are also being made
to collect better data on students
with disabilities.
There are signs of moves towards
inclusion. The Report and its PEER
website note many countries using
positive, innovative approaches to
transition to inclusion. Guatemala
applies multigrade teaching either
by design or by necessity in rural
contexts. Brazil’s ProUni University
for All Program uses tax incentives
to buy places in private universities
for academically qualified poor
students. In Cuba, children with dis-
abilities are included in mainstream
early childhood development pro-
Continued from Page 31 2016, Peru had 38,000 bilingual zil, Colombia and Mexico over 50% grams, even in rural areas. Besides
teachers, but at least 17,000 new of teachers reported a high need legislation, 14 countries have poli-
While laws on universal free and trained teachers are required to for professional development on cies to promote racial equality or
compulsory basic education have meet demand; it now has a Nation- teaching students with special better targeting of policy to ben-
helped reduce child labor, in some al Bilingual Intercultural Education needs. efit Afro-descendants.
countries, such as Paraguay and Plan with teacher education at its
Peru, child labor is still permitted at core. Colombia helps professional- “Covid-19 has given a real op- The region is also noted for its
age 14, before compulsory educa- ize bilingual teachers and their ed- portunity to think afresh about our strong cross-sectoral social protec-
tion finishes. ucation. Costa Rica stipulates that education systems. Yet, moving to tion schemes addressing people’s
indigenous educator training and a world that not only values but intersecting needs, including edu-
Diversity is not sufficiently reflected participation in curricula formula- welcomes diversity won’t happen cation. Conditional cash transfer
in education systems. Only seven tion and implementation should overnight,” added Manos Antonin- programs in Latin America since
countries in the region recognize be promoted and facilitated. is, Director of the Global Education the 1990s have increased educa-
sign language as an official lan- Gender is another focus of many Monitoring Report. “There is an ob- tion attainment by 0.5 to 1.5 years.
guage. Students with disabilities pre-service teacher education vious tension between teaching all The Crece Contigo early childhood
often need adapted infrastruc- programs. Cuba’s Sexuality Educa- children under the same roof and program in Chile coordinates ser-
ture and materials, but only 29% of tion Program seeks to strengthen creating an environment where vices across education, health and
schools in the region have made teacher education and prevent students learn best. But, if Covid-19 social protection. Colombia ties its
necessary changes. In Costa Rica, sexually transmitted infections. taught us something, it is that fail- social programs to a poverty index
about 55% of respondents to a ure to act is not an option; there is score for each family, which they
national disability survey reported However, more attention needs to scope to do things differently if we can consult to see the services
that education centers were not be given to determining effective put our minds to it.” they are eligible for.
accessible and lacked ramps, visu- ways to prepare teachers for work
al and audio alerts, grab bars and in inclusive settings. In São Paulo, There is a chronic lack of qual- The report includes a set of key
other adaptations. Brazil, grade 8 mathematics teach- ity data on those left behind. Nine recommendations for the next 10
ers were more likely to give white countries in the region do not col- years launched in a digital cam-
The region is noted for covering students a passing grade than lect education data on children paign, ‘All means All’, that will help
linguistic and ethnic minorities in their equally proficient and well- with disabilities in their Education countries achieve the 2030 inclu-
teacher education programs. In behaved black classmates. In Bra- Management Information Systems. sive education targets.q