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                                                                                                      SCIENCE Tuesday 23 June 2020
            Coronavirus lockdowns increase poaching in Asia, Africa

            Associated Press                                                                                                    ed  to  incorporate  public
            NEW DELHI (AP) — A cam-                                                                                             health concerns. They point
            era  trap  photo  of  an  in-                                                                                       out  that  some  commonly
            jured tigress and a forensic                                                                                        traded  species,  such  as
            examination  of  its  carcass                                                                                       horseshoe bats, often carry
            revealed  why  the  crea-                                                                                           viruses but are currently not
            ture  died:  a  poacher's                                                                                           subject to trade restrictions
            wire  snare  punctured  its                                                                                         under CITES.
            windpipe  and  sapped  its                                                                                          "That  is  a  big  gap  in  the
            strength as the wound fes-                                                                                          framework,"   said   John
            tered for days.                                                                                                     Scanlon,  former  Secretary-
            Snares  like  this  one  set  in                                                                                    General  of  CITES  now  with
            southern  India's  dense  for-                                                                                      African Parks. "We may find
            est  have  become  increas-                                                                                         that  there  may  be  certain
            ingly  common  amid  the                                                                                            animals that should be list-
            coronavirus     pandemic,                                                                                           ed  and  not  be  traded  or
            as  people  left  jobless  turn                                                                                     traded  under  strict  condi-
            to  wildlife  to  make  money                                                                                       tions  and  certain  markets
            and feed their families.     This November 2014 photo provided by the Wildlife Trust of India shows a leopard caught in a trap   that ought to be closed."q
            Authorities in India are con-  in a forest in Karnataka, India.
            cerned this spike in poach-                                                                        Associated Press
            ing not only could kill more
            endangered  tigers  and  tice  Commission    reported  of  the  Wildlife  Conserva-    the  previous  11  months,
            leopards  but  also  species  traders  were  stockpiling  tion Society, said patrolling  according  to  a  review  by
            these  carnivores  depend  pangolin  scales  in  several  national  parks  in  several  the government and World
            upon to survive.             Southeast  Asia  countries  African countries has been  Wildlife Fund or WWF.
            "It  is  risky  to  poach,  but  if  awaiting  an  end  to  the  designated essential work.   For  many  migrants  return-
            pushed  to  the  brink,  some  pandemic.                  But she has heard about in-  ing  to  villages  after  losing
            could  think  that  these  are  Rhino  horn  is  being  stock-  creased hunting of animals  jobs, forests were the "easi-
            risks worth taking," said Ma-  piled  in  Mozambique,  the  outside  parks.  "We  are  ex-  est  source"  of  sustenance,
            yukh  Chatterjee,  a  wildlife  report said, and ivory trad-  pecting to see an increase  said Shiv Raj Bhatta, direc-
            biologist with the non-profit  ers  in  Southeast  Asia  are  in  bushmeat  hunting  for  tor of programs at WWF Ne-
            Wildlife Trust of India.     struggling to sell the stock-  food  –  duikers,  antelopes  pal.
            Since  the  country  an-     piles amassed since China's  and monkeys," she said.      In Southeast Asia, the Wild-
            nounced     its   lockdown,  2017 ban on trade in ivory  Jansen also said bushmeat  life  Conservation  Society
            at  least  four  tigers  and  six  products.  The  pandemic  poaching  was  soaring,  es-  documented  in  April  the
            leopards  have  been  killed  compounded  their  plight  pecially in parts of southern  poisoning  in  Cambodia  of
            by  poachers,  Wildlife  Pro-  because  many  Chinese  Africa.  "Rural  people  are  three critically endangered
            tection  Society  of  India  customers  were  unable  to  struggling  to  feed  them-  giant  ibises  for  the  wad-
            said.  But  there  also  were  travel  to  ivory  markets  in  selves  and  their  families,"  ing bird's meat. More than
            numerous  other  poach-      Cambodia, Laos and other  he said.                        100  painted  stork  chicks
            ing  casualities  —  gazelles  countries.                 There  are  also  signs  of  in-  were also poached in late
            in   grasslands,   foot-long  "They are desperate to get  creased poaching in parts  March in Cambodia at the
            giant  squirrels  in  forests,  it  off  their  hands.  Nobody  of Asia.               largest waterbird colony in
            wild  boars  and  birds  such  wants to be stuck with that  A greater one-horned rhino  Southeast Asia.
            as  peacocks  and  purple  product,"  said  Sarah  Ston-  was  gunned  down  May  "Suddenly        rural   people
            morhens.                     er,  director  of  intelligence  9  in  India's  Kaziranga  Na-  have little to turn to but nat-
            In many parts of the devel-  for the commission.          tional Park -- the first case in  ural  resources  and  we're
            oping  world,  coronavirus  The illegal trade in pango-   over a year. Three people,  already  seeing  a  spike
            lockdowns  have  sparked  lins  continued  "unabated"  suspected  to  be  a  part  of  in  poaching,"  said  Colin
            concern  about  increased  within  Africa  but  interna-  an  international  poaching  Poole, the group's regional
            illegal hunting that's fueled  tional  trade  has  been  dis-  ring, were arrested on June  director  for  the  Greater
            by  food  shortages  and  a  rupted  by  port  closures,  1 with automatic rifles and  Mekong.
            decline in law enforcement  said Ray Jansen, chairman  ammunition,  said  Uttam  Heartened  by  closure  of
            in  some  wildlife  protection  of  the  African  Pangolin  Saikia, a wildlife warden.   wildlife  markets  in  China
            areas.  At  the  same  time,  Working Group.              As  in  other  parts  of  the  over  concerns  about  a
            border  closures  and  travel  "We  have  witnessed  some  world, poachers in Kaziran-  possible  link  between  the
            restrictions  slowed  illegal  trade  via  air  while  major  ga  pay  poor  families  pal-  trade  and  the  coronavi-
            trade in certain high-value  ship  routes  are  still  closed  try  sums  of  money  to  help  rus,  several  conservation
            species.                     but  we  expect  a  flood  of  them.  With  families  losing  groups are calling for gov-
            One  of  the  biggest  disrup-  trade  once  shipping  av-  work  from  the  lockdown,  ernments  to  put  measures
            tions  involves  the  endan-  enues reopen again," Jan-   "they will definitely take ad-  in  place  to  avoid  future
            gered    pangolin.   Often  sen said.                     vantage  of  this,"  warned  pandemics. Among them is
            caught  in  parts  of  Africa  Fears   that   organized  Saikia.                       a  global  ban  on  commer-
            and  Asia,  the  anteater-   poaching  in  Africa  would  In   neighboring    Nepal,  cial  sale  of  wild  birds  and
            like  animals  are  smuggled  spike largely have not ma-  where  the  virus  has  rav-  mammals  destined  for  the
            mostly to China and South-   terialized — partly because  aged  important  income  dinner table.
            east Asia, where their meat  ranger patrols have contin-  from  migrants  and  tourists,  Others  say  an  internation-
            is  considered  a  delicacy  ued in many national parks  the first month of lockdown  al  treaty,  known  as  CITES,
            and scales are used in tra-  and reserves.                saw  more  forest-related  which  regulates  the  trade
            ditional medicine.           Emma  Stokes,  director  of  crimes, including poaching  in  endangered  plants  and
            In  April,  the  Wildlife  Jus-  the Central Africa Program  and  illegal  logging,  than  animals, should be expand-
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