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local Thursday 11 augusT 2022
A.T.A. measured the perception of tourism amongst the residents
A.T.A. completed another study on ‘Local Sentiment’
ORANJESTAD – In the months of
May and June, Aruba Tourism Au-
thority carried out a survey in order
to find out the perception among
the local residents regarding tour-
ism – both positive and negative,
focusing on the aspects of eco-
nomic and social development.
This survey was based on questions
asked to residents back in 2017 in a
similar survey.
Originally, these questions were
used in a survey among the resi-
dents of Hawaii regarding their per-
ception of tourism. It was decided
to expand the survey in 2022 with
additional questions compared to
It is important to note that while
not everything that was brought
forward in the survey falls under
the main responsibility of A.T.A.
as Aruba’s Destination Marketing merce (KvK) carried out a study in velopment, 52% indicated that the cial aspect, balance and educa-
and Management Organization order to find out what was more expansion of industry unrelated to tion.
(DMMO), the opinions and sug- important for our residents, be- tourism is the most important as- Various questions were asked in
gestions received do help to direct tween economic and social de- pect for economic development. which participants had to indi-
actions that do fall under the um- velopment. 48% of participants an- Of those who chose social devel- cate between 1 and 5 their feel-
brella of A.T.A. and help A.T.A. in its swered social development while opment, 41% indicated that more ing on various topics, with 1 being
role as advisor and guide to other 52% answered economic devel- social assistance is the most impor- extremely negative and 5 being
organizations in the desired tourism opment. In 2018, A.T.A. used KvK’s tant aspect. extremely positive. From 1 to 5, re-
development. A.T.A. values the in- question in its survey – and here it Comments relating to the two spondents indicated with an aver-
clusion of the community when it was noted that 60% of respondents types of development were prop- age of 3.8 that tourism has a posi-
comes to tourism, and whenever chose social development while erly categorized. For economic tive impact on Aruba in general.
possible, will invite the community 40% chose economic develop- development, the largest amount Respondents indicated with an
to be part of the conversation and ment. In 2022, social development of comments referred to more average of 3.6 that tourism has a
the results. was chosen by 56% of respondents economic pillars, finances and positive impact on them and their
while 44% chose economic devel- product improvement. For social families. Respondents indicated
The residents were encouraged opment. development the largest amount with an average of 2.2 that their
to complete the survey both virtu- of comments referred to more fo- purchasing power for the next
ally and on paper. The organiza- Of those who chose economic de- cus on the community and the so- twelve months has been negative-
tion managed to collect 2811 re- ly impacted compared to before
sponses, however, after excluding the pandemic.
the responses of people who were
not residents of Aruba and the re- The responses were analyzed also
sponses that were incomplete, a comparing different generations.
total of 1983 valid responses was The respondents were asked to in-
reached. dicate between 1 and 5 if their is-
land is too dependent on tourism.
In 2018 a profile for each genera- The lowest average here was 4.42
tion was created in order to have for Baby Boomers, the highest was
a better understanding of the dif- 4.70 for Gen Z.
ferent opinions among different
groups of residents. These profiles Regarding the question if respon-
were used once again to analyze dents feel that they have a voice
the results of 2022. For this survey, in the tourism decisions on their
quantitative as well as qualitative island, between 1 and 5, the low-
data was analyzed. est average was 2.02 for Millenials,
and the highest was 2.19 for Baby
The respondents were 35% male Boomers.
and 65% female. The largest group
of respondents was between 30 Respondents were asked to share
and 39 years old (25%). The district their 3 main worries regarding
with the most respondents was tourism: 76% indicated the high
Paradera/Santa Cruz (30%). Of the prices and the high cost of living;
respondents, 39% is married, and 46% indicated damage to nature
80% is employed. and the environment; and 35% in-
dicated unaffordable housing for
In 2005, the Chamber of Com- residents.q