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                                                                                                           LOCAL Thursday 11 augusT 2022

            Caribbean Linked VI Exhibition Opening

            Ateliers ‘89 Punto Di Beyas  Vesuhely  Americaan  (Cu-    jestad  (VNO),  Prins  Bern-
            Arte  Aruba,  in  collabora-  raçao),   Claudio   Arnell  hard  Cultuurfonds  Cari-
            tion with The Fresh Milk Art  (Saint  Martin),  Taisha  Car-  bisch  Gebied,  The  Aruba
            Platform,  Barbados,  and  rington  (Barbados),  Rome-    Tourism  Authority  (ATA),
            ARC  Magazine,  is  pleased  linda  Maldonado  (Aruba),  SETAR,  Garage  Centraal,
            to invite you to the opening  Justin  Reinir  Croes  (Aruba/  AHATA  and  La  Cabana
            of  the  Caribbean  Linked  The    Netherlands),   John  Hotel  Aruba,  as  well  as
            VI  Exhibition,  which  will  Reno  Jackson  (Cayman  a  number  of  local  spon-
            take  place  at  Ateliers  ‘89,  Islands),  Sarabel  Santos-  sors in Aruba and regional
            Dominicanessenstraat  34,  Negrón (Puerto Rico), Sam-     support  from  the  Gouver-
            Oranjestad, Aruba on Sun-    uel Sarmiento (Aruba/Ven-    nement  of  Sint  Maarten,
            day,  August  14th,  2022,  ezuela)  and  Béliza  Troupé  ART  SAVES  LIVES  FOUNDA-
            starting from 6:00 PM.       (Guadeloupe). The writer in  TION  (Sint  Maarten),  the
                                         residence is Ethan Knowles  National  Gallery  of  the
            Creatives from around the  (Bahamas),  and  the  cu-      Cayman  Islands,  Cayman
            French,  Spanish,  English  rator  in  residence  is  Sofía  National  Cultural  Founda-
            and Dutch Caribbean who  Olascoaga (Mexico).              tion  (CNCF),  the  Ministry
            have been living and work-                                of YSCH (Cayman Islands),
            ing  together,  touring  the  Everyone  involved  in  this  The  Charitable  Arts  Foun-
            island  and  engaging  with  residency  has  given  a  tre-  dation of the Bahamas and
            cultural spaces, and giving  mendous  amount  of  time,  the National Art Gallery of
            artist talks about their works  commitment,  and  enthusi-  the Bahamas.
            for the duration of the resi-  asm  to  making  this  a  real-
            dency  will  be  showcasing  ity, and we look forward to  For  more  information,  call
            the  outcome  of  their  time  welcoming  you  to  see  the  Ateliers  ’89  at  (+297)  565
            here in Aruba in the form of  culmination of their efforts!  4613,   email   caribbean-
            a  contemporary  art  expo.                       or  visit
            There  will  be  refreshments  Caribbean  Linked  VI  is  the Caribbean Linked web-
            served  and  live  entertain-  made  possible  by  gener-  site  at  caribbeanlinked.
            ment,  including    DJ  Adria-  ous support from this year’s  com. Be sure to follow the
            no Nanof, will be available  core  sponsors    Vrienden-  Caribbean  Linked  Face-
            on the night.                Loterij  Fonds,  Mondriaan  book and Instagram pages
            Participating  artists  in  Ca-  Fonds,  Vertegenwoordig-  for regular updates on the
            ribbean  Linked  VI  include  ing van Nederland in Oran-  residency.q
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