Page 14 - HOH
P. 14

                                                                                                           local Thursday 11 augusT 2022

            Milvienne Henriquez, coach of female U15 team:

            “Many other coaches didn’t consider Aruba as competition”

            Monday  afternoon  a  cel-                                                                                          among  other  problems,
            ebration  took  place  in                                                                                           and thus Aruba was moved
            honor  of  the  female  U15                                                                                         to the B-league, with coun-
            soccer  team  who  repre-                                                                                           tries  like  Nicaragua  and
            sented  Aruba  in  the  2022                                                                                        Honduras,  which  are  big
            Concacaf  Girls  Under  15                                                                                          teams.
            Championship,  in  Tampa,
            Florida  and  came  out  as                                                                                         “What was good is that the
            sub-champion.     Our   re-                                                                                         kids  were  well  prepared
            porter  caught  up  with  the                                                                                       and put up a good fight. It
            team’s  head  coach,  Milvi-                                                                                        was a challenge, but surely
            enne  Henriquez,  who  told                                                                                         you  can  see  our  soccer  is
            us how the preparation for                                                                                          on a high level and deserv-
            the  team  went,  and  what                                                                                         edly we fell into the league
            their  experience  was  dur-                                                                                        in  which  we  belonged
            ing the championship.                                                                                               from  the  start.  And  what
                                                                                                                                is  great  about  this  is  that
            Henriquez says that the pre-                                                                                        many  coaches,  for  exam-
            sentation went sublime. The                                                                                         ple those of Honduras and
            team is part of a program                                                                                           Nicaragua, didn’t consider
            of AVB (Aruba Football As-                                                                                          Aruba  as  competition.  To
            sociation)  called  Acad-                                                                                           their  surprise  that  was  not
            emies, and from the acad-                                                                                           the case, and we received
            emy a selection is made to                                                                                          a  lot  of  compliments  from
            form the team. These play-                                                                                          them”, Henriquez added.
            ers train the whole year four
            times  per  week,  the  kids                                                                                        Regarding    what’s   next
            have no rest.                                                                                                       for  this  team,  Henriquez
                                                                                                                                indicated  that  first  they
            Last  year,  this  same  team                                                                                       will  take  a  much  needed
            represented  Aruba  in  the                                                                                         break. The academies con-
            Dominican     Republic   in                                                                                         tinue, the programs of AVB
            the  CFU  Challenge  Series                                                                                         continue and there will be
            championship,  where  they                                                                                          a new U14 team, which will
            were crowned winners. Re-                                                                                           be  formed  again  for  CFU.
            garding the difference be-                                                                                          Henriquez  mentioned  that
            tween CFU and Concacaf                                                                                              there  will  be  another  U17
            Girls U15, coach Henriquez                                                                                          competition  next  year  or
            explained that CFU is a de-                                                                                         in two years, which means
            velopment competition un-    another  day’s  rest,  until  same hours to see if the kids  caf  selects  these  leagues   the  kids  will  continue  their
            der Concacaf.                                                                                                       preparation and make sure
            She  added  that  this  is  the   they reached the final.  could  handle  the  intensity  based on the U17 ranking,   they  are  in  top  form,  be-
                                         But  Henriquez  highlights  and so that they would be  and  Aruba  had  only  par-
            first  time  this  team  is  com-                                                                                   cause  U17  is  ranked  and
            peting  together,  and  they   that  during  their  one-year  mentally  prepared  for  the  ticipated  once  in  the  U17,   that  means  it  is  a  stronger
                                                                                                   meaning  they  were  lower.
                                         preparation,  when  they  sun as well.
            wrote  history  as  the  first                                                                                      competition.
            U14  team  winning  the      found  out  the  schedule                                 But to their surprise, coach
                                         that  the  Aruba  team  was  In  the  beginning,  Aruba  Henriquez  says,  two  days
            championship. From there,                                                                                           On  the  subject  of  soccer,
            Henriquez  says,  the  team   playing  and  the  season  in  was  in  the  C-league,  the  before they travelled, a lot   the male U14 team was also
                                                                                                   of the small islands were no
                                         which they would travel to  lowest league for the Carib-
            trained  a  whole  year  dur-                                                                                       present at the celebration,
            ing which they had friendly   the  U.S.,  they  began  train-  bean  islands.  Coach  Hen-  longer  able  to  participat-  and Erick Santos, technical
                                         ing  here  on  Aruba  in  the  riquez explains that Conca-
                                                                                                   ed  because  of  visa  issues,
            games of a higher level of                                                                                          staff  member,  announced
            competition,  among  oth-                                                                                           that  this  team  will  depart
            ers,  against  the  Curaçao                                                                                         tomorrow to represent Aru-
            U17 team. “The preparation                                                                                          ba  in  the  CFU  tournament
            was a lot more intense, and                                                                                         in the Dominican Republic.
            the  experience  they  have                                                                                         “It is a tournament in which
            already, so they are better                                                                                         we  will  definitely  give  our
            prepared”, Henriquez said.                                                                                          all. There will be four games
                                                                                                                                in one week, where we will
            Coach  Henriquez  com-                                                                                              play  against  teams  like  St.
            mented that of the different                                                                                        Kitts,  Jamaica  and  Haiti.
            aspects during the champi-                                                                                          The   preparations   have
            onship in Tampa, the most                                                                                           been  going  on  for  a  long
            difficult  for  the  team  was                                                                                      time already and we have
            the sun, the heat, the lack                                                                                         no doubts in this team, and
            of wind, and the schedule.                                                                                          we hope to be able to bring
            The  team  had  two  games                                                                                          this trophy to Aruba and to
            back-to-back, then a day’s                                                                                          celebrate with the Aruban
            rest, then two more games                                                                                           community as well”, Santos
            back-to-back,  and  then                                                                                            said.q
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