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P. 2
Thursday 18 July 2024
Nearly two-thirds of Democrats want Biden to withdraw,
new AP-NORC poll finds
Continued from Front Hispanic Democrats. Overall, Too few interviews were
seven in 10 Americans think conducted after the assas-
The poll was conducted Biden should drop out, with sination attempt to provide
mostly before Saturday's Democrats only slightly less a clear indication of whether
assassination attempt on likely than Republicans and Republicans or Americans
Trump at a campaign rally independents to say that he overall have rallied further
in Pennsylvania. It's unclear should make way for a new around Trump since then.
whether the shooting influ- nominee. David Parrott, a Democrat
enced people's views of Bi- I do have genuine concerns from Soddy-Daisy, Tennes-
den, but the small number about his ability to hold the see, was willing to give Bi-
of poll interviews completed office," said Democrat An- den the benefit of the doubt
after the shooting provided drew Holcomb, 27, of Den- given the president's age,
no early indication that his ver. "I think he's frankly just but he still voiced concerns
prospects improved. too old for the job." about a potential second
Meanwhile, as Vice President Janie Stapleton, a 50-year- term.
Kamala Harris receives addi- old lifelong Democrat from "I don't know if he can make
tional scrutiny amid the talk President Joe Biden speaks from the Roosevelt Room of the Walls, Mississippi, held the it another four years or not,"
about whether Biden should White House in Washington, Sunday, July 14, 2024, about the opposite view, saying Biden said Parrott, a 58-year-old re-
bow out, the poll found that apparent assassination attempt of former President Donald is the "best candidate" for tiree. "Shouldn't he be sitting
her favorability rating is simi- Trump at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania, as Vice President president. at his beach house taking
lar to his — but the share of Kamala Harris listens. People aren't just sour on Bi- it easy?"
Americans who have an Associated Press den on as they size up their All of the recent churn has
unfavorable opinion of her dence that Black Democrats in the survey saying he should choices this election season. left Americans much more
is slightly lower. are among Biden's strongest continue running, compared About 6 in 10 Americans likely to think Trump is ca-
The poll provides some evi- supporters, with roughly half to about 3 in 10 white and want Trump to withdraw -- pable of winning the 2024
but relatively few Republi- election than is Biden – 42%
cans are in that camp. to 18%. About a quarter
As for Biden, younger Demo- thought the the two men
crats are especially likely to equally capable of winning.
want to see him bow out – Even Democrats are rela-
and to say they're dissatisfied tively dour about their party's
with him. Three-quarters of prospects come November.
Democrats under the age of Only about a third of Demo-
45 want Biden to drop out, crats believe Biden is more
compared to about 6 in 10 capable of winning than is
of those who are older. Trump. About 3 in 10 think
"I just feel like these two in- the two are equally capa-
dividuals are a sad choice," ble of winning and 16% say
said Alexi Mitchell, 35, a civil victory is more likely to go to
servant who lives in Virginia. the Republican. By contrast,
She identifies as a Democrat- Republicans are overwhelm-
ic-leaning independent, and ingly convinced that Trump
while she thinks Biden is prob- is in the best position to win.
ably still mentally up to the Trump also has the edge on
job, she worries that the past Biden when Americans con-
few weeks' unraveling of sup- sider who is most capable
port makes him a weak can- of handling a crisis, 38% to
didate, no matter what hap- 28%. And people are about
pens next. "If he doesn't have equally divided on which
control over his own party, candidate has the better
that's a fatal flaw," she said. vision for the country, with
"He's put us in a bad position 35% saying Biden and 34%
where Trump might win." Trump.
Despite bullish talk from the For all of the disenchantment
Biden campaign heading Biden is up against, the presi-
into the debate, the fa- dent insists it's not too late
ceoff only left the president to turn things around, saying
in a deeper hole. Democrats past presidents have come
are slightly more likely to say back from a deficit at this
they're dissatisfied with Biden stage in the campaign. In an
as their nominee now than interview Tuesday with BET
they were before his halting News, he said many voters
performance. About half are haven't focused yet, add-
dissatisfied, an uptick from ing, "The point is, we're just
about 4 in 10 in an AP-NORC getting down to gametime
poll from June. right now."
By contrast, most Republi- The poll did also offer a bright
cans – about 6 in 10 – came spot for Biden: 40% of adults
out of the debate very or say he's more honest than
somewhat satisfied with Trump, while about 2 in 10
Trump as their candidate. think the opposite.q