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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Thursday 18 July 2024
            Aging bridges in 16 states will be improved or replaced with the

            help of $5B in federal funding

            By DAVID A. LIEB                                                                                                    them up or the superstruc-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    tures that support their load.
            Dozens of aging bridges in                                                                                          And more than 15,800 of the
            16 states will be replaced or                                                                                       poor bridges also were listed
            improved with the help of $5                                                                                        in  poor  shape  a  decade
            billion in federal grants an-                                                                                       ago, according to an Asso-
            nounced  Wednesday  by                                                                                              ciated Press analysis.
            President  Joe  Biden’s  ad-                                                                                        The nation’s poor bridges are
            ministration, the latest ben-                                                                                       on average 70 years old.
            eficiaries of a massive infra-                                                                                      Bridges fulfill a vital role that
            structure law.                                                                                                      often goes overlooked until
            The  projects  range  from                                                                                          their closure disrupts people’s
            coast to coast, with the larg-                                                                                      commutes and delays com-
            est providing an additional                                                                                         merce.  That  was  tragically
            $1.4 billion to help replace                                                                                        highlighted in March when
            two vertical lift bridges over                                                                                      a cargo ship crashed into a
            the  Columbia  River  that                                                                                          support column of the Fran-
            carry Interstate 5 traffic be-                                                                                      cis Scott Key Bridge in Mary-
            tween  Portland,  Oregon,                                                                                           land, causing the bridge to
            and  Vancouver,  Washing-                                                                                           crumple into the water and
            ton. The bridges, which also                                                                                        killing six road crew workers.
            received  $600  million  in                                                                                         Maryland officials have said it
            December,  are  “the  worst                                                                                         could take four years and up
            trucking bottleneck” in the                                                                                         to $1.9 billion to rebuild the
            region, Transportation Secre-                                                                                       bridge. Some of the projects
            tary Pete Buttigieg said.    A logging truck drives on the Interstate 5 bridge that spans the Columbia River and connects   announced Wednesday in-
            The new bridges will be seis-  Portland, Ore., with southwest Washington state, Feb. 13, 2024.                      clude multiple bridges, such
            mically  resilient  and  multi-                                                                    Associated Press  as  a  $251  million  grant  to
            modal, with room for vehi-   Cod, Massachusetts; an In-   to  keep  our  supply  chains  grants will make only a dent  improve 15 bridges around
            cles,  pedestrians,  bicycles  terstate 10 bridge project in  running smoothly.”       in what the American Road  Providence, Rhode Island.
            and transit.                 Mobile, Alabama; and the  The  grants  come  from  a  &  Transportation  Builders  That project is separate from
            Oregon Gov. Tina Kotek de-   Interstate  83  South  bridge  $1.2 trillion infrastructure law  Association estimates to be  one to replace the Interstate
            scribed the federal funding  in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania,  signed by Biden in 2021 that  $319 billion of needed bridge  195 Washington Bridge over
            as  “fantastic  news”  that  which Buttigieg highlighted  directed $40 billion to bridges  repairs across the U.S.  the Seekonk River, which was
            will aid the economy while  Wednesday with a visit.       over five years  the largest  About 42,400 bridges are in  suddenly  closed  to  traffic
            also  advancing  “goals  of  “These bridges affect whole  dedicated  bridge  invest-   poor condition nationwide,  late  last  year  because  of
            reducing carbon emissions  regions  and  ultimately  im-  ment in decades. Biden has  yet they carry about 167 mil-  structural problems.
            and curbing the effects of  pact  the  entire  U.S.  econ-  been touting the infrastruc-  lion vehicles each day, ac-  In Florida, Miami-Dade Coun-
            climate change.”             omy,” Buttigieg said. “Their  ture law while campaigning  cording to the federal gov-  ty will receive $101 million to
            Other projects receiving $500  condition means they need  for reelection against former  ernment. Four-fifths of those  replace 11 Venetian Cause-
            million or more include the  major urgent investment to  President Donald Trump.       bridges have problems with  way bridges that are nearly
            Sagamore  Bridge  in  Cape  help keep people safe and  But even Wednesday’s large  the substructures that hold  a century old. q

            Army private who fled to North Korea is in talks to resolve military

            charges, lawyer says

            By ERIC TUCKER               what any deal might entail,  afternoon. After about two  days with me before deploy-   she said. “A mother knows
            Associated Press             but said a request had been  months, Pyongyang abruptly  ing did not drink and would  her son, and I believe some-
            WASHINGTON (AP) — A law-     made to postpone the hear-   announced  that  it  would  never have had anything to  thing  happened  to  mine
            yer for an Army private who  ing by two weeks and that  expel him. He was flown on  do with child pornography,”  while he was deployed.”q
            fled to North Korea and was  the negotiations could result  Sept. 28 to an Air Force base
            later charged with desertion  in no preliminary hearing be-  in Texas. In October, he was
            and possessing sexual images  ing necessary.              charged with desertion and
            of a child said Wednesday  King in July 2023 ran across  also accused of kicking and
            that he was in negotiations  the heavily  fortified border  punching other officers last
            with military prosecutors to  from  South  Korea  and  be-  year,  unlawfully  possessing
            resolve the case against his  came  the  first  American  alcohol, making a false state-
            client. Army Pvt. Travis King  detained in North Korea in  ment and possessing a video
            had been scheduled for a  nearly five years.              of a child engaged in sexual
            preliminary  hearing  Tues-  Officials said King was taken  activity.
            day  in  Fort  Bliss,  Texas.  But  to the airport and escorted  His mother, Claudine Gates,
            the hearing was canceled  as far as customs. But instead  said  in  a  statement  at  the
            to give the two sides room  of getting on the plane, he  time that she loved her son
            to  negotiate  a  resolution,  left and later joined a civilian  unconditionally and was ex-
            King’s  attorney,  Franklin  D.  tour of the Korean border vil-  tremely concerned about his
            Rosenblatt, told The Associ-  lage of Panmunjom. He ran  mental health.                A TV screen shows a file image of American soldier Travis King
            ated Press.                  across the border, which is  “The man I raised, the man I   during a news program at the Seoul Railway Station in Seoul,
            He declined to discuss the  lined with guards and often  dropped off at boot camp,     South Korea on Aug. 16, 2023.
            details of the discussions or  crowded with tourists, in the  the man who spent the holi-                                       Associated Press
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