P. 2
Monday 30 July 2018
SHUTDOWN sations with Republican
Continued from Front lawmakers, according to
He did acknowledge, how- a GOP congressional aide
ever, that the border fund- who wasn't authorized to
ing issue was unlikely to be publicly talk about private
resolved before the mid- discussions and spoke on
term elections. condition of anonymity.
Ryan said after the meet- At the White House meeting
ing: "The president's will- last week, Trump, Ryan and
ing to be patient to make McConnell agreed that
sure that we get what we Congress is on track to en-
need so that we can get act more than half of fed-
that done." He added that eral spending before the
money for the wall was "not new budget year begins
a question of if, it's a ques- Oct. 1, but that DHS fund-
tion of when." ing, including the border
Trump campaigned on wall money, doesn't have
the promise of building a to be settled before then,
border wall to deter illegal according to a person fa-
immigration and making miliar with the meeting who
Mexico pay for it. Mexico was not authorized to dis-
has refused. cuss it publicly and spoke
Congress has given the on condition of anonymity.
president some wall fund- Two leading Democrats —
ing but far from the $25 Reps. Nita Lowey of New
billion he has requested. York and California's Lu-
Trump wants changes to cille Roybal-Allard — called
legal immigration, includ- the $5 billion a waste that
ing scrapping a visa lottery "only further enables this
program. In addition, he administration's obsession
wants to end the practice with cruel attacks on immi-
of releasing immigrants grants." Trump also tweeted
caught entering the coun- on Sunday that there are
try illegally on the condition "consequences when peo-
that they show up for court ple cross our Border illegal-
hearings. President Donald Trump boards Air Force One at Morristown Municipal Airport, in Morristown, N.J., ly" and claimed many who
Sunday, July 29, 2018, en route to Washington after visiting Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster,
Trump has also demanded N.J. do so are "using children for
that the U.S. shift to an im- Associated Press their own sinister purposes."
migration system based Trump's tweet came sev-
more on merit and less on Both chambers will have a "Face the Nation" that he House Republicans re- eral days after the govern-
family ties. short window to approve didn't think shutting down leased a spending bill this ment said more than 1,800
Democrats and some Re- a spending bill before gov- the government just be- month that provides $5 children separated at the
publicans have objected ernment funding expires. fore the elections would billion next year to build U.S.-Mexico border under
to some of the changes Trump would be taking a be helpful "so let's try and Trump's wall, a plan he sup- Trump's "zero-tolerance"
Trump seeks. political risk if he does allow avoid it."Rep. Steve Stivers, ports. immigration policy have
The federal budget year most government functions R-Ohio, chairman of the Democrats have long op- been reunited with parents
ends Sept. 30, and law- to lapse on Oct. 1 — the National Republican Con- posed financing Trump's and sponsors. A federal
makers will spend much of first day of the new budget gressional Committee, the wall but lack the votes by judge had ordered the re-
August in their states cam- year — roughly a month campaign arm for GOP themselves to block House unions to be completed by
paigning for re-election. before the Nov. 6 elections, House candidates, agreed. approval of that amount. last Thursday, but hundreds
The House is now in recess, when Republican control "I think we're going to make They do, however, have of children remain separat-
returning after Labor Day. of both the House and Sen- sure we keep the govern- the strength to derail legis- ed. The administration says
The Senate remains in ses- ate is at stake. ment open, but we're go- lation in the closely divided some of their parents have
sion and is set to go on Some Republican lawmak- ing to get better policies Senate. criminal histories.
break the week of Aug. 6 ers doubted the govern- on immigration," he said The $5 billion is well above "Please understand, there
before returning for the rest ment would be forced to on ABC's "This Week." ''The the $1.6 billion in the Sen- are consequences when
of the month. McConnell shut down. president, I think, wants us ate version of the bill, which people cross our Border il-
canceled most of the Sen- Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., to have policies that work would finance the Depart- legally, whether they have
ate's recess to give senators chairman of the Senate for America and work for ment of Homeland Secu- children or not - and many
time to work on the annual Homeland Security and Americans, and I think rity. The higher amount are just using children for
spending bills that fund Governmental Affairs that's what we are going to matches what Trump has their own sinister purposes,"
government operations. Committee, said on CBS' move forward with." privately sought in conver- Trump said.q