P. 6
Monday 30 July 2018
Deadly Northern California wildfire rages largely unchecked
By JONATHAN J. COOPER toward the tiny communi-
and SUDHIN THANAWALA ties of Ono, Igo and Gas
Associated Press Point. The fire grew slightly
REDDING, Calif. (AP) — The Sunday to 139 square miles
deadly Northern California (360 square kilometers).
wildfire that has forced tens It is the largest fire burning
of thousands of people to in California, threatening
flee their homes burned more than 5,000 structures.
virtually unchecked Sun- The flames were just 5 per-
day as fire crews surveyed cent contained.
a small town that was re- The latest tally showed at
duced to an ashy moon- least 517 structures de-
scape of blackened trees stroyed and another 135
and smoldering rubble. damaged, Romero said. A
Firefighters worried that count by The Associated
high winds could fan the Press found at least 300
flames even further. of those structures were
"Right now, it's going every- homes.
where. We still have a lot The firefighters killed in the
of open line," said Anthony blaze included Don Ray
Romero, a spokesman for Smith, 81, of Pollock Pines,
the California Department a bulldozer operator who
of Forestry and Fire Protec- Capt. Scott Fisher, with the San Bernardino County Fire Department, surveys a wildfire-damaged was helping clear veg-
tion. "Any event could bring neighborhood, Sunday, July 29, 2018, in Keswick, Calif. etation in the path of the
this back up again." Associated Press wildfire. Redding Fire In-
The National Weather Ser- spector Jeremy Stoke was
vice forecast more hot and ation," Capt. Doug Miles through video footage that ta County, leaving five peo- also killed, but details of his
dry conditions, with wind said as his crew used picks, her house had burned. She ple dead — two firefighters death were not released.
gusts expected late in the shovels and rakes to open planned to stay at a shelter and a woman and her two Bledsoe's relatives were
afternoon. up piles that just days at Simpson College in Red- great-grandchildren. among more than a dozen
Keswick, a mountain town ago were family homes. ding while searching for an- "My babies are dead," people reported missing
of about 450 people, was The flames laid waste to other place to live. Sherry Bledsoe said through after the furious wind-driv-
almost completely wiped about 25 blocks, and the "I think I'm still in shock," No- tears after she and fam- en blaze took residents by
out. The San Bernardino "mop up" work was likely land said. "It's just unbeliev- ily members met Saturday surprise and leveled several
County Fire Department to take days. He said his able knowing you don't with sheriff's deputies. neighborhoods.
was called in to tamp crew would be looking for have a house to go back Her two children, 5-year-old Shasta County Sheriff Tom
down smoking piles of de- anything salvageable, but to." James Roberts and 4-year- Bosenko said he expects
bris that were scattered there was little left stand- Noland was among the old Emily Roberts, were to find several of those
amid downed electricity ing. 38,000 people who evacu- stranded with their great- people alive and just out of
lines. Anna Noland, 49, was ated after the so-called grandmother Melody Bled- touch with loved ones. Of-
"What we're seeing here is evacuated twice in three Carr Fire roared into the soe, 70, when flames swept ficers have gone to homes
an incomplete burn situ- days before learning outskirts of Redding in Shas- through the family's rural of several people reported
property Thursday on the missing and found cars
outskirts of Redding. gone — a strong indication
A vehicle problem ignited they fled.
the fire July 23, but it wasn't Wildfires around the state
until Thursday that the blaze have forced roughly 50,000
exploded in size and raced people from their homes,
into populated areas west said Lynne Tolmachoff, a
of Redding before entering Cal Fire spokeswoman.
city limits. About 12,000 firefighters
On Saturday, it pushed were battling 17 significant
southwest of Redding, the fires Sunday in California,
largest city in the region, she said.q