P. 9

                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Monday 30 July 2018

             Zimbabwe's Mugabe emerges, rejects ruling party in election

            By FARAI MUTSAKA                                                                                                    Later  on  Sunday,  Mnan-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    gagwa  said  in  a  video
            HARARE,  Zimbabwe  (AP)                                                                                             posted  on  Facebook  that
            —  In  a  surprise  address  to                                                                                     Chamisa  had  "forged  a
            the  nation  after  months  of                                                                                      deal"  with  Mugabe  and
            silence, Zimbabwe's former                                                                                          that a vote for the opposi-
            leader   Robert   Mugabe                                                                                            tion  leader  amounted  to
            emerged  just  hours  before                                                                                        an endorsement of the old
            Monday's  historic  election                                                                                        order.
            declaring  that  "I  will  not                                                                                      "We can no longer believe
            vote  for  those  who  have                                                                                         that  his  intentions  are  to
            illegally  taken  power"  and                                                                                       transform  Zimbabwe  and
            turning  his  back  on  the                                                                                         rebuild  our  nation,"  the
            ruling  party  he  long  con-                                                                                       president said.
            trolled.                                                                                                            Chamisa,  meanwhile,  said
            Slow  and  rambling,  the                                                                                           at a news conference that
            94-year-old Mugabe spoke                                                                                            he  welcomed  the  vote  of
            to reporters on Sunday with                                                                                         Mugabe  or  any  other Zim-
            bitterness  about  his  dra-                                                                                        babwean  and  that  "you
            matic  removal  in  Novem-                                                                                          don't  discriminate  against
            ber  under  military  pressure                                                                                      voters."
            and  amid  a  ruling  party                                                                                         Many in Zimbabwe knew no
            feud.                        Former Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe, left, and his wife Grace pose for a photo after a   other  leader  but  Mugabe,
            He was coy about endors-     press conference at their residence in Harare, Sunday, July, 29, 2018.                 who led the country for 37
            ing  anyone  ahead  of  the   Associated Press                                                                      years  after  independence
            election  in  which  the  for-                                                                                      from  white  minority  rule
            mer  deputy  that  he  fired,  date.                      vote for ZANU-PF," the ruling  "He seems to be doing well  in  1980.  What  began  with
            President Emmerson Mnan-     "I  cannot  vote  for  those  party that has rejected him  at his rallies ... I wish to meet  optimism  crumbled  into
            gagawa,  faces  a  40-year-  who have tormented me,"  as well.                         him if he wins."             repression  of  the  opposi-
            old lawyer and pastor, Nel-  Mugabe  said  in  a  refer-  Mugabe, who has backed  And  he  added:  "Whoever  tion,  alleged  vote-rigging,
            son  Chamisa.  He  indicat-  ence    to   Mnangagwa,  a new political party that is  wins,  we  wish  him  well  ...  violent  land  seizures  from
            ed, however, that Chamisa  who  took  office  with  the  part of a coalition support-  And let us accept the ver-   white farmers and years of
            was the only viable candi-   military's support. "I cannot  ing  Chamisa,  said  of  him:  dict."                   international sanctions.q
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