P. 14

                       Monday 30 July 2018

            PLAYA LINDA 35 years of Excellency

            PALM BEACH — In the fifties  financed  by  government  three  years  for  this  project  cess  Beatrix  stayed  there
            the importance of the con-   funds. This plan was initially  to be completed.          during her visit to Aruba.   Construction of Playa Linda
            struction  of  a  beach  front  rejected  as  ‘not  feasible’                                                       Playa  Linda  Beach  Resort
            tourist  hotel  was  recog-  but  revived  at  the  end  of  In  February  1957  the  first  Basi-Ruti  operated  for  ap-  was  constructed  in  three
            nized. In early 1953, a con-  1953, when it was endorsed  tourist hotel on Palm Beach,  proximately  25  years  after  phases.  The  first  phase
            test  was  held  for  the  best  by  businessman  Neme,  called  Basi-Ruti  Hotel,  offi-  it  was  handed  over  to  a  started in March, 1981 (the
            design of a tourist hotel on  who  was  also  the  owner  cially opened its doors. The  restaurant  called  Alfredo’s  south wing). All three of its
            Palm  Beach.  The  winning  of  the  Coral  Strand  Hotel.  Basi-Ruti  hotel  was  a  hotel  Restaurant.   After   being  construction  phases  were
            concept was the `Basi-Ruti’  Construction started a year  with  bungalows,  spread  abandon  for  many  years,  realized through the efforts
            project, submitted by Ernst  later, in December 1954. It  over the white sand of Palm  it would later be the home  of  a  team  of  local,  vision-
            Bartels  and  meant  to  be  would  take  approximately  Beach. In 1958, Dutch Prin-   of  a  new  timeshare  resort,  ary industry leaders, includ-
                                                                                                   Playa Linda Beach Resort.    ing  developer  Raymond
                                                                                                   Almost  two  decades  after  Maduro  of  Sun  Develop-
                                                                                                   the construction of Basi-Ruti  ment,  architect  Dan  Odu-
                                                                                                   the Aruban developer Ray-    ber,  contractor  Henk  Bijen
                                                                                                   mond Maduro, considered  of  Albo  Aruba  and  René
                                                                                                   a  pioneer  in  Aruba’s  time-  Nieuwkerk, who was Playa
                                                                                                   share  industry,  succeeded  Linda’s  first  general  man-
                                                                                                   in  convincing  financial  in-  ager.  Each  played  their
                                                                                                   stitutions  that  timeshare  part  in  contributing  to  the
                                                                                                   would sell in Aruba. Conse-  Playa  Linda  as  it  is  today,
                                                                                                   quently  the  Aruba  Beach  distinctive for its design and
                                                                                                   Club  opened  its  doors  to  remarkable  for  its  upscale,
                                                                                                   the public on February 14,  yet still homey atmosphere.
                                                                                                   1977  as  the  first  timeshare
                                                                                                   resort  in  Aruba  with  133  Opening of Playa Linda
                                                                                                   units.  Aruba  Beach  Club  Since  the  opening,  Playa
                                                                                                   was  only  the  eight  time-  Linda  has  led  the  way  in
                                                                                                   share resort within the larg-  defining island comfort and
                                                                                                   est  timeshare  exchange  ambiance as well as dem-
                                                                                                   company,  RCI,  which  to-   onstrating  a  dedication  to
                                                                                                   day boast more than 6,000  sustainable  development.
                                                                                                   timeshare  resorts  around  Playa Linda was the first to
                                                                                                   the world and is only one of  put chickees on the beach,
                                                                                                   various  exchange  compa-    bringing  in  Seminole  Indi-
                                                                                                   nies.                        ans  from  Florida  for  their
                                                                                                                                construction,  and  was  the
                                                                                                   It  took  only  four  years  be-  first resort on Aruba to offer
                                                                                                   fore  the  second  timeshare  a free-form pool as well as
                                                                                                   resort was opened, namely  a lush, mature garden.
                                                                                                   Playa Linda Beach Resort.           Continued on Page 15
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