P. 15
LOCAL Monday 30 July 2018
Continued from Page 14 feature a fully-equipped environmentally-friendly The success of the resort Loyalty and love of the Pla-
Playa Linda has main- kitchen, Wi-Fi, flat-screen operations, and was the throughout the years is ya Linda is not only shown
tained its high-level stan- TV with premium, high defi- first resort on Palm Beach clearly demonstrated in its in its number of original
dards by carrying out a nition channels, and on-site to achieve ISO-14001 cer- almost sold-out status year- owners, but also in several
regular schedule of capital laundry facilities. The prop- tification. Playa Linda won round, almost right from the members of the staff who
investments, and had un- erty also offers two swim- the RCI Gold Crown Award start, and with many of the are still at the resort, thirty
dergone a full renovation ming pools, fitness center, for more than twenty six original owners of the re- five plus years later. By pro-
at about the time of its 25th restorative spa, a mini-mar- consecutive years, a desig- sort still returning each year viding training and sup-
year. ket and shopping arcade, nation given to resorts that as well as also bringing in port to employees, Playa
with well-balanced array of have attained the highest other family members and Linda has enabled each
The Playa Linda Beach Re- both dining and shopping level of excellence in re- friends. Today, owners at member of its staff the op-
sort offers utmost in comfort, options. A fully-engaged, sort accommodations and the Playa Linda Beach Re- portunity to reach his or her
community and unrivaled friendly staff, with front line hospitality. Interval Interna- sort can compose different potential and to guarantee
island and ocean-front support offered through tional also bestowed Pre- generations of the same members and guests the
views. For over thirty years, member and guest servic- mier Status on the resort for family group. best possible service. q
the beachfront, timeshare es, a concierge as well as more than 15 years.
property has welcomed an activities department,
members and guests from helps further enhance
all parts of the globe. Playa guest’s satisfaction. The
Linda is a participating re- members at PLBR are main-
sort within the exchange ly of American origin (70%),
networks of both RCI and 20% are Latin Americans
Interval International. and 10% European.
Playa Linda boasts a to- The resorts highly-identifi-
tal of 215 well-appointed able, many tiered design
suites, ranging from units has been a part of the is-
including studio, one-bed- land’s landscape for al-
room, two-bedroom as well most the entire length of
as townhouse apartments Aruba’s tourism industry,
and penthouse accom- and holds the distinction
modations. Each spacious of being one of the island’s
suite provides modern first timeshare options.
comforts while maintain-
ing a sense of place and In recent years, Playa Linda
an island charm. All units has endeavored to realize