P. 20
Monday 30 July 2018
Top-ranked Dustin Johnson wins RBC Canadian Open
OAKVILLE, Ontario (AP) — here. It makes it a lot more
Top-ranked Dustin Johnson fun playing out here in front
pulled away Sunday in the of a big crowd. I had a lot
RBC Canadian Open for his of support this week, and it
third victory of the season was a lot of fun.
and 19th on the PGA Tour. Johnson also won at the
Tied for third-round lead Tournament of Champions
with Kevin Tway, Byeong at Kapalua in January
Hun An and Whee Kim, and the FedEx St. Jude
Johnson shot a 6-under 66 Classic in June in Memphis,
for a three-stroke victory Tennessee.
over Kim and An. Johnson Kim and An each shot 69
finished at 23-under 265, in the round interrupted by
winning at Glen Abbey a nearly 2-hour lightning
after finishing second in delay.
2013 and 2016 — and a "Definitely wasn't my best
week after missing the cut day," An said. "I didn't
in the British Open. give myself many birdie
"Even after the missed cut chances."
last week, I felt like I was Keegan Bradley had a 64
hitting it fine," Johnson said. to finish fourth at 19 under.
"I just did not score very well He shot 63 on Friday, but
at Carnoustie at all. I didn't had a 73 on Saturday.
putt good. I just scored "Yesterday's round was a
really badly. But I felt like weird round," Bradley said.
I hit the ball plenty good "I didn't play all that bad,
enough to be under par Dustin Johnson, of the United States, hits his tee shot on the first hole during the final round of the but I didn't score very well."
after two days, and I was Canadian Open at the Glen Abbey Golf Club in Oakville, Ontario, Sunday, July 29, 2018. Mackenzie Hughes was the
5 over or something. It was Associated Press top Canadian, shooting
just bad scoring." a 68 to tie for eighth at 15
It fell into place at Glen under.
Abbey, the Jack Nicklaus- rolling the putter a lot better Paulina is hockey great golf course where I've had Tway had a 76 to drop into
designed course slated for here this week. Really, Wayne Gretzky's daughter, success, it means a lot," a tie for 17th at 13 under.
redevelopment. really hit the ball well all adding to the American Johnson said. "Obviously, He was trying to win his first
"I needed to work on the four days." star's popularity in Canada. having a lot of ties to PGA Tour title in the event
putter though, which I Johnson has an "Signing with RBC this year Canada with Paulina, her where father Bob Tway
did," Johnson said. "Started endorsement deal with title and coming up here and dad, Wayne, who, thanks won the last of his tour titles
sponsor RBC and fiancee winning, especially on a to him, I get a lot of fans out 15 years ago.q
Jutanugarn wins Ladies Scot-
tish Open for 10th LPGA title
GULLANE, Scotland (AP) — course one time in my life,'
Thailand's Ariya Jutanugarn and I did it so (I feel) pretty
hit six birdies in a final round good." Runner-up Lee re-
5-under 66 to win the La- mained in close pursuit of
dies Scottish Open by one Jutanugarn throughout
shot on Sunday. Sunday but was unable
The 22-year-old Juta- to make up a one-shot
nugarn held off the chal- overnight deficit. Lee pro-
lenge of Australian Minjee duced a bogey-free 66 but
Lee at Gullane to claim her couldn't do enough after
10th LPGA title and third her third-round 71.
this year. Jutanugarn has also won
Jutanugarn finished on the Kingsmill Championship
13-under 271 and is pro- and U.S. Women's Open
jected to move top of the this year.
world rankings, ahead of South Koreans Jin Young
South Koreans Inbee Park Ko (67) and Haeji Kang (69)
and Sung Hyun Park. She finished tied for third on 8
last held the No. 1 spot for under, while their compa-
two weeks in June 2017— triot Amy Yang dropped to
the first Thai golfer to top joint fifth. Yang, who shared
the rankings. the overnight lead with Ju-
"It means a lot to me, it's like tanugarn, carded a 1-over
my dream come true," the 72 to finish tied for fifth with
Bangkok-born Jutanugarn Spaniard Carlota Ciganda.
told Beating Jutanugarn was al-
"I told my caddie this week, ways going to be a tough
'I want to win on a links challenge. q