P. 23

                                                                                                       SPORTS Monday 30 July 2018

             In this May 2, 2008, file photo, Bruce Lietzke tees off on the first
            hole during the opening round of the Champions Tour's FedEx
            Kinko's Classic golf tournament in Lakeway, Texas.
                                                     Associated Press

            Bruce Lietzke, fun-loving

            PGA Tour winner, dies at 67

                                                                      Mikey Garcia, left, hits Robert Easter Jr. with a left during the 12th round of their WBC and IBF
            ATHENS,  Texas  (AP)  —  trates. It started at the final   lightweight title bout in Los Angeles, Saturday, July 28, 2018. Garcia won by unanimous decision.
            Bruce  Lietzke,  the  fun-lov-  event in 1984 when Lietzke                                                                      Associated Press
            ing,  fade-hitting  PGA  Tour  told caddie Al Hansen that
            winner   whose    practice  he wouldn't touch his clubs   Mikey Garcia trounces Robert
            regime  —  or  lack  of  one  again until the 1985 open-
            —  spawned  an  often-told  er. The unbelieving Hansen
            spoiled banana story, died  put the banana in Lietzke's   Easter, nabs IBF 135-pound belt
            Saturday  of  brain  cancer.  golf bag as a test, only to
            He was 67.                   discover the rotten fruit still   LOS ANGELES (AP) — Mikey  also the first time two previ-  to a promoter dispute, but
            Lietzke's family said he died  there in January.          Garcia added the IBF light-  ously unbeaten boxers had  he is 5-0 since returning to
            at his Athens ranch.         "We  hunted,  we  fished,    weight belt to his WBC title  fought in a lightweight uni-  the ring in 2016. He is one of
            "Our  PGA  Tour  family  lost  but  most  importantly,  we   on  Saturday  night,  domi-  fication bout.            only  three  fighters  in  mod-
            a  treasured  member  with  all laughed with 'Lieky.' He   nating  the  previously  un-  "It's  a  great  accomplish-  ern  history  to  hold  world
            the death of Bruce Lietzke,"  was truly one of the good   beaten Robert Easter for a  ment  being  here  in  LA,"  titles  at  126,  130,  135  and
            PGA  Tour  Commissioner  guys  and  will  be  missed,"    clear  unanimous  decision  Garcia said. "I was in con-   140  pounds,  joining  Juan
            Jay  Monahan  said  in  a  two-time U.S. Open winner      victory.                     trol  most  of  the  fight,  and  Manuel Marquez and Man-
            statement. "He touched on  Curtis Strange tweeted.        Garcia    (39-0)   knocked  I  did  what  I  had  to  do.  I  ny Pacquiao,
            parts of five decades as a  Introduced to golf in his na-  down  Easter  in  the  third  knew  he  was  a  tough  op-  Garcia won the vacant IBF
            player,  competed  in  700  tive  Kansas  City,  Missouri,   round and controlled long  ponent.  He's  a  tough  war-  140-pound  title  in  March
            tournaments as a member  Lietzke  starred  at  Forest     stretches  of  the  bout  at  rior. He gave a great fight  to  become  a  four-division
            of  the  PGA  Tour  and  PGA  Park  High  School  in  Beau-  Staples  Center.  He  unified  but I was a better fighter. I  world champion, only to re-
            Tour  Champions,  and  re-   mont,  Texas,  before  mov-  the  two  135-pound  titles  was  in  control  of  the  fight  linquish the title to return to
            corded a total of 20 victo-  ing  on  to  the  University  of   with flair in his first fight in his  and I did what I had to do  135 pounds to face Easter.
            ries.                        Houston.                     native  California  in  seven  to win." Easter was knocked  Earlier  on  the  Showtime
            "But  to  celebrate  Bruce  Lietzke  played  in  the  Unit-  years.                    down  for  only  the  second  card  at  Staples  Center,
            Lietzke's life properly, we of-  ed States' 1981 Ryder Cup   The judges all favored Gar-  time  in  his  career  after  a  heavyweight   Luis   Ortiz
            fer praise to the great fam-  victory in England, and fin-  cia, scoring it 116-111, 117-  strong right jab set up Gar-  (29-1,  25  KOs)  landed  a
            ily man and the cherished  ished second to John Daly      110 and 118-109.             cia's  devastating  left  hook  straight left hand that sent
            friend to many."             in  the  1991  PGA  Cham-    The 30-year-old Garcia has  late in the third round.      Romanian  Razvan  Cojanu
            With  family,  fishing  and  a  pionship.  He  won  seven   been a world champion in  Garcia  also  got  better  as  (16-4)  to  the  canvas  and
            large  muscle  car  collec-  times on the senior tour, the   four weight classes, and his  the fight progressed. In the  ultimately  ended  the  fight
            tion to tend to, the 13-time  last  victory  coming  in  the   combination  of  precision  final  four  rounds,  Garcia  in the second round in the
            PGA  Tour  winner  had  little  2003 U.S. Senior Open at In-  and  power  was  too  much  out-landed  Easter  95-34  in  co-feature.
            time or desire to tinker with  verness.                   for  Easter  (21-1).  Garcia  total  punches  and  ended  Both  fighters  were  coming
            a  trusted  swing  that  didn't  Lietzke  is  survived  by  wife   knocked down Easter with  the  fight  being  the  more  off  losses  in  heavyweight
            need tinkering — as the ba-  Rose,  son  Stephen  and     a nasty left hook in the third  active fighter, throwing 555  world  title  fights,  and  Ortiz
            nana  story  hilariously  illus-  daughter Christine."q   round  and  nearly  finished  punches to Easter's 507.    was fighting for the first time
                                                                      the bout moments later.      "Whenever  we  step  in  the  since challenging Deontay
                                                                      Garcia  couldn't  get  his  ring  we  are  both  putting  Wilder earlier this year.
                                                                      first  knockout  since  Janu-  our lives on the line, and to-  Mario Barrios (22-0, 14 KOs)
                                                                      ary 2017, but still delivered  night Mikey was victorious,"  recorded  his  sixth  straight
                                                                      another  outstanding  per-   Easter  said.  "I  just  couldn't  stoppage  victory  in  the
                                                                      formance.  His  victory  in  a  find  the  timing  and  I  just  eighth  round  against  Jose
                                                                      unification bout put him in  couldn't  let  my  right  hand  Roman  (24-3-1).  Each  of
                                                                      a rare collection of talents  go.  He  caught  me  with  the  judges  had  the  fight
                                                                      to  accomplish  the  feat,  a  clean  shot  and  I  went  scored 80-70 in favor of Bar-
                                                                      including  Roberto  Duran,  down,  but  I  got  up  like  a  rios at the time of the stop-
                                                                      Julio  Cesar  Chavez,  Per-  true champion."              page  when  Roman's  cor-
                                                                      nell  Whitaker  and  Oscar  Garcia  had  a  2  1/2-year  ner  didn't  answer  the  bell
                                                                      De La Hoya. The bout was  layoff  from  his  sport  due  for the ninth round.q
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