P. 28

                       Monday 30 July 2018

             Science Says record heat, fires worsened by climate change

            By  SETH  BORENSTEIN  and                                                                                           derike  Otto,  a  member  of
            FRANK JORDANS                                                                                                       the  team  and  deputy  di-
             Associated Press                                                                                                   rector of the Environmental
            Heat waves are setting all-                                                                                         Change Institute at the Uni-
            time  temperature  records                                                                                          versity of Oxford.
            across  the  globe,  again.                                                                                         Erich  Fischer,  an  expert  on
            Europe  suffered  its  deadli-                                                                                      weather  extremes  at  the
            est fire in more than a cen-                                                                                        Swiss  Federal  Institute  of
            tury,  and  one  of  nearly  90                                                                                     Technology  in  Zurich  who
            large  fires  in  the  U.S.  West                                                                                   wasn't  part  of  the  analysis
            burned  dozens  of  homes                                                                                           said the authors used well-
            and forced the evacuation                                                                                           established  methods  to
            of  at  least  37,000  people                                                                                       make their conclusions.
            near  Redding,  California.                                                                                         Georgia  Tech  climate  sci-
            Flood-inducing  downpours                                                                                           entist Kim Cobb said the link
            have pounded the U.S. East                                                                                          between  climate  change
            this week.                                                                                                          and fires isn't as strong as it
            It's all part of summer — but                                                                                       is with heat waves, but it is
            it's  all  being  made  worse                                                                                       becoming clearer.
            by  human-caused  climate                                                                                           A devastating fire in Greece
            change, scientists say.                                                                                             — with at least 83 fatalities
            "Weirdness  abounds,"  said                                                                                         — is the deadliest fire in Eu-
            Rutgers  University  climate                                                                                        rope since 1900, according
            scientist Jennifer Francis.                                                                                         to the International Disaster
            Japan  hit  106  degrees  on                                                                                        Database run by the Cen-
            Monday,  its  hottest  tem-                                                                                         tre for the Research on the
            perature ever.  Records  fell                                                                                       Epidemiology of Disasters in
            in  parts  of  Massachusetts,                                                                                       Brussels, Belgium.
            Maine,  Wyoming,  Colo-                                                                                             In  the  United  States  on  Fri-
            rado,  Oregon,  New  Mex-                                                                                           day  there  were  89  active
            ico  and  Texas.    And  then   An historic schoolhouse burns as the Carr Fire tears through Shasta, Calif., Thursday, July 26, 2018.   large fires, consuming near-
                                         Fueled by high temperatures, wind and low humidity, the blaze destroyed multiple homes and at
            there's  crazy  heat  in  Eu-  least one historic building.                                                         ly 900,000 acres, according
            rope,  where  normally  chill                                                                      Associated Press  the  National  Interagency
            Norway,  Sweden  and  Fin-                                                                                          Fire Center. So far this year,
            land  all  saw  temperatures  of  the  planet,  and  has  in-  The  same  jet  stream  pat-  used observations, statistics  fires  have  burned  4.15  mil-
            they  have  never  seen  be-  creased  the  odds  of  re-  tern caused the 2003 Euro-  and  computer  simulations  lion  acres,  which  is  nearly
            fore  on  any  date,  pushing  cord-setting  wet  events  at  pean heat wave, the 2010  to calculate if global warm-  14  percent  higher  than
            past 90 degrees. So far this  around half of the planet."  Russian  heat  wave  and  ing  increases  the  chances  average  over  the  past  10
            month, at least 118 of these  Climate  change  is  making  fires,  the  2011  Texas  and  of the events.            years.
            all-time heat records have  the world warmer because  Oklahoma  drought  and  A study by European scien-            The first major science study
            been set or tied across the  of  the  build-up  of  heat-  the  2016  Canadian  wild-  tists  Friday  found  that  the  to  connect  greenhouse
            globe,  according  to  the  trapping  gases  from  the  fires,  Pennsylvania  State  ongoing  European  heat  gases  to  stronger  and  lon-
            National  Oceanic  and  At-  burning  of  fossil  fuels  like  University  climate  scientist  wave  is  twice  as  likely  be-  ger  heat  waves  was  in
            mospheric Administration.    coal and oil and other hu-   Michael  Mann  said,  point-  cause  of  human-caused  2004. It was titled "More in-
            The  explanations  should  man activities. And experts  ing  to  past  studies  by  him  global  warming,  though  tense,  more  frequent  and
            sound  as  familiar  as  the  say the jet stream — which  and others.                  those  conclusions  have  longer  lasting  heat  waves
            crash of broken records.     dictates  weather  in  the  He  said  in  an  email  that  not  yet  been  confirmed  in  the  21st  century."  Study
            "We now have very strong  Northern  Hemisphere  —  is  these  extremes  are  "be-      by  outside  scientists.  The  author  Gerald  Meehl  of
            evidence     that   global  again behaving strangely.     coming more common be-       World  Weather  Attribution  the National Center for At-
            warming  has  already  put  "An unusually sharply kinked  cause  of  human-caused  team  said  they  compared  mospheric  Research  said
            a thumb on the scales, up-   jet stream has been stuck in  climate change and in par-  three-day  heat  measure-    Friday  that  now  it  "reads
            ping the odds of extremes  place for weeks now," said  ticular, the amplified warm-    ments  and  forecasts  for  like  a  prediction  of  what
            like severe heat and heavy  Jeff Masters, director of the  ing in the Arctic."         the  Netherlands,  Denmark  has  been  happening  and
            rainfall,"  Stanford  Univer-  private  Weather  Under-   Climate   scientists   have  and  Ireland  with  historical  will continue to happen as
            sity  climate  scientist  Noah  ground. He says that allows  long said they can't directly  records going back to the  long as average tempera-
            Diffenbaugh    said.   "We  the  heat  to  stay  in  place  link  single  weather  events,  early 1900s.            tures  continue  to  rise  with
            find  that  global  warming  over three areas where the  like a heat wave, to human  "The  world  is  becoming  ever-increasing      emissions
            has  increased  the  odds  of  kinks  are:  Europe,  Japan  caused  climate  change  warmer and so heatwaves  of  greenhouse  gases  from
            record-setting  hot  events  and  the  western  United  without  extensive  study.  In  like  this  are  becoming  burning  fossil  fuels.  It's  no
            over more than 80 percent  States.                        the past decade they have  more  common,"  said  Frie-    mystery."q
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