P. 30
Monday 30 July 2018
Fending off Fortnite: Can Overwatch stay atop esports world?
By JAKE SEINER Commissioner Nate Nanzer
NEW YORK (AP) — The said. "I think I can speak as
Overwatch League has well as most that there's a
planted its flag atop the ton of investment and plan-
esports mountain. But just ning and infrastructure that
like its twitchy-thumbed su- you need to build in order
perstars, the premier circuit to do professional esports
can't afford to sit still. at a high quality bar."
Not as long as Fortnite THE GRAND FINALS
commands the rest of the Overwatch's Grand Finals
gaming universe. have been a showcase
The Fortnite phenomenon for that. All it takes is one
has put Overwatch in a look at the 165-foot-wide,
strange position. The Over- 36-foot-tall LED screen be-
watch League's inaugural hind the Barclays Center
season has been a barrier- stage — players and fans
breaking achievement, alike were in awe of the
but Blizzard Entertainment's massive display.
6-on-6 first-person shooter But it runs deeper than
isn't nearly the world's most flashy tech. The league's
popular video game. That broadcasts on Twitch have
would be Fortnite, a battle been nearly flawless tech-
royale that has transcend- nologically all season. Its
ed gaming and smashed teams have impressive sup-
into the mainstream un- In this Friday, July 27, 2018 photo, fans watch the Philadelphia Fusion and London Spitfire compete port staffs including chefs,
in the Overwatch League Grand Finals' first night of competition at the Barclays Center in the
like any title in years. Over- Brooklyn borough of New York. physical trainers and PR
watch executives say they Associated Press managers. Even the in-
aren't nearly panicked event entertainment is first-
because of one grand esport — the latter requires ing weekend, and 100-150 nite as competition — yet. rate: DJ Khaled performed
gamble: their deep pock- a professional circuit, loyal thousand tuned in for every "Fortnite right now is 99 per- at Saturday's champion-
ets and impressive infra- fans and a product that's second of the regular sea- cent a game and not an ship finale.
structure can keep Fortnite just as enjoyable to watch son. The league's two-night esport," said Ari Segal, pres- Which isn't to say Overnight
from making a successful as to play. championship sold out ident of Immortals Gaming, is a finished product. There's
charge for the crown. The Overwatch League has Brooklyn's Barclays Cen- which runs Overwatch's Los work to be done packag-
THE LEAGUE set the standard for esports ter, and the opening night Angeles Valiant. "But I think ing its events, especially
A top-selling game doesn't in its first season. Ten mil- aired live on ESPN, the net- obviously there's a path for for casual fans. Blizzard
necessarily make an elite lion fans watched its open- work's first live broadcast of it to become an esport." plans to experiment with
esports in prime time. The The distinction is key. Struc- its broadcast structure to
league has a fierce and tured, competitive Fortnite better serve diehards and
sizable stable of fans, big- events are still in their in- newbies alike. Those adjust-
name investors like New fancy, and Epic has a ways ments began with more ex-
England Patriots owner to go to match the profes- planatory segments on the
Robert Kraft and the mo- sional experience provided ESPN show for uninitiated
mentum of a monumental to Overwatch League fans. viewers, and the league
first season. Epic began that effort by will use feedback from that
FORMIDABLE FORTNITE promising in May to offer to shape coverage for next
Yet video gamers are $100 million in Fortnite es- season.
clearly more ravenous ports prize pools — an enor- "What I saw on Twitter was
for Fortnite. The breakout mous sum for the industry. fun," said Pete Vlastelica,
title from Epic Games has Yet early returns have been President and CEO of Ac-
125 million global players, shaky, like when the Fort- tivision Blizzard Esports
compared to 40 million for nite Summer Skirmish Series Leagues. "I liked seeing the
Overwatch. Perhaps more was cancelled mid-play healthy debate between
jarring, Google searches due to technical issues. The the old-school, old-guard
for "Fortnite" outpaced tournament has also been sports audience who won-
"Overwatch" 14-to-1 in the hindered by conservative dered what they were
week leading up to the game play, with players watching and then a lot
Overwatch League Grand waiting until the last possi- of young sports fans who
Finals. ble moment to engage. In were very excited by what
Fortnite's crossover appeal a statement, Epic said that they were seeing."
is unrivaled, a fact most it "under delivered" in what Even as it experiments, ev-
recently on display when was supposed to be its first erything about the league
France's Antoine Griez- marquee esports event has the look and feel of a
mann celebrated a goal in while laying out plans to top-notch pro sports orga-
the World Cup Final with a improve the viewing expe- nization, and that's been a
dance move popularized rience. matter of investment and
by the game . Epic did not respond to a expertise for Blizzard and
How could Overwatch not request for comment from its team owners — a group
be terrified of a competi- The Associated Press. that includes Kraft, New
tor with that kind of organic "It takes a lot more than a York Mets COO Jeff Wil-
reach? press release to build an es- pon and Los Angeles Rams
Simple: it doesn't see Fort- port," Overwatch League owner Stan Kroenke.q