P. 27
CLASSIFIED Monday 30 July 2018
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Authorities search the coastline, Saturday, July 28, 2018, after a let me help solve your problems San Nicolas
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BERLIN (AP) — Norwegian from their ship went on the two bedroom, pool/ocean view Oranjestad 527 3140
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guard who was leading head." ________________________________209841 Police Tipline 11141
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cruise company said. Negar Etminan said. Taxi Tas 587 5900
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tweeted that the attack of Longyearbyen on Spits- A1 Taxi Serv. 280 2828
occurred when the tour- bergen island. He was not Women in Difficulties
ists from the MS Bremen identified and no further TRAVEL INFO
cruise ship landed on the information was given on Aruba Airport 524 2424
most northern island of the him. "He was flown out, was American Airlines 582 2700
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region between mainland undergoing medical treat- Aruba Airlines 583 8300
Norway and the North Pole ment," Etminan said, add- Jet Blue 588 2244
that is known for its remote ing that the victim was not Surinam 582 7896
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terrain, glaciers, reindeer in a life-threatening con- Women in Difficulties
and polar bears. dition. She said all cruise CRUISES
The German Hapag Lloyd ships traveling in the north-
Cruises company, which ern region are obliged to
operates the MS Bremen, have polar bear guards
told The Associated Press aboard.q
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