P. 22

                       Monday 30 July 2018
            Sounders win 3rd straight knocking off New York City FC 3-1

            By TIM BOOTH                                                                                                        Seattle's 1-0 win at San Jose
            AP Sports Writer                                                                                                    earlier in the week and was
            SEATTLE  (AP)  —  Here  go                                                                                          a  constant  threat  against
            the  Seattle  Sounders  once                                                                                        NYCFC  without  finding  a
            again  recovering  from  an                                                                                         goal.
            awful start to the season to                                                                                        NYCFC  vaulted  into  sec-
            make a summer run toward                                                                                            ond  place  in  the  Eastern
            a playoff berth.                                                                                                    Conference  thanks  to  its
            If  only  Cristian  Roldan  felt                                                                                    four-match  win  streak  and
            the Sounders were playing                                                                                           was  trying  to  pull  off  the
            well during this run of three                                                                                       difficult  task  of  winning  on
            straight wins and six straight                                                                                      both coasts just a few days
            without  a  loss  to  get  back                                                                                     apart.  NYCFC  won  at  Or-
            into contention in the West-                                                                                        lando City on Wednesday,
            ern Conference.                                                                                                     but  was  unable  to  do  the
            "We're grinding out games,                                                                                          same  in  Seattle.  Medina's
            we're winning these games                                                                                           goal was his fifth of the sea-
            because     we're   playing                                                                                         son,  but  NYCFC  struggled
            good  defense  and  we're                                                                                           to create scoring chances.
            scoring  that  one  or  two                                                                                         NYCFC  coach  Domenec
            goals,"  Roldan  said.  "That's   New York City goalkeeper Sean Johnson, right, can't stop a goal kicked by Seattle Sounders   Torrent  was  unhappy  with
            the  scary  part.  You  think   midfielder Cristian Roldan as Sounders' Raul Ruidiaz (9) looks on during the first half of an MLS   the scheduling that forced
            about  six  unbeaten  and    soccer match, Sunday, July 29, 2018, in Seattle.                                       his club to play across the
            you  think  if  we  start  play-                                                                   Associated Press  country just days apart.
            ing well and like we're sup-                                                                                        "I  was  very  proud  of  my
            posed to, we can go on a  the  season.  Seattle  hasn't  without  going  offside  and  clincher  after  NYCFC's  Je-  players  because  it  is  not
            really long run."            lost since a June 30 setback  finding  himself  on  the  end  sus Medina scored midway  easy. I don't have to make
            Roldan,  Gustav  Svensson  to rival Portland.             of Kelvin Leerdam's deflect-  through the second half.    an excuse about that — it's
            and Harry Shipp all scored  "We  put  ourselves  in  a  re-  ed pass. Roldan's right-foot-  The  three  goals  allowed  a  fact,"  Torrent  said.  "We
            their  second  goals  of  the  ally big hole, so we need to  ed shot beat Sean Johnson  Seattle  to  finally  crack  the  have a big problem in MLS.
            season,  and  the  resurgent  collect  points.  I  don't  care  to give Seattle the early ad-  20 goals for the season, be-  If you want to play the bal-
            Sounders ended New York  where  we  collect  them,  vantage.                           coming the last team in MLS  ance  in  MLS,  it's  not  fair
            City  FC's  four-match  win  how  we  collect  them,  we  Svensson doubled the lead  to reach the mark. Lack of  in  three  days  to  play  two
            streak  with  a  3-1  victory  need  to  collect  points  be-  in  the  51st  minute,  beat-  offense  was  behind  much  games."  NYCFC  had  gone
            Sunday.                      cause  this  team  deserves  ing  Johnson  from  25  yards  of Seattle's struggles the first  434  minutes  until  Roldan's
            Seattle  completed  a  busy  to be in the playoffs," Seat-  out.  Nicolas  Lodeiro  left  half of the season, but has  goal, a span of more than
            eight-day  stretch  with  its  tle  coach  Brian  Schmetzer  the pass for Svensson mak-  picked up in the past three  four matches. The last goal
            third  straight  victory,  pick-  said.                   ing a late run and Johnson  games  with  the  addition  NYCFC had allowed came
            ing up a crucial nine points  Roldan  scored  in  the  36th  could  barely  get  a  hand  of  new  designated  player  in  the  52nd  minute  of  its
            in  its  attempt  to  rebound  minute making a smart run  on  the  strike.  Shipp's  goal  Raul  Ruidiaz  to  the  lineup.  3-2 loss to Chicago on Jun
            from  a  terrible  first-half  to  through  the  penalty  area  in the 86th minute was the  Ruidiaz had the only goal in  30.q

                                                                                                   John Isner wins BB&T Atlanta

                                                                                                   Open for 5th time in 6 years

                                                                                                   ATLANTA  (AP)  —  John  of  Georgia  has  14  ATP
                                                                                                   Isner won the BB&T Atlanta  Tour titles, also winning the
                                                                                                   Open  for  the  fifth  time  in  Miami Open in April.
                                                                                                   six  years  Sunday,  beating  Isner  won  three  straight
                                                                                                   fellow   American     Ryan  titles  from  2013-15,  and
                                                                                                   Harrison in the final for the  lost  the  2016  final  to  Nick
                                                                                                   second straight year.        Kyrgios.q
                                                                                                   The    top-seeded     Isner
                                                                                                   beat  the  eighth-seeded
                                                                                                   Harrison  5-7,  6-3,  6-4  at
                                                                                                   Atlantic  Station  to  join
                                                                                                   Jimmy     Connors,    John
                                                                                                   McEnroe,  Andre  Agassi
                                                                                                   and  Pete  Sampras  as  the
                                                                                                   only  Americans  to  win  an
                                                                                                   ATP Tour event five times or
                                                                                                   Isner  improved  to  31-4  in
                                                                                                   the  event,  winning  four
                                                                                                   matches  in  Atlanta  after
                                                                                                   a  6-hour,  36-minute  loss
                                                                                                   —  with  a  26-24  fifth  set  —
            John  Isner  poses  with  the  trophy  after  winning  the  BB&T  Atlanta  Open  tennis  tournament  by   to  Kevin  Anderson  in  the
            defeating Ryan Harrison, Sunday, July 29, 2018, in Atlanta.                            Wimbledon  semifinals.  The
                                                                                  Associated Press  6-foot-10  former  University
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