P. 17

LOCAL           Monday 30 July 2018

            Like Us on Facebook!

            ORANJESTAD  -  Aruba  To-    Aruba To Me Is
            day  has  a  new  Facebook  We would also like to por-
            page and website. We like  trait you! By inviting you to
            to welcome you to our on-    send  us  your  favorite  va-
            line community!              cation  picture  while  en-
                                         joying  our  Happy  Island.
            The  cover  picture  of  the  Complete  the  sentence:
            Facebook  page  will  show  Aruba to me is …….  Send
            another  picture  of  a  lo-  your  picture  with  that  text
            cal  photographer  every  (including  your  name  and
            couple of months. We love  where  you  are  from)  to:
            culture and like to support
            our local talents, therefore  and  we  will  publish  your
            Aruba  Today  chooses  to  vacation     memory.     Isn’t
            be a platform for showcas-   that a special way to keep
            ing  art.  Photographer  Mi-  your  best  moments  alive?
            chael-Anthony Fowler took  Please do note: By submit-
            the  new  cover  picture  of  ting photos, text or any oth-
            Aruba  Today’s  Facebook  er materials, you give per-
            page,  following  the  for-  mission to The Aruba Today
            mer  local  talent  that  shot  Newspaper,   Caribbean
            the  cover  picture:  Anuar  Speed  Printers  and  any  of
            Habibe.  Michael  is  a  mul-  its  affiliated  companies  to
            titalented   photographer  use  said  materials,  as  well
            who  shoots  weddings  and  as names, likeness, etc. for
            families, but also made an  promotional purposes with-
            impressive series of drug/al-  out compensation.
            cohol addicts in the streets
            of Aruba. He has a creative  Last but not least: our new                                                   TOLL FREE 1 866 978 61 92
            mind  with  always  a  social  website is live, check it out
            twist. His style is very natural  please! Thank you for sup-                                                     + 297 699 29 79
            and pure.                    porting  our  free  newspa-                                             FOLLOW US ON:        @arubaslife
                                         per, we strive to make you                                     |
                                         a happy reader every day.
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