P. 12

                       Monday 30 July 2018

            Brazilian celebrities hold 'Free Lula' concert in Rio

            By BEATRICE CHRISTOFARO                                                                with  his  critics  celebrating  looked  like  da  Silva  might
            RIO  DE  JANEIRO  (AP)  —                                                              a  victory  against  endemic  be  freed  when  a  lower
            Some  of  Brazil's  most  pop-                                                         corruption while supporters  court judge repeatedly or-
            ular  musicians  called  for                                                           argue it amounts to a witch  dered  his  release  -  only  to
            jailed former president Luiz                                                           hunt  against  left-leaning  be overruled each time.
            Inacio  Lula  da  Silva  to  be                                                        parties and politicians.     "An  election  without  Lula
            freed in a concert Saturday                                                            Despite  it  all,  da  Silva  re-  would  be  fraudulent,"  said
            in Rio de Janeiro attended                                                             mains  one  of  Brazil's  most  56-year-old doorman Adel-
            by  tens  of  thousands  of                                                            popular   politicians.   He  son Pereira.
            people.                                                                                is  currently  leading  polls  Da  Silva's  supporters,  in-
            Da  Silva,  a  leftist  ex-presi-                                                      for  October's  presidential  cluding  big  names  in  the
            dent  universally  known  as                                                           race.                        Brazilian  art  scene,  remain
            Lula, was convicted of cor-                                                            "Lula  is  the  voice  of  the  determined  to  get  his
            ruption  and  money  laun-                                                             people,"  said  Tayna  Sena,  name on the ballot. Nostal-
            dering,  but  his  supporters   People gather for the Lula Free festival in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,   a  22-year-old  law-student  gic for the social programs
            say the sentence was politi-  Saturday, July 28, 2018.                                 who attended the concert.  and booming economy of
            cally motivated.                                                      Associated Press  "The  elites  are  scared  be-  his  presidency,  they  stage
            Saturday's  festival  in  front                                                        cause  even  when  he's  in  protests, sign petitions or or-
            of  Rio's  iconic  Lapa  Arch  chants  of  "Free  Lula!"  as  so-called "Car Wash" inves-  jail,  he  can  get  more  sup-  ganize concerts.
            featured household names  organizers  urged  them  to  tigation. Launched in 2014,  port  than  any  other  politi-  "In  Brazil,  there  is  a  tradi-
            in Brazil like Chico Buarque  scream loud enough for da  investigators  uncovered  a  cian."                        tion  of  many  famous  art-
            and  other  Latin  American  Silva to hear them from the  colossal corruption scheme  It's  unlikely  that  he  gets  ists  supporting  left-leaning
            musicians.                   southern city of Curitiba.   in which construction com-   on  the  ballot,  though  that  causes,"  said  Ricardo  Cra-
            Da  Silva's  image  could  be  The  former  president  was  panies  used  inflated  state  hasn't  stopped  him  and  vo Albin, one of Brazil's most
            seen everywhere: On shirts,  jailed  there  after  his  cor-  contracts to kick back mil-  supporters from campaign-  important musicologists.
            bandanas      and   masks,  ruption conviction was up-    lions of dollars to politicians  ing. Brazil's Clean Slate law  The  researcher  believes
            while  his  animated  image  held on appeal. He is one  and other officials.           prohibits  a  convict  whose  Chico Buarque plays a cru-
            danced on screens next to  of  many  top  politicians  Da Silva's 12-year sentence  appeal  has  been  upheld  cial role in getting the sup-
            the stage. In between sets,  and  business  leaders  to  divided  people  in  Latin  from running for office.       port da Silva receives in the
            supporters  broke  out  into  get  brought  down  in  the  America's  largest  nation,  Earlier  this  month,  it  briefly  artistic community.q
            Competing marches peaceful in Nicaraguan capital

            By CHRISTOPHER SHERMAN       Ortega accused the Cath-     in  Panama  could  be  nec-
            MANAGUA, Nicaragua (AP)  olic Church of working with  essary.
            —  Simultaneous  marches  "coup plotters" for his oust-   Most in the opposition fear
            of  supporters  and  oppo-   er  and  even  of  allowing  that taking up arms against
            nents  of  President  Dan-   weapons  to  be  stockpiled  the  government  would  be
            iel  Ortega's  government  in their churches. Just days  both  futile  and  play  into
            passed  through the streets  later his tone changed and  Ortega's hands.
            of Nicaragua's capital Sat-  he said he hoped the bish-   Not far away, Ortega sup-
            urday without incident.      ops  would  continue  medi-  porters  carrying  the  red
            The larger of the two march-  ating a dialogue to end the  and black flag of the San-
            es was in support of the Ro-  conflict.                   dinista  Front  marched  be-
            man Catholic Church and  Still, Ortega has refused to  hind  trucks  blaring  songs
            its bishops who are trying to  consider  stepping  down  praising the president.
            mediate a conflict that has  before elections scheduled  Roger Moncada, a 30-year-
            carried  on  for  more  than  for 2021.                   old  accountant,  echoed
            three  months  and  left  at  Seventy-year-old    Nubia  Ortega  in  calling  the  op-
            least 448 dead, according  Torres said dialogue is worth  position  "terrorists"  and  the
            to a human rights organiza-  a try, but said if Ortega was  three  months  of  unrest  a   A woman wrapped in a Nicaragua national flag stands in front
                                                                                                   of a mural with an anti-government message during a march
            tion.                        reasonable he would have  failed coup attempt.            in support of the Catholic church, in Nicaragua, Saturday, July
            Marchers  chanted  on  Sat-  already left office.         He  accused  human  rights   28, 2018.
            urday that the bishops had  "Dialogue is believed to be  organizations of only blam-                                            Associated Press
            their  support  and  urged  a way out, but not for peo-   ing the government for the
            Ortega to step down.         ple like Daniel Ortega," she  deaths.                     man Rights Association said  gathered to document the
            In  an  anniversary  speech  said, adding that a military  "The justice has to be even,"  this week that 399 of dead  other cases. The vast major-
            for the victory of the Nica-  intervention  similar  to  the  he said.                 had  been  identified  and  ity of the dead have been
            raguan  Revolution  July  19,  removal of Manuel Noriega  The  Nicaraguan  Pro-Hu-     other  evidence  had  been  demonstrators, it said.q
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