P. 11

                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Monday 30 July 2018

            Egypt president defends painful austerity measures

            By HAMZA HENDAWI             lion people.                 "Everything  is  linked  to  sta-
            CAIRO (AP) — Egypt's presi-  He  has  also  overseen  the  bility and security. I want us
            dent  zealously  defended  largest  crackdown  on  dis-   to  develop  an  acute  fear
            his  economic  policies  on  sent  in  Egypt's  recent  his-  of instability," he said.
            Sunday,  saying  he  was  tory,  jailing  thousands  of  Addressing the same youth
            left  with  no  choice  but  to  Islamists  as  well  as  some  conference Sunday, el-Sissi
            embrace  painful  auster-    secular    pro-democracy  warned  that  economic
            ity  measures  to  revive  an  activists,  and  rolling  back  reform  was  open-ended
            economy mauled by years  many of the freedoms won  and  that  he  intended  to
            of political turmoil and vio-  following  the  2011  uprising  continue  down  the  same
            lence.                       that  toppled  longtime  au-  route.  "I  will  press  on  be-
            Abdel-Fattah  el-Sissi  was  tocrat Hosni Mubarak.        cause I don't have another
            speaking  at  a  youth  con-  In  March,  el-Sissi  won  a  path,"  declared  the  gen-
            ference a day after he ex-   second,  four-year  term  af-  eral-turned-president  who
            pressed his displeasure over  ter  running  virtually  unop-  routinely calls on Egyptians
            recent online postings urg-  posed.                       to endure hardships for the
            ing him to step down over  The  economic  reform  pro-    sake  of  their  country  and   In  this  photo  provided  by  Egypt's  state  news  agency  MENA,
            the  economy.  He  said  he  gram has won el-Sissi lavish  declares that only God will   Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi speaks during a youth
            was "upset" over the posts,  praise  from  Cairo's  west-  judge his actions.q         conference in Cairo, Egypt, Sunday, July 29, 2018.
            which  he  said  were  inap-  ern  backers  and  bank-                                                                          Associated Press
            propriate.                   ers  and  showed  him  as  a
            The  #Sissi_leave  hashtag  leader  who  was  prepared
            surfaced  this  summer  fol-  to adopt painful measures,
            lowing  steep  price  hikes  like  lifting  state  subsidies
            for fuel, drinking water and  on  basic  items,  regardless
            electricity as part of auster-  of the political cost, some-
            ity  measures  designed  to  thing his predecessors had
            overhaul the economy, still  not  been  able  to  do  for
            recovering  from  years  of  fear of unrest or losing pow-
            turmoil  following  the  2011  er. El-Sissi's policies, howev-
            popular uprising.            er,  have  made  more  diffi-
            "They  have  pushed  us  into  cult the plight of a majority
            being a nation of poverty,  of  Egyptians  who  are  now
            a  nation  of  neediness,  but  forced to cope with steep
            when  I  begin  working  to-  hikes in the price of every-
            ward getting us out of this,  thing from utilities and fuel
            I  find  the  hashtag  #Sissi  —  to food and transportation.
            leave,"  he  said.  "Should  I  El-Sissi  has  in  the  past  told
            have been upset or not? I  Egyptians  not  to  listen  to
            was upset. I was upset."     anyone  but  him  and  re-
            El-Sissi  was  first  elected  in  peated  that  he  would
            2014,  a  year  after,  as  de-  only  listen  to  viewpoints
            fense  minister,  he  led  the  different  from  his  if  they
            military's  ouster  of  Mo-  are based on thorough re-
            hammed  Morsi,  an  Islamist  search. In his latest remarks,
            who  was  freely  elected  he  repeated  his  frequent
            but  whose  one  year  in  of-  assertions about unnamed
            fice  proved  divisive.  He  parties  tirelessly  working  to
            has  since  taking  office  undermine  and  destabilize
            launched multibillion-dollar  the country.
            infrastructure,   develop-   Egypt, he warned Sunday,
            ment and housing projects  would  not  survive  another
            that  he  says  will  transform  "revolutionary"  phase  like
            the country of some 96 mil-  that of 2011.
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