P. 10

                       Monday 30 July 2018
            With opposition silenced, Cambodia's Hun Sen coasts to win

            By SOPHENG CHEANG                                                                                                   Speaking  from  south  of
            JERRY HARMER                                                                                                        Paris  in  Freteval  where  he
            PHNOM  PENH,  Cambodia                                                                                              lives,  Sam  Rainsy  told  The
            (AP)  —  Cambodia's  ruling                                                                                         Associated  Press  that  "it  is
            party  has  won  Sunday's                                                                                           a  meaningless  victory  be-
            general election, the chief                                                                                         cause (Hun Sen) won with-
            government      spokesman                                                                                           out  any  real  challenger
            said,  a  widely  expected                                                                                          ...  prior  to  the  election  he
            outcome  in  an  election                                                                                           dissolved the only credible
            slammed  by  rights  groups                                                                                         opposition party."
            as  illegitimate,  and  which                                                                                       Hun Sen's Cambodian Peo-
            ensures   that   long-ruling                                                                                        ple's Party was alarmed by
            Prime  Minister  Hun  Sen  will                                                                                     the results of the 2013 elec-
            serve  another  five  year-                                                                                         tion,  when  the  race  was
            term.                                                                                                               close enough for the oppo-
            Although  20  parties  con-                                                                                         sition to claim that it would
            tested  the  election,  the                                                                                         have won had it not been
            only one with the popularity                                                                                        for manipulation of the vot-
            and organization to mount                                                                                           er registration process.
            a real challenge, the Cam-                                                                                          Along  with  fracturing  the
            bodian  National  Rescue                                                                                            political  opposition  —  in-
            Party,  was  dissolved  last                                                                                        cluding   pressuring   Sam
            year by the Supreme Court                                                                                           Rainsy into exile and jailing
            in a ruling generally seen as                                                                                       his successor, Kem Sokha —
            political in nature.         Cambodian  Prime  Minister  Hun  Sen  holds  his  ballot  at  a  polling  station  in  Takhmua,  Kandal   Hun Sen's government also
            The  government  spokes-     province, southeast of Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Sunday, July 29, 2018.                    silenced  critical  voices  in
            man, Khieu Kanharith, con-                                                                         Associated Press  the  media.  Over  the  past
            firmed  to  The  Associated                                                                                         year,  about  30  radio  sta-
            Press  that  the  Cambodian  cent of the vote in each of  would not be credible.       vote — signified by having  tions  shut  down,  and  two
            People's Party had topped  the country's 25 provinces.  Charging  that  the  polls  no  fingers  dipped  in  indel-  English-language  newspa-
            the  polls.  He  did  not  say  Under the election's system  were  neither  free  nor  fair,  ible ink — made voters sub-  pers  that  provided  serious
            how many of the of the 125  of proportional representa-   the  disbanded  CNRP's  for-  ject  to  retaliation  by  local  reporting were gutted, one
            seats  in  the  National  As-  tion,  the  party  would  likely  mer  leaders  had  urged  officials who carry out civic  forced  to  close  and  the
            sembly  the  CPP  had  cap-  grab more than 100 seats.    people not to vote in what  functions, such as land reg-  other put under ownership
            tured, but preliminary totals  Local  and  foreign  rights  was  dubbed  a  "Clean  Fin-  istration.  There  had  been  friendly to the government.
            broadcast  on  state  televi-  groups,  along  with  several  ger"  campaign  because  reports  during  the  cam-   Just ahead of the polls, the
            sion showed that the party  Western governments, had  those who did cast ballots  paign  of  threats  against  government  ordered  the
            had  won  at  least  70  per-  agreed  that  the  election  had to dip a finger in indel-  anyone  who  planned  to  temporary  blocking  of  17
                                                                      ible  ink,  a  practice  meant  boycott the vote.         websites, citing regulations
                                                                      to thwart multiple voting.   Voters  in  Phnom  Penh,  prohibiting     media    from
                                                                      According  to  detailed  to-  Cambodia's  capital  and  disseminating  information
                                                                      tals  released  by  the  state  an  opposition  stronghold,  that  might  affect  security.
                                                                      National  Election  Commit-  were  less  susceptible  to  The  blocked  websites  in-
                                                                      tee,  more  than  6.8  million  such  threats  because  of  cluded  those  of  the  U.S.
                                                                      registered  voters,  or  82.2  their  higher  visibility  and  government-funded  Voice
                                                                      percent, cast ballots.       safety  in  numbers.  Howev-  of America as well as local
                                                                      The figure, if correct, would  er,  according  to  the  elec-  media.
                                                                      suggest  that  the  promo-   tion committee, even there  Hun Sen, whose 33 years in
                                                                      tion  by  opposition  forces  the  turnout  was  about  80  power  make  him  among
                                                                      of a poll boycott was inef-  percent.                     the  world's  longest-serving
                                                                      fective.  In  the  last  general  Doubts are also likely to be  national  leaders,  promised
                                                                      election in 2013, voter turn-  raised  about  the  actual  peace and prosperity at a
                                                                      out  was  6.6  million,  or  68.5  turnout  figures  because  rally on the last day of cam-
                                                                      percent of 9.7 million regis-  several  established  poll-  paigning on Friday, but at-
                                                                      tered voters.                watching groups — as well  tacked  the  opposition's
                                                                      Hun  Sen  said  on  his  Face-  as  contingents  from  the  boycott  call  and  called
                                                                      book  page  before  the  re-  United  States  and  the  Eu-  those who heed it "destroy-
                                                                      sults were announced that  ropean  Union  —  declined  ers of democracy."
                                                                      he welcomed the big turn-    to take part because they  Hun Sen, 65, has said he in-
                                                                      out, and congratulated his  felt  the  polls  were  not  le-  tends  to  stay  in  power  for
                                                                      countrymen  for  exercising  gitimate.  One  of  the  big-  at least two more five-year
                                                                      their right to vote.         ger  Cambodian  groups  terms.
                                                                      Opposition   forces,   who  participating in poll-watch-  He  was  a  member  of  the
                                                                      had  already  judged  the  ing was led by one of Hun  radical  communist  Khmer
                                                                      polls  not  to  be  free  or  fair  Sen's  sons.  Following  the  Rouge during its successful
                                                                      because of the exclusion of  election,  exiled  opposition  five-year  war  to  topple  a
                                                                      the only credible challeng-  leader  Sam  Rainsy,  who  pro-American government,
                                                                      er,  can  point  to  two  rea-  had earlier urged Cambo-  then defected to Vietnam
                                                                      sons for the alleged failure  dians not to vote, called for  during Khmer Rouge leader
                                                                      of the boycott movement.     peaceful  protests,  calling  Pol Pot's 1975-79 genocidal
                                                                      In  rural  areas  where  the  it  "a  sham  election  with  a  regime that left nearly 2 mil-
                                                                      majority  live,  the  failure  to  foregone conclusion."  lion Cambodians dead. q
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