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                                                                                                       SPORTS Monday 30 July 2018
            Kyle Busch wins 6th race of the season at Pocono

            By DAN GELSTON               team owner Joe Gibbs was  at  Pocono  this  weekend,
             AP Sports Writer            a  safe  distance  from  the  with  a  win  Saturday  in  the
            LONG  POND,  Pa.  (AP)  —  party,  a  Super  Bowl  ring  Truck  Series  race.  He  won
            Kyle  Busch  and  his  Joe  glistening  on  a  finger  he  for the 192nd time over the
            Gibbs  Racing  team  were  plugged into his ear to muf-   Cup,  Xfinity  and  Truck  Se-
            in  sync  everywhere  on  fle  the  noise  as  he  talked  ries.
            the  track  but  victory  lane.  on the phone.            "How many can you get? I
            When  it  was  time  to  snap  "Crazy, man. He's on a tear  don't know. I'd like to think
            photos of the winners, some  right  now,"  he  said  to  the  everything's   achievable,"
            members  flashed  one  fin-  other side.                  Busch said.
            ger, others held up six.     The  milestones  kept  pil-  He  has  Cup  wins  this  year
            Yes,  that's  one  for  the  win  ing  up  for  Busch  in  a  race  at Texas, Bristol, Richmond,
            at  Pocono  Raceway  and  where  he  matched  Kevin  Charlotte  and  Chicago-
            six for the total this season.  Harvick  for  most  wins  this  land. He hasn't gone more
            Busch then heard his name  season.                        than three races without a
            shouted from the top of the  Busch    tied    three-time  winning a race since April.
            Richard  Petty  200  Victory  champ  Tony  Stewart  for  Busch  had  never  won  at    Kyle Busch celebrates in Victory Lane after winning a NASCAR
            Circle. He craned his neck  13th on the career wins list  Pocono until July 2017. He's   Cup Series auto race, Sunday, July 29, 2018, in Long Pond, Pa.
            toward  the  section  where  with 49.                     won  10  races  since  that                                           Associated Press
            the words were flanked by  "You  keep  reaching  high-    date  and  led  more  than
            two  images  of  Petty  in  his  er  up  the  ladder  and  you  2,000 laps.            a minor afterthought.        Busch  zipped  away  and
            feathered Stetson hat and  keep  reaching  more  mile-    The only quibble with all this  Harvick's  pole  qualifying  he surged ahead again on
            dark glasses.                stone  drivers,"  Busch  said.  success?                  run also was tossed out but  the final restart in overtime
            Busch still has a long chase  "Tony Stewart is one of the  "I  do  have  a  trophy  case  he led 30 laps and finished  to add to the win total for
            toward  Petty  on  the  Cup  all-time  best  and  one  of  problem,"   Busch    said,  fourth.                      NASCAR's Big Three: Busch,
            wins  list  but  it  hasn't  kept  the drivers that I was a fan  laughing.             The  race  was  red  flagged  Harvick and Martin Truex Jr.
            the  33-year-old  star  from  of  growing  up.  It's  awe-  Busch was set to start sec-  with six laps left in the wake  have won 16 of the 21 Cup
            thinking  about  how  far  he  some to be able to tie him.  ond  but  his  No.  18  Toyota  of a violent wreck by Darrell  Series.
            can get.                     There's  many  more.  We  was one of 13 cars dumped  Wallace Jr. Wallace lost the  "What's  crazy  is,  how  this
            "The  top!  Pretty  simple,"  want to keep going."        to  back  of  the  pack  for  breaks in his No. 43 Chevro-  year  keeps  going,"  Busch
            Busch said.                  Gibbs fielded cars for both  flunking  post-qualifying  in-  let and the car shot across  said. "Harvick gets one, we
            Busch had no one to bump  Busch  and  Stewart  and  spection.  The  penalized  the  grass  and  slammed  get  one,  Truex  gets  one.
            him  out  of  the  lead  this  said both drivers were born  cars included Harvick, who  into  the  wall.  There  were  We're all back and forth."
            week  and  stormed  from  to race.                        used  a  bump-and-run  on  several tense seconds dur-     Busch  held  off  a  pair  of
            the bottom half of the field  "Very talented, driven, they  the  18  with  seven  laps  left  ing  a  wait  for  Wallace  to  young  drivers  aiming  for
            Sunday  at  Pocono  Race-    want  to  go  to  the  front,"  last  week  at  New  Hamp-  put  down  his  window  net.  their  first  career  Cup  win.
            way on the way to his sixth  Gibbs  said.  "Both  of  them  shire to knock Busch out of  Once  out,  he  sat  on  the  Daniel Suarez, the first Mexi-
            NASCAR Cup victory of the  were  real  talented,  that's  contention.                  track and slumped against  can  driver  to  win  the  pole
            season.                      for sure."                   Oh well.                     the car before he taken to  for  a  Cup  race,  finished
            While  champagne  was  Busch, who won eight times  Much  like  the  qualifying  the track medical center.           second and Alex Bowman
            sprayed  on  the  podium,  in  2008,  made  it  look  easy  penalty, last week was just  When  the  race  resumed,  was third.q

            THOMAS                       that  didn't  stop  some  fans                                                         "I have my own goals and I
            Continued from Page 18       from  abusing  the  British                                                            kept doing what I'm doing
            Thomas  successfully  de-    team's  riders  throughout                                                             and kept focused on that.
            fended  his  lead  of  1  min-  the three-week race.                                                                ...  Obviously  it's  not  nice
            ute,  51  seconds  over  sec-  "When  there  is  negativ-                                                           to hear (the jeers) but I do
            ond-placed Tom Dumoulin  ity  like  that,  it  brings  us  as                                                       what I do and focus on my-
            in  the  mostly  ceremonial  a  team  closer  together,"                                                            self," Thomas said. "It's easy
            final stage.                 Froome said. "It feels like it's                                                       to  get  wrapped  up  in  or
            Four-time  champion  Chris  us  against  the  rest  of  the                                                         get angry or depressed but
            Froome,  Thomas's  team-     world.  ...  You  can  choose                                                          I stay in my own world."
            mate,  finished  third,  2:24  to  let  it  get  to  you  or  you                                                   Riding  a  yellow  bicycle  to
            behind.  Froome  rode  next  can  choose  to  let  it  moti-                                                        match  his  yellow  jersey,
            to Thomas as they crossed  vate you, and we let it mo-                                                              Thomas  shared  glasses  of
            the line and applauded.      tivate us."                                                                            champagne with his team-
            Thomas was a support rider  Thomas  stormed  into  the                                                              mates  during  the  casual
            during Froome's four victo-  lead  by  winning  back-to-  Britain's  Geraint  Thomas,  wearing  the  overall  leader's  yellow   ride into Paris before buck-
            ries but he emerged as Sky's  back  mountain  stages  in   jersey, holds the Welsh flag as second place Netherlands' Tom   ling down to keep up with
            strongest  rider  in  this  race  the Alps, including the icon-  Dumoulin, left, and third place Britain's Chris Froome, applaud   the  other  leaders  on  the
            when Froome crashed ear-     ic  climb  up  Alpe  d'Huez,   on the podium after the twenty-first stage of the Tour de France   jarring cobblestones of the
                                                                      cycling race over 116 kilometers (72.1 miles) with start in Houilles
            ly on and couldn't keep up  then  defended  his  advan-   and finish on Champs-Elysees avenue in Paris, France, Sunday   Champs-Elysees.  "It's  go-
            in the mountains.            tage in the Pyrenees.        July 29, 2018.                                            ing  to  take  a  while  to  sink
            Sky  —  and  consequently  During  the  podium  cere-                                              Associated Press  in,"  Thomas  said.  "Normally
            Thomas  —  became  a  tar-   mony, Thomas draped the                                                                that  stage  is  really  hard
            get for many fans due to an  flag of Wales over his shoul-  within  Sky.  "We  train  super  gan his career on the track,  but today I just seemed to
            asthma  drug  case  involv-  ders, then ended his victory  hard  and  there's  nothing  the  32-year-old  Thomas  float around it. I had goose
            ing Froome, stemming from  speech with a mic drop.        I can say that will prove it.  helped Britain to gold med-  bumps   going    around
            last  year's  Spanish  Vuelta.  "All I can say is that I do it  I've just got to keep doing  als  in  team  pursuit  at  the  there. The support from the
            Even  though  Froome  was  the right way," Thomas said  what I'm doing. It will stand  2008  and  2012  Olympics  Welsh, British flags. ... To ride
            cleared  of  doping  days  when  asked  about  con-       the test of time."           before turning his full atten-  around wearing this (yellow
            before the start of the Tour,  cerns  of  alleged  doping  An all-around rider who be-  tion to road racing.        jersey) is a dream."q
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