P. 3
U.S. NEWS Monday 30 July 2018
Manafort trial to focus on lavish lifestyle, not collusion
By ERIC TUCKER and CHAD Adding to the intrigue is green and swimming pool.
DAY the expected spectacle There's likely to be testimo-
WASHINGTON (AP) — The of Manafort's deputy, Rick ny, too, about tailored Bev-
trial of President Donald Gates, testifying against erly Hills clothing, high-end
Trump's onetime cam- him after cutting a plea antiques, rugs and art and
paign chairman will open deal with prosecutors, New York Yankees seasons
this week with tales of lav- and the speculation that tickets. The luxurious lifestyle
ish spending, secret shell Manafort, who faces more was funded by Manafort's
companies and millions of than two dozen charges in political consulting for the
dollars of Ukrainian money two courts and decades in pro-Russian Ukrainian po-
flowing through offshore prison if convicted, may be litical party of Viktor Yanu-
bank accounts and into holding out for a pardon kovych, who was deposed
the political consultant's from Trump. as Ukraine's president in
pocket. "Perhaps he believes that 2014.Lawyers have tangled
What's likely to be missing he's done nothing wrong, over how much jurors will
are answers about whether and because he's done hear of his overseas politi-
the Trump campaign co- nothing wrong, he's unwill- cal work, particularly about
ordinated with the Kremlin ing to plead guilty to any his ties to Russia and other In this Feb. 14, 2018, file photo, Paul Manafort leaves the federal
during the 2016 presidential crime whatsoever — even wealthy political figures.q courthouse in Washington. Associated Press
election, or really any men- if it's a lesser crime," said
tion of Russia at all. Jimmy Gurule, a Notre
Paul Manafort's financial Dame law professor and
crimes trial, the first arising former federal prosecutor.
from special counsel Rob- "Obviously, that's very risky
ert Mueller's investigation, for him."
will center on his Ukrainian Manafort was indicted
consulting work and only along with Gates in Muel-
briefly touch on his involve- ler's wide-ranging investi-
ment with the president's gation, but he is the only
campaign. American charged to opt
But the broader implica- for a trial instead of coop-
tions are unmistakable. erating with the govern-
The trial, scheduled to be- ment. The remaining 31
gin Tuesday with jury selec- defendants have either
tion in Alexandria, Virginia, reached plea agreements,
will give the public its most including ex-White House
detailed glimpse of evi- national security adviser Mi-
dence Mueller's team has chael Flynn, or are Russians
spent the year accumu- seen as unlikely to enter an
lating. It will feature testi- American courtroom.
mony about the business Prosecutors in Manafort's
dealings and foreign ties case have said they may
of a defendant Trump en- call 35 witnesses, includ-
trusted to run his campaign ing five who have immu-
during a critical stretch in nity agreements, as they
2016, including during the try to prove that he laun-
Republican convention. dered more than $30 mil-
And it will unfold at a deli- lion in Ukrainian political
cate time for the president consulting proceeds and
as Mueller's team presses concealed the funds from
for an interview and as the IRS.Jurors are expected
Trump escalates his attacks to see photographs of his
on an investigation he calls Mercedes-Benz and of his
a "witch hunt." Hampton property putting