Page 28 - bon-dia-aruba-20210811
P. 28
A28 u.s. news
Diaranson 11 augustus 2021
Nearly 900 buildings destroyed by massive California fire
“Whether or not we can fly Temperatures are expected tory and the largest currently
depends very much on where to rise and the humidity is burning in the U.S. Nearly a
the smoke is. There’s still expected to fall over the next quarter of all firefighters as-
some areas where it’s just too few days, with triple-digit signed to Western fires are
smoky,” fire spokesman Ed- high temperatures possible fighting California blazes,
win Zuniga said. later in the week along with said Rocky Oplinger, an inci-
a return of strong afternoon dent commander.
Burning through bone-dry winds, fire meteorologist
trees, brush and grass, the Rich Thompson warned ADVERTISEMENT
fire by Tuesday had destroyed Monday evening.
nearly 900 homes and other Heat waves and histor-
buildings. Much of the small The fire that broke out July ic drought tied to climate
community of Greenville 14 had grown to an area change have made wildfires
was incinerated during an of 762 square miles (1,973 harder to fight in the Ameri-
explosive run of flames last square kilometers) and was can West. Scientists have said
week. just 25% contained, accord- climate change has made the
ing to the California Depart- region much warmer and
But the reports are “definite- ment of Forestry and Fire drier in the past 30 years and
ly subject to change” because Protection. will continue to make the
assessment teams still can’t weather more extreme and
get into many areas to count The Dixie Fire is about half wildfires more frequent and
what burned, Zuniga said. the size of the August Com- destructive. The fires across
plex, a series of lightning- the West come as parts of Eu-
The Dixie Fire, named for caused 2020 fires across seven rope are also fighting large
the road where it started, also counties that were fought to- blazes spurred by tinder-dry
threatened 14,000 buildings gether and that state officials conditions.
in more than a dozen small consider California’s largest
mountain and rural commu- wildfire overall. Northwest of the Dixie Fire
nities in the northern Sierra in the Shasta-Trinity Nation-
Nevada. Gov. Gavin Newsom on al Forest, hundreds of homes
Tuesday declared a state of remained threatened by two
Crews have cut thousands of emergency for northern fires that continued to grow.
acres of new fire lines aimed Shasta, Trinity and Tehama About a third of the Mc-
at preventing the fire from counties. The declaration Farland Fire was contained.
spreading. Officials believe frees up state resources to New evacuation orders were
the fire lines created on the help fight fires in those coun- issued Monday for residents
blaze’s southern side will ties and give assistance to res- near the Monument Fire,
hold the fire at bay there, but idents affected by he blazes. which was only about 3%
the fire’s future is unknown, contained.
authorities said. California’s raging wildfires
are among some 100 large South of the Dixie Fire,
(AP) — California’s larg- of homes. Youtube video thumbnail blazes burning across 15 firefighters prevented fur-
est single wildfire in re- “We don’t know where this states, mostly in the West, ther growth of the River
corded history kept push- Clear skies over parts of the fire is going to end and where where historic drought Fire, which broke out last
ing through forestlands month-old Dixie Fire have it’s going to land. It continues conditions have left lands Wednesday near the commu-
on Tuesday as fire crews allowed aircraft to rejoin to challenge us,” said Chris parched and ripe for ignition. nity of Colfax and destroyed
tried to protect rural com- nearly 6,000 firefighters in Carlton, supervisor for Plu- 68 homes. It was nearly 80%
munities from flames that the attack this week. mas National Forest. The Dixie Fire is the largest contained.
have destroyed hundreds single fire in California his-
Missouri judge says Medicaid expansion must be allowed
(AP) — A Missouri judge eral health care law signed Parson’s spokeswoman Kelli to set aside more money for cial Services and the General
on Tuesday ruled that Re- by President Barack Obama. Jones in an email said the ad- Medicaid. Otherwise, the Assembly to chart a path for-
publican Gov. Mike Par- Missouri voters last year ministration will “follow the state risks running out of ward to enroll the expanded
son no longer can deny approved a state constitu- law and will continue to look funding for the program. population and keep the MO
Medicaid health care to tional amendment expand- at how to operationalize the HealthNet program solvent,”
thousands more newly eli- ing access to the government court’s order.” “We will continue to work Jones said.
gible adults. health care program to an with the Department of So-
estimated 275,000 more low- Three women who were
Cole County Judge Jon income adults, but Parson newly eligible for Medicaid
Beetem in his order said Par- had refused to implement it sued to force Parson’s ad-
son’s administration must because the GOP-led Legis- ministration to give them
give Medicaid coverage to lature didn’t set aside money health care access. They were
newly eligible adults, de- for it. vindicated last month when
spite the governor’s resis- the Missouri Supreme Court
tance to doing so. Beetem “With today’s court order, found the voter-approved
also ordered that newly eli- Medicaid eligibility is finally Medicaid expansion program
gible adults won’t face any expanded in Missouri, as constitutional and told the
additional restrictions to get its voters mandated and its lower court to rule in their
health care coverage through people deserve,” Democrat- favor.
the program. ic House Minority Leader
Crystal Quade said in a state- It remains unclear how the
The ruling represents a ma- ment. “There can be no more state will pay for health care
jor victory for supporters of excuses and no more delays for the newly eligible recipi-
expanding Medicaid under in implementation.” ents. The Legislature may
the terms of the 2010 fed- have to hold a special session