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                                                                                         world news Diaranson 11 augustus 2021

                               U.S vows to isolate Taliban if they take power by force

            (AP)  —  A  U.S.  peace  en-  ment still retained control of  also  told  the  insurgents  to
            voy brought a warning to  the  intelligence  department  stay out of abandoned homes
            the  Taliban  on  Tuesday  and a military base.           of  government  and  security
            that any government that                                  officials who have fled, leave
            comes  to  power  through  After a 20-year Western mili-  marketplaces  open  and  pro-
            force in Afghanistan won’t  tary  mission  and  billions  of  tect  places  of  business,  in-
            be  recognized  interna-     dollars  spent  training  and  cluding banks.
            tionally  after  a  series  of  shoring  up  Afghan  forces,
            cities fell to the insurgent  many  are  at  odds  to  explain  It was not immediately clear
            group in stunningly quick  why  the  regular  forces  have  if  Taliban  fighters  on  the
            succession.                  collapsed,  fleeing  the  battle  ground would heed Yaqoob’s
                                         sometimes by the hundreds.  instructions.  Some  civil-
            Zalmay  Khalilzad,  the  U.S.  The fighting has fallen largely  ians  who  have  fled  Taliban
            envoy, traveled to Doha, Qa-  to small groups of elite forces  advances  have  said  that  the
            tar, where the Taliban main-  and the Afghan air force.   insurgents  imposed  repres-
            tain  a  political  office,  to  tell                     sive  restrictions  on  women
            the group that there was no  The  success  of  the  Taliban  and  burned  down  schools.
            point in pursuing victory on  blitz  has  added  urgency  to  The  office  of  the  U.N.  hu-  said  that  its  staff  has  treated
            the battlefield because a mili-  the need to restart the long-  man  rights  chief  said  it  has  more than 4,000 Afghans this  Khalilzad,  the  architect  of
            tary takeover of the capital of  stalled  talks  that  could  end  received reports of summary  month  in  their  15  facilities  the peace deal the Trump ad-
            Kabul  would  guarantee  they  the  fighting  and  move  Af-  executions  and  military  use  across  the  country,  includ-  ministration  brokered  with
            would be global pariahs. He  ghanistan  toward  an  inclu-  and  destruction  of  homes,  ing in Helmand and Kanda-  the Taliban, was expected to
            and others hope to persuade  sive  interim  administration.  schools  and  clinics  in  cap-  har, where Afghan and U.S.  hold  talks  with  key  regional
            Taliban  leaders  to  return  to  The  insurgents  have  so  far  tured areas.         airstrikes are trying to rein in  players and will likely seek a
            peace  talks  with  the  Afghan  refused  to  return  to  the  ne-                     the Taliban onslaught.       commitment  from  Afghani-
            government as American and  gotiating table.              There have also been reports                              stan’s  neighbors  and  other
            NATO  forces  finish  their                               of  revenge  killings.  The  in-  “We  are  seeing  homes  de-  counties in the region not to
            pullout from the country.    Khalilzad’s mission in Qatar  surgents  have  claimed  re-  stroyed,  medical  staff  and  recognize  a  Taliban  govern-
                                         is to “help formulate a joint  sponsibility  for  killing  a  co-  patients  put  at  tremendous  ment that comes to power by
            The insurgents have captured  international response to the  median  in  southern  Kanda-  risk,  and  hospitals,  electric-  force. When the Taliban last
            six out of 34 provincial capi-  rapidly  deteriorating  situa-  har, assassinating the govern-  ity  and  water  infrastruc-  ran Afghanistan, three coun-
            tals in the country in less than  tion in Afghanistan,” accord-  ment’s media chief in Kabul  ture  damaged,”  Eloi  Fillion,  tries  recognized  their  rule:
            a  week,  including  Kunduz  ing to the U.S. State Depart-  and a bombing that targeted  ICRC’s head of delegation in  Pakistan,  Saudi  Arabia  and
            in  Kunduz  province  —  one  ment.                       acting Defense Minister Bis-  Afghanistan,  said  in  a  state-  the United Arab Emirates.
            of  the  country’s  largest  cit-                         millah  Khan  Mohammadi,  ment. “The use of explosive
            ies. On Sunday, they planted  He plans to “press the Taliban  killing  eight  and  wounding  weaponry  in  cities  is  having  Senior  Afghan  officials  have
            their flag in the main square,  to  stop  their  military  offen-  more. The minister was not  an  indiscriminate  impact  on  also  travelled  to  Doha,  in-
            but  government  forces  still  sive and to negotiate a politi-  harmed.               the population.”             cluding  Abdullah  Abdullah,
            controlled  the  strategic  air-  cal  settlement,  which  is  the                                                  who heads the government’s
            port and an army base on the  only path to stability and de-  The  intensifying  war  has  The surge in Taliban attacks  reconciliation  council.  Paki-
            city’s outskirts.            velopment  in  Afghanistan,”  driven  thousands  of  people  began  in  April,  when  the  stan’s  national  security  ad-
                                         the State Department said.   to Kabul, where many are liv-  U.S. and NATO announced  viser, Moeed Yusuf, on Mon-
            They  are  now  battling  the                             ing in parks. The fighting has  they would end their military  day called for “reinvigorated”
            Western-backed  government  Meanwhile, the Taliban mili-  also increased the number of  presence and bring the last of  efforts to get all sides in the
            for  control  of  several  oth-  tary  chief  released  an  audio  civilian casualties.  their  troops  home.  The  fi-  conflict  back  to  talks,  de-
            ers. Late on Tuesday, Taliban  message  to  his  fighters  on                          nal date of the withdrawal is  scribing  a  protracted  war  in
            forces  entered  Farah  and  Tuesday,  ordering  them  not  The  U.N.  human  rights  Aug. 31, but the U.S. Central  Afghanistan  as  a  “nightmare
            were seen in front to the pro-  to  harm  Afghan  forces  and  chief, Michelle Bachelet, said  Command has said the pull-  scenario” for Pakistan.
            vincial governor’s office.   government officials in terri-  Tuesday  that  her  office  had  out is already 95% complete.
                                         tories they conquer. The re-  counted  at  least  183  deaths                          Yusuf  refused  to  definitively
            Taliban  spokesman  Zabihul-  cording was shared on Twit-  and  hundreds  of  injuries  On  Monday,  the  U.S.  em-  say whether Pakistan, which
            lah Mujahed tweeted the in-  ter by the Taliban spokesman  among civilians in a handful  phasized  that  the  Biden  ad-  holds considerable sway over
            surgents  had  taken  the  city,  in Doha, Mohammad Naim.  of cities in recent weeks – but  ministration  now  sees  the  the  Taliban,  would  recog-
            which is the capital of a prov-                           cautioned  that  “the  real  fig-  fight  as  one  for  Afghan  po-  nize  a  Taliban  government
            ince with the same name. But  In  the  nearly  five-minute  ures will be much higher.”  litical and military leaders to  installed by force, saying in-
            Abdul Naser Farahi — a law-  audio,  Mohammad  Yaqoob,                                 win or lose — and showed no  stead  that  Pakistan  wants  to
            maker from the area who is  the son of late Taliban leader  The  International  Com-   sign of stepping up airstrikes  see  an  “inclusive”  govern-
            in Kabul — said the govern-  Mullah  Mohammad  Omar,  mittee  of  the  Red  Cross  despite the Taliban gains.       ment in Kabul.

                                 25 soldiers die fighting wildfires in northern Algeria

            (AP) — Algeria’s president announced Tues-      African nation.                                 The Kabyle region, 100 kilometers (60 miles) east
            day  night  that  25  soldiers  have  been  killed                                              of Algeria’s capital of Algiers, is dotted with diffi-
            saving  residents  from  the  wildfires  ravaging  President Abdelmadjid Tebboune tweeted that the  cult-to-access villages and has limited water. Some
            forests and villages east of the capital, adding  soldiers saved 100 citizens from the blazes in two  villagers  were  fleeing,  while  others  tried  to  hold
            to the fire death toll this week in the North  areas in the mountainous Kabyle region, home of  back the flames themselves, using buckets, branch-
                                                            the  Berbers.  Four  other  soldiers  were  seriously  es and rudimentary tools. The region has no water-
                                                            burned fighting the fires and seven others also had  dumping planes.
                                                            burns, the Defense Ministry said.
                                                                                                            Other  northern  areas  of  Algeria  also  had  active
                                                            Dozens of blazes sprang up Monday in the moun-  wildfires.  The  Civil  Protection  authority  said
                                                            tainous Kabyle region and elsewhere, and Algerian  on Algerian radio that seven people had died, six
                                                            authorities sent in the army to help citizens battle  in Kabyle and a man in his 80s trying to save his
                                                            blazes and evacuate. Multiple fires were burning  animals in the Setif region to the east. It counted
                                                            through forests and devouring the olive trees, cattle  41 blazes in 18 wilayas, or regions, as of Monday
                                                            and chickens that provide the livelihoods of fami-  night, with 21 of them burning around the Kabyle
                                                            lies in the Kabyle region.                      capital of Tizi Ouzou.
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