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A30    world news
              Diaranson 11 augustus 2021

                          Poles protest bill that would silence U.S-owned TV network

                                                                                                                                the  media  as  private  outlets
                                                                                                                                have  either  folded  or  come
                                                                                                                                under  the  control  of  his  al-

                                                                                                                                Poland’s  ruling  party  has
                                                                                                                                already  turned  tax-fund-
                                                                                                                                ed  public  TV  into  a  party
                                                                                                                                mouthpiece.  Lately  it  has
                                                                                                                                been  seeking  greater  control
                                                                                                                                over private media, with the
                                                                                                                                state  oil  company  buying  a
                                                                                                                                large private media group last

                                                                                                                                TVN  represents  the  larg-
                                                                                                                                est-ever  U.S.  investment  in
                                                                                                                                Poland.  The  company  was
                                                                                                                                bought for $2 billion by an-
                                                                                                                                other U.S. company, Scripps
                                                                                                                                Networks Interactive, which
                                                                                                                                was later acquired by Discov-

                                                                                                                                Last week a bipartisan Con-
            (AP)  —  Poles  demon-                                    of  TVN.  In  front  of  parlia-  caster “to enable government  gressional  group  expressed
            strated  nationwide  Tues-   Poland’s  ruling  party,  Law  ment  in  the  capital  of  War-  allies to acquire TVN.”  its increasing concern “about
            day  against  a  bill  widely  and  Justice,  has  long  sought  saw,  Donald  Tusk,  a  former                     the  ongoing  attacks  on  the
            viewed  as  a  effort  by  the  to  nationalize  the  media,  top European Union official  Poland fell this year to 64th of  free  press,  independent  ju-
            country’s  nationalist  rul-  claiming it is for national se-  who is now the leader of the  180 countries in the group’s  diciary and the rule of law in
            ing party to silence an in-  curity reasons. It says the law  opposition  party  Civic  Plat-  World  Press  Freedom  In-  Poland.”
            dependent,     U.S.-owned  would bring Poland into line  form, described free media as  dex,  its  lowest-ever  ranking.
            television     broadcaster  with  other  European  coun-  a  pillar  of  democracy  worth  It was in 18th place in 2015,  Former  Polish  foreign  and
            that is critical of the gov-  tries,  including  France  and  fighting  for  and  accused  the  the year Law and Justice took  defense  ministers  wrote  an
            ernment.                     Germany,  which  limit  for-  government of trying to “re-  power.                     open letter to the Polish gov-
                                         eign ownership in the media.  turn to communist patterns.”                             ernment last week expressing
            Technically,  the  bill  would  It cites the risk of media being                       TVN24 is the leading source  fears  the  proposed  legisla-
            prevent non-European own-    controlled by hostile powers  On Wednesday parliament is  of  independent  broadcast  tion  could  weaken  ties  with
            ers  from  having  controlling  like Russia and China.    set to debate and vote on the  news  for  many  Poles.  Dis-  the  U.S.,  which  has  troops
            stakes in Polish media com-                               bill.                        covery  had  already  felt  en-  stationed in Poland and sells
            panies.  In  practice,  it  would  Prime  Minister  Mateusz                            dangered  as  the  National  Poland military equipment.
            push  American  company  Morawiecki  said  Tuesday  The bill was introduced last  Broadcasting       Council,   a
            Discovery Inc. to sell its con-  the law isn’t directed against  month and appears to have a  Polish  state  body,  has  so  far  Jean-Briac Perrette, president
            trolling stake in TVN, a net-  anyone  but  seeks  to  protect  high chance of passing. Jaro-  failed to renew the broadcast  and CEO of Discovery Inter-
            work  with  many  channels  Polish  society,  alleging  that  slaw  Gowin,  who  heads  a  license  for  TVN24,  which  national,  called  the  planned
            that operates the all-news sta-  foreign  entities  are  trying  to  small party in Poland’s right-  expires in September.  vote  on  the  bill  concerning,
            tion  TVN24  and  has  a  flag-  influence Poland’s debate on  wing  coalition  government,                         warning  that  “an  unpredict-
            ship  evening  news  program  COVID-19 vaccinations.      opposed the bill and was dis-  The  bill’s  fate  is  being  able  regulatory  framework
            watched daily by millions.                                missed from the government  watched as a key test of media  should  be  very  concerning
                                         “It is through the media that  just  as  the  protests  started  freedom and democracy.  for  all  potential  investors  in
            At stake in the bill’s passage  other countries influence our  Tuesday.                                             the market.”
            is  Poland’s  reputation  for  social life,” he said at a news                         Critics fear it would be a large
            media freedom and as a place  conference.                 Reporters  Without  Borders  step  bringing  Poland  closer  The  development  comes  as
            for  foreign  companies  to  do                           urged  Polish  lawmakers  to  to  the  situation  in  Hungary,  Discovery is set to merge next
            business. The proposal is al-  Large  crowds  chanted  “Free  reject  the  legislation,  accus-  where  authoritarian  Prime  year  into  a  mega-company
            ready straining relations with  media!”  in  dozens  of  cit-  ing the ruling party of target-  Minister  Viktor  Orbán  has  with AT&T’s WarnerMedia.
            the United States, a key ally.  ies  and  towns  in  support  ing  the  independent  broad-  gained near-total control over

                             Russia, Central Asian allies hold drills near Afghanistan

            (AP)  —  Troops  from  12  miles)  north  of  the  Ta-    interaction to ensure security  Central Asian nations — Ka-  actions  will  help  strengthen
            Russia,   Tajikistan   and  jik  border  with  Afghanistan,  and maintain stability in the  zakhstan,  Kyrgyzstan  and  the military cooperation and
            Uzbekistan  on  Tuesday  saw the troops practice action  Central Asian region.”        Tajikistan  —  are  members  protect  our  countries  from
            wrapped  up  their  drills  against invading militants. As                             of  the  Moscow-dominated  military aggression,” he said.
            intended  to  simulate  a  part of the exercise, Russian  It  noted  that  Russian  troops  security  pact  of  several  ex-  The  drills  in  Tajikistan  fol-
            joint response to potential  Su-25 attack jets struck mock  in  Tajikistan  practiced  us-  Soviet nations, the Collective  lowed  last  week’s  exercise
            security  threats  coming  targets imitating militant ve-  ing new weapons during the  Security Treaty Organization.  in  Uzbekistan  that  involved
            from Afghanistan.            hicles.                      drills,  including  new  sniper  Russia’s  Central  Military  1,500  Russian  and  Uzbek
                                                                      rifles and flame throwers.   District chief, Col.-Gen. Al-  troops  and  200  military  ve-
            The war games that began last  The  Russian  military  said                            exander Lapin, noted that the  hicles. As part of the maneu-
            week involved 2,500 Russian,  the  maneuvers  took  place  Russia,  which  has  a  military  exercise was conducted amid  vers,  four  Russian  Tu-22M3
            Tajik  and  Uzbek  troops  and  “against  the  background  of  base in Tajikistan, has pledged  the exacerbation of the situ-  long-range  bombers  flew
            about 500 military vehicles.  the  destabilization  of  the  to offer military assistance to  ation  in  Afghanistan  raising  from  their  base  in  western
                                         situation  in  neighboring  Af-  its  ally  and  other  ex-Soviet  “the threat of penetration of  Russia  to  strike  mock  mili-
            The  drills,  which  were  held  ghanistan,  in  order  to  work  Central Asian nations if they  radical terrorist groups” into  tant camps at the Termez fir-
            at Harb-Maidon firing range  out  the  issues  of  repelling  face  incursions  of  militants  Central Asian nations.  ing range in Uzbekistan near
            about  20  kilometers  (about  possible threats and practical  from  Afghanistan.  Three  “I  am  sure  that  future  joint  the border with Afghanistan.
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