Page 23 - MIN VOS
P. 23
Wednesday 11 OctOber 2017
The Strongest Man of Aruba is Joel Kuiperi – He is the Best!
ing. A live band and DJ’s
kept the mood light, even
though the competitors
were performing on their
highest levels and the ulti-
mate efforts were required
from the athletes. It was a
super party, especially on
Sunday, when the finals
took place under the spir-
ited and knowledgeable
guidance of the judges of
the Korps Mariniers Sava-
The event was a showcase
PALM BEACH - The stron- all was Jennifer Piter. of sheer willpower, incred-
gest man of Aruba is called ible strength, trembling
Joel Kuiperi – he is strong as From Thursday, October 5 muscles, bulging biceps
an ox! The title of Runner-up to Sunday, October 8 the and other well-trained
of the Strongest Man com- beach at MooMba was body parts.
petition, which was held at filled with onlookers and The judges had a diffi-
MooMba Beach during the fans of the participants; cult task, judging Clean &
past four days, was Elmer lots of visitors to the island, Jerk, truck pulling, Stone
Tolhuijsen, who was last mostly from hotels nearby, of Strength, Dead lift, Yoke
year’s winner. The lady who regularly came to watch Carry and The Flipping to
was the strongest of them and enjoy the happen- get to their final conclusion
of who would be the win- dogs on the beach, plenti-
ner. Ten persons participat- ful drinks and a wonderful
ed per category. competition in which the
For those who were not participants battled for ev-
there: you really missed ery single point.
something great. There
were hamburgers and hot- Continued on Page 15