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A28    u.s. news
                     Diamars 22 maart 2022

                           As gas prices rise, towns add electric car charging stations

                                                                      other proponents of ditching  “Don’t worry about it,” said  hicles, reduce emissions, and
                                                                      fossil fuels.                Joseph  Fiordaliso,  president  create a cleaner environment
                                                                                                   of  the  New  Jersey  Board  of  for our children.”
                                                                      From  coast  to  coast,  cit-  Public  Utilities.  “We  have
                                                                      ies  big  and  small  are  adding  the  equipment  here  so  that  Governments   across   the
                                                                      charging  stations  for  electric  you don’t have to have range  country  are  doing  likewise.
                                                                      vehicles.  Strong  demand  is  anxiety.”                  Bellingham, Washington will
                                                                      forecast for the vehicles, de-                            add 90 charging stations over
                                                                      spite their higher prices and  Spots getting money for new  the next two years. Portland,
                                                                      limited  availability,  meaning  charging  stations  include  Maine, recently entered into
                                                                      even more communities will  Asbury  Park,  Atlantic  City,  a  10-year  agreement  with  a
                                                                      feel pressure to add charging  Ocean City and several state  company that will install, op-
                                                                      stations or risk having motor-  parks and forests.        erate and maintain more than
                                                                      ists pass them by in favor of                             40  electric  vehicle  charging
                                                                      plug-in-friendly places.     The money comes from the  stations  on  publicly  owned
                                                                                                   state  budget.  On  Tuesday,  property.
                                                                      The  publicly  funded  invest-  NJ Transit, the state’s public
                                                                      ments come as gasoline pric-  transportation  agency,  will  Charleston,  West  Virginia,
                                                                      es in most of the country are  unveil  electric  charging  sta-  just added two charging sta-
                                                                      above $4 a gallon and signifi-  tions at a bus depot in Cam-  tions at a public parking ga-
                                                                      cantly more in some spots.   den, outside Philadelphia.   rage. Charlotte, North Caro-
                                                                                                                                lina, Cleveland and Saginaw,
                                                                      On Monday, New Jersey of-    There  are  now  about  625  Michigan,  are  among  cities
                                                                      ficials awarded $1 million in  vehicle  charging  stations  in  adding charging stations.
                                                                      grants  to  install  electric  ve-  New Jersey
                                                                      hicle charging stations in 24                             It’s happening in other coun-
                                                                      tourist areas around the state.  On the federal side, the city of  tries, too. Glasgow, Scotland,
            (AP)  —  A  wave  of  new  spike in gasoline prices.      The  idea  was  to  help  spur  Hoboken,  just  outside  New  is  adding  164  new  stations
            electric  vehicle  charging                               tourism by reassuring visitors  York City, is getting up to six  this year.
            stations  across  the  coun-  Though  most  of  the  plans  who  own  electric  vehicles  new  charging  stations  in  a
            try  is  coming  as  interest  were in the works before al-  that they can come to a vaca-  deal also announced Monday.  Almost half a million electric
            in alternatives to gasoline-  ready high gas prices surged  tion spot in New Jersey and  U.S. Sen. Robert Menendez  vehicles were sold in the U.S.
            powered vehicles is on the  because of the war in Ukraine,  not run out of power to get  said the money from a federal  last  year,  according  to  Kelly
            rise  and  could  heighten  the timing may work in favor  back home.                   spending bill “will help ease  Blue Book.
            further  due  to  a  global  of electric vehicle makers and                            our transition to electric ve-

                        US says Myanmar repression of Muslim Rohingya is genocide

            (AP)  —  Violent  repres-    of  civilians  throughout  the  the  Trump  administration,                            ings of civilians since at least
            sion  of  the  largely  Mus-  country have been killed and  given  potential  legal  ramifi-  Human  Rights  Watch  said  2016.  Blinken  said  evidence
            lim  Rohingya  population  imprisoned  as  part  of  ongo-  cations of such a finding. The  the  U.S.  and  other  govern-  showed  the  violence  wasn’t
            in  Myanmar  amounts  to  ing repression of anyone op-    delay  in  the  determination  ments  should  seek  justice  isolated, but part of a system-
            genocide,  U.S.  Secretary  posed to the ruling junta.    had  drawn  criticism  from  for crimes carried out by the  atic program that amounts to
            of  State  Antony  Blinken  The  determination  that  a  both  inside  and  outside  the  military and impose stronger  crimes against humanity.
            said Monday, a declaration  genocide has occurred could  government.                   sanctions  against  its  leader-
            intended  to  both  gener-   lead other nations to increase                            ship.                        Previous  determinations  of
            ate international pressure  pressure on the government,  Human  rights  groups  also                                genocide by the U.S. include
            and  lay  the  groundwork  which is already facing accu-  welcomed  the  determina-    A 2018 State Department re-  campaigns  against  Uyghurs
            for potential legal action.  sations of genocide at the In-  tion, which is similar to find-  port  documented  instances  and  other  largely  Muslim
                                         ternational  Court  of  Justice  ings  already  made  by  other  of  Myanmar’s  military  raz-  minorities in China as well as
            Authorities  made  the  deter-  in The Hague.             countries, including Canada,  ing villages and carrying out  in Bosnia, Rwanda, Iraq and
            mination based on confirmed                               France and Turkey.           rapes, tortures and mass kill-  Darfur.
            accounts of mass atrocities on  Rohingya,  from  Muslim
            civilians by Myanmar’s mili-  Myanmar’s  western  Rakh-
            tary in a widespread and sys-  ine  state,  faced  systematic
            tematic campaign against the  persecution  at  the  hands  of
            ethnic minority, Blinken said  the  Buddhist  majority  for
            in a speech at the U.S. Holo-  decades under both the mili-
            caust Memorial Museum.       tary junta that ruled the na-
                                         tion for decades as well as the
            It is the eighth time since the  democratically  elected  gov-
            Holocaust  that  the  U.S.  has  ernment.
            concluded a genocide has oc-
            curred. The secretary of state  More than 700,000 Rohingya
            noted the importance of call-  have  fled  from  Buddhist-
            ing  attention  to  inhumanity  majority Myanmar to refugee
            even as horrific attacks occur  camps  in  Bangladesh  since
            elsewhere  in  the  world,  in-  August 2017, when the mili-
            cluding Ukraine.             tary  launched  an  operation
                                         aimed at clearing them from
            The  government  of  Myan-   the country following attacks
            mar, also known as Burma, is  by a rebel group.
            already under multiple layers
            of U.S. sanctions since a mil-  The status of the plight of the
            itary coup ousted the demo-  Rohingya had been under ex-
            cratically elected government  tended  review  by  U.S.  gov-
            in February 2021. Thousands  ernment  legal  experts  since
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