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A30      world news
                     Diamars 22 maart 2022

                          Chinese airliner crashes with 132 aboard in country’s south

                                                                      tion agency, huddled around  tation  Safety  Board  tweeted  Broadcaster CCTV said Chi-
                                                                      tables and read documents.   Monday  that  it  had  picked  na Eastern set up nine teams
                                                                                                   a  senior  investigator  to  help  to deal with aircraft disposal,
                                                                      State media reported all 737-  with  the  crash  investigation.  accident investigation, family
                                                                      800s in China Eastern’s fleet  The  U.S.  Federal  Aviation  assistance and other pressing
                                                                      were ordered grounded. Avi-  Administration, which certi-  matters.
                                                                      ation experts said it is unusu-  fied the 737-800 in the 1990s,
                                                                      al  to  ground  an  entire  fleet  said  it  was  ready  to  help  in  The CAAC and China East-
                                                                      of planes unless there is evi-  the investigation if asked.  ern  both  said  they  had  sent
                                                                      dence of a problem with the                               officials  to  the  crash  site  in
                                                                      model. China has more 737-   Chicago-based  Boeing  Co.  accordance  with  emergency
                                                                      800s than any other country  said it was in contact with the  measures.
                                                                      — nearly 1,200 of the planes,  U.S.  safety  board  “and  our
                                                                      and if other Chinese airlines  technical experts are prepared  China  Eastern  online  made
                                                                      ground  the  plane,  it  “could  to  assist  with  the  investiga-  its website have a black-and-
            (AP)  —  A  China  Eastern  arrive  at  the  forested  area  have  a  significant  impact  on  tion led by the Civil Aviation  white  homepage  after  the
            Boeing  737-800  with  132  where the plane went down  domestic  travel,”  said  avia-  Administration  of  China.”  crash.
            people  on  board  crashed  and  sparked  a  blaze  big  tion consultant IBA.          Boeing shares fell more than
            in  a  remote mountainous  enough to be seen on NASA                                   4%  in  afternoon  trading  in  The accident quickly became
            area of southern China on  satellite images. Hundreds of  Boeing  737-800s  have  been  New York.                   a  leading  topic  on  China’s
            Monday, officials said, set-  rescue  workers  were  swiftly  flying  since  1998,  and  Boe-                       Twitter-like  Weibo  platform,
            ting off a forest fire visible  dispatched  from  Guangxi  ing has sold more than 5,100  Crash investigations are usu-  with  1.34  billion  views  and
            from  space  in  the  coun-  and neighboring Guangdong  of them. They have been in-    ally  led  by  officials  in  the  690,000  discussions.  Many
            try’s  worst  air  disaster  in  province.                volved  in  22  accidents  that  country where the crash oc-  posts  expressed  condolences
            nearly a decade.                                          totaled the planes and killed  curred,  but  they  typically  to  the  families  of  victims,
                                         The  plane  was  carrying  123  612 people, according to data  include the airplane’s manu-  while  others  questioned  the
            More  than  12  hours  after  passengers  and  nine  crew  compiled  by  the  Aviation  facturer  and  the  investigator  planes’ safety.
            communication was lost with  members,  the  CAAC  said,  Safety  Network,  an  arm  of  or regulator in the manufac-
            the  plane,  there  was  still  no  correcting  earlier  reports  the Flight Safety Foundation.  turer’s home country.  The  twin-engine,  single-
            word of survivors.           that 133 people had been on                                                            aisle  Boeing  737  in  various
                                         board.                       “There  are  thousands  of  Shahidi  said  he  expects  in-  versions  has  been  flying  for
            The  Civil  Aviation  Admin-                              them  around  the  world.  It’s  vestigators  to  comb  through  more than 50 years and is one
            istration  of  China  said  in  a  Chinese President Xi Jinping  certainly  had  an  excellent  the  maintenance  history  of  of  the  world’s  most  popular
            statement  that  the  crash  oc-  called  for  an  “all-out  effort”  safety  record,”  the  founda-  the plane and its engines, the  planes  for  short  and  medi-
            curred  near  the  city  of  Wu-  by  the  rescue  operation,  as  tion’s president, Hassan Sha-  training  and  records  of  the  um-haul flights.
            zhou in the Guangxi region.  well  as  for  an  investigation  hidi, said of the 737-800.  pilots, air traffic control dis-
            The flight was traveling from  into the crash and to ensure                            cussions and other topics.   The 737 Max, a later version,
            Kunming  in  the  southwest-  complete civil aviation safety.  China’s air-safety record has                        was grounded worldwide for
            ern province of Yunnan to the                             improved since the 1990s as  Headquartered  in  Shanghai,  nearly  two  years  after  two
            industrial  center  of  Guang-  Relatives  of  crew  members  air travel has grown dramati-  China  Eastern  is  one  of  the  crashes  in  2018  and  2019
            zhou  along  the  east  coast,  it  arrived  at  a  China  Eastern  cally  with  the  rise  of  a  bur-  country’s  top  three  airlines,  killed  346  people.  China’s
            added.                       office near the Kunming air-  geoning middle class. Before  operating scores of domestic  aviation regulator cleared the
                                         port  where  the  plane  took  Monday, the last fatal crash of  and international routes serv-  Max to return to service late
            China  Eastern  flight  5735  off,  state  broadcaster  CCTV  a  Chinese  airliner  occurred  ing 248 destinations.  last year, making the country
            had been traveling 455 knots  reported. On Monday night,  in  August  2010,  when  an                               the  last  major  market  to  do
            (523 mph, 842 kph) at around  an Associated Press journalist  Embraer  ERJ  190-100  oper-  The aircraft was delivered to  so.
            30,000 feet when it entered a  saw police officers and secu-  ated  by  Henan  Airlines  hit  the  airliner  from  Boeing  in
            steep  dive  around  2:20  p.m.  rity guards patrolling outside  the ground short of the run-  June 2015 and had been fly-  The  deadliest  crash  involv-
            local time, according to data  the office with flashlights, or-  way in the northeastern city  ing  for  more  than  six  years.  ing  a  Boeing  737-800  came
            from  flight-tracking  web-  dering journalists to leave.  of  Yichun  and  caught  fire.  China  Eastern  Airlines  uses  in January 2020, when Iran’s
            site The                               All 44 people on board were  the  Boeing  737-800  as  a  paramilitary   Revolution-
            plane  stopped  transmitting  At  a  hotel  near  the  airport,  killed.  Investigators  blamed  workhorse of its fleet — the  ary  Guard  accidentally  shot
            data 96 seconds later.       about  a  dozen  people,  some  pilot error.              airline  has  more  than  600  down a Ukraine Internation-
                                         in  jackets  identifying  them                            planes,  and  109  are  Boeing  al  Airlines  flight,  killing  all
            Local  villagers  were  first  to  as members of China’s avia-  The U.S. National Transpor-  737-800s.              176 people on board.

                          Mali’s ex-Prime Minister Soumeylou Maiga dies in detention

            (AP)  —  Mali’s  former  tion had been refused by the  confirmed  by  several  other  appointed the director of in-  ethnic Gandakoy militia that
            Prime  Minister  Soumey-     military  rulers  of  the  West  people  close  to  him.  Some  telligence  services  by  Presi-  is  accused  of  abuses  against
            lou  Boubèye  Maïga  died  African country.               heads of state in West Africa  dent  Alpha  Oumar  Konaré.  civilians of the Tuareg ethnic
            on Monday in the capital,                                 have  confirmed  the  account  Critics accused him of being  minority in northern Mali.
            Bamako,  a  close  relative  Maiga’s state of health dete-  as well.                   behind  the  creation  of  the
            of his family announced.     riorated  sharply  a  few  days
                                         ago  and  approval  for  him  Niger  President  Mohamed
            Maiga, who served as prime  to  be  moved  from  Mali  for  Bazoum  reacted  in  a  tweet,
            minister  of  Mali  from  2017  treatment was being consid-  saying that the denial of over-
            until 2019, was 67.          ered  but  did  not  happen  in  seas  medical  care  for  Maiga
                                         time,  according  to  a  relative  was  similar  to  an  assassina-
            He  remained  an  influential  who spoke to The Associated  tion.
            figure  in  security  policy  in  Press  on  condition  of  ano-
            Mali  and  the  surrounding  nymity  because  he  was  not  The  president  of  the  politi-
            Sahel  region  and  had  been  authorized  to  speak  to  the  cal party Alliance for Solidar-
            detained  since  August  2021  press on the situation. Maiga  ity in Mali - Convergence of
            when the country was taken  died in a clinic, he said.    Patriotic Forces ASMA-CFP,
            over by a military junta. His                             Maiga  was  a  journalist  by
            requests for medical evacua-  The  information  has  been  training. In the 1990s he was
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