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sports Diamars 22 maart 2022
Boris Becker accused of hiding tennis trophies during trial
(AP) — Former tennis
champion Boris Becker
went on trial Monday in
London for allegedly con-
cealing property — in-
cluding nine trophies —
from bankruptcy trustees
and dodging his obliga-
tion to disclose financial
information to settle his
Prosecutors said Becker, 54,
“acted dishonestly” when he
hid or failed to hand over as-
sets before and after he was
declared bankrupt in June
2017. He is on trial charged and his 1992 Olympic gold 825,000-euro bank loan. Chaulkley said. “The pros- day next to a German trans-
with 24 counts under insol- medal. ecution say Mr. Becker did lator. The former world
vency laws. Becker, who is on bail, denies this both before and after the No. 1 and six-time Grand
Becker is accused of conceal- all charges. date of his bankruptcy agree- Slam champion collected 49
Prosecutor Rebecca Chalkley ing 1.13 million euros ($1.25 ment by not disclosing, not singles titles out of 77 finals
said the assets include tro- million) from the sale of a “It is the prosecution case ... providing, or delivering up, during his 16 years as a pro-
phies such as the 1985 and Mercedes car dealership he that in various ways he effec- or removing assets or things fessional tennis player.
1989 Wimbledon men’s sin- owned in Germany. He also tively hid from, or made un- of value.”
gles title, his Australian Open allegedly failed to declare two available to, those responsible The trial is expected to last
trophies from 1991 and 1996 German properties and hid a for identifying the assets,” Becker sat in the dock Mon- for several weeks.
Maryland hires Seton Hall’s Willard as basketball coach
(AP) - Kevin Willard and Maryland, meanwhile, has (athletic director) Damon Turgeon followed, and the nated from this year’s NCAA
Maryland both achieved a made the second round four Evans for trusting me to re- results weren’t up to that Tournament, Willard can-
degree of success over the times since 2015, but with energize this proud program standard, particularly in the didly said if he wasn’t back
past decade. only one Sweet 16 appear- as we look to galvanize our NCAA Tournament. with the Pirates, he’d love
ance. The Terrapins were in passionate fan base with a for Shaheen Holloway to be
Now they’re teaming up in the market for a new coach gritty, hard-working style of So Willard moves from the there. Holloway, who played
the hope that bigger and bet- after Mark Turgeon’s de- basketball. Having coached Big East to the Big Ten after at Seton Hall, coached 15th-
ter things are on the horizon. parture in early December. against Maryland several seven 20-win seasons with seeded Saint Peter’s into the
Assistant Danny Manning times and at XFINITY Cen- the Pirates. Sweet 16 this year; the Pea-
Willard is taking over as took over as interim coach, ter, I know how Terp fans feel cocks face Purdue later this
Maryland’s basketball coach and the Terps went 15-17 for about their team and under- “Kevin Willard was a proven week.
after a dozen seasons at Se- their first losing season since stand their expectations.” winner in the Big East while
ton Hall. The Terrapins an- 1993. at Seton Hall,” Williams said. Seton Hall said it would be-
nounced the hire Monday, Those expectations are high. “The intensity level of his gin a search for Willard’s suc-
three days after Seton Hall’s “I have always admired the When Willard arrived at Se- teams reflect the passion that cessor.
season ended with a loss to Maryland basketball pro- ton Hall, the Pirates had Kevin will bring to our team
TCU in the NCAA Tourna- gram, and being named the missed the NCAAs four and the university.” “I’ve had the pleasure of
ment. Willard took the Pirates new head coach of one of straight years. In that con- working with Kevin for 10
to five of the last six NCAA the biggest brands in col- text, he brought the program Maryland scheduled a news of his 12 years here at Seton
tournaments, although they lege basketball is a tremen- to a higher level. Maryland, conference for Tuesday night. Hall, and I want to thank him
made the second round only dous honor,” Willard said in on the other hand, won a for his phenomenal leader-
once. a statement. “Thank you to national title in 2002 under “We are thrilled to welcome ship of our men’s basketball
President (Darryll) Pines and Gary Williams. That’s who Kevin to the Terrapin family,” program and for helping
Evans said. “We are excited our student-athletes become
about the future of Maryland the best possible versions of
basketball with Kevin leading themselves,” Seton Hall ath-
the way.” letic director Bryan Felt said.
“Kevin came in and immedi-
Willard won 225 games at Se- ately changed the culture of
ton Hall, surpassing P.J. Car- our program and built it into
lesimo earlier this season for a perennial Big East cham-
second place on the school’s pionship and NCAA Tour-
career list. The Pirates won nament contender with stu-
the Big East Tournament in dent-athletes who succeed in
2016 and a regular-season the classroom and represent
title in 2020. In that respect, the university in a first-class
Willard endured a similar fate manner.”
to Turgeon — they arguably
had their best teams at Seton Before taking over the Se-
Hall and Maryland in 2020, ton Hall program, Wil-
when the NCAA Tourna- lard coached Iona for three
ment was called off because seasons. His father Ralph
of the coronavirus pandemic. coached Western Kentucky,
The Terps tied for first in the Pittsburgh and Holy Cross,
Big Ten that season. winning 336 games and go-
ing to the NCAA Tourna-
After Seton Hall was elimi- ment six times.