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U.S. NEWS Monday 8 January 2024
Defense secretary remains hospitalized as details emerge about
delays in notification, even to Biden
By TARA COPP, COLLEEN ately informed. I commit to retary of Defense’s medi-
LONG and KEVIN FREKING doing better,” said Austin, cal condition for days. That
Associated Press acknowledging the con- is unacceptable,” Wicker
WASHINGTON (AP) — De- cerns about transparency. said in a statement.
fense Secretary Lloyd Aus- “But this is important to say: Secretary of State Antony
tin remained in the hospi- this was my medical pro- Blinken voiced support for
tal Sunday as more details cedure, and I take full re- Austin at a news confer-
emerged about key de- sponsibility for my decisions ence in Qatar on Sunday.
cision-makers, even Presi- about disclosure.” “He is an extraordinary
dent Joe Biden, being kept Austin, 70, remained hos- leader in this country, in
in the dark for days that the pitalized due to complica- uniform and now out of
Pentagon chief had been tions following a minor elec- uniform. And it’s been a
in the intensive care unit at tive medical procedure, his highlight of my service to
Walter Reed Army Medical press secretary said, as it be able to serve alongside
Center. U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin makes a joint statement became increasingly clear him,” Blinken said. “And I’m
The Pentagon’s failure to with Israel Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant, after their meeting how closely the Pentagon very much looking forward
disclose Austin’s hospital- about Israel’s military operation in Gaza, in Tel Aviv, Israel, held information about his to see him fully recovered
ization reflects a stunning Monday, Dec. 18, 2023. stay at Walter Reed. In his and working side by side in
lack of transparency about Associated Press statement, Austin said he the year ahead.”
his illness, how serious it was but had communications vide details of the transfer is on the mend and is look- The Pentagon Press Asso-
and when he may be re- equipment with her to re- of authority and spoke on ing forward to returning to ciation, which represents
leased. Such secrecy, at main in contact and had condition of anonymity. the Pentagon soon, but he journalists who cover the
a time when the United already been tasked with Biden also was not told of provided no other details Defense Department, sent
States is juggling myriad some secretary-level duties Austin’s hospitalization until about his ailment. a letter of protest on Friday
national security crises, runs on Tuesday. he was informed on Thurs- Sen. Roger Wicker, the evening, calling the delay
counter to normal practice The Pentagon did not say if day by his national secu- top-ranking Republican in alerting the public “an
with the president and oth- Hicks was given an expla- rity adviser, Jake Sullivan. on the Senate Armed Ser- outrage.”
er senior U.S. officials and nation on Tuesday for why That’s according to three vices Committee, said the “At a time when there are
Cabinet members. she was assuming some of people with knowledge episode erodes trust in the growing threats to U.S. mili-
A senior defense official Austin’s duties, but tempo- of the hospitalization who Biden administration and tary service members in the
said Deputy Secretary of rary transfers of authority were not authorized to called on the department Middle East and the U.S. is
Defense Kathleen Hicks was are not unusual and the speak publicly and spoke to provide lawmakers with playing key national secu-
not notified until Thursday official said it is not uncom- to the AP on condition of a “full accounting of the rity roles in the wars in Israel
that Austin had been hos- mon for authorities to be anonymity. facts immediately.” and Ukraine, it is particu-
pitalized since Jan. 1. Once transferred without a de- In a statement issued Sat- “I am glad to hear Secre- larly critical for the Ameri-
notified, Hicks began pre- tailed explanation. Hicks urday evening, Austin took tary Austin is in improved can public to be informed
paring statements to send decided not to return after responsibility for the delays condition and I wish him a about the health status and
to Congress and made she was informed that Aus- in notification. speedy recovery. However, decision-making ability of
plans to return to Washing- tin would resume full con- “I recognize I could have the fact remains that the its top defense leader,” the
ton, the official said. Hicks trol on Friday. The official done a better job ensuring Department of Defense de- PPA said in its letter.q
was in Puerto Rico on leave was not authorized to pro- the public was appropri- liberately withheld the Sec-
Congressional leaders announce agreement on topline spending
levels, a key step to averting shutdown
By KEVIN FREKING son said Sunday it will se- the Internal Revenue Ser-
Associated Press cure $16 billion in additional vice and rescinds about $6
WASHINGTON (AP) — Con- spending cuts from the pre- billion in COVID relief funds
gressional leaders have vious agreement brokered that had been approved
reached an agreement on by then-Speaker Kevin Mc- but not yet spent, accord-
topline spending levels for Carthy and President Joe ing to Johnson’s letter.
the current fiscal year that Biden and is about $30 bil- Lawmakers needed an
could help avoid a partial lion less than what the Sen- agreement on overall
government shutdown lat- ate was considering. spending levels so that ap-
er this month. “This represents the most propriators could write the
The agreement largely favorable budget agree- bills that set line-by-line
hues to spending caps for ment Republicans have funding for agencies. Fund-
defense and domestic pro- achieved in over a de- ing is set to lapse Jan. 19 for
grams that Congress set cade,” Johnson writes. House Speaker-elect Rep. Mike Johnson, R-La., addresses some agencies and Feb. 2
as part of a bill to suspend Biden said the agreement members of Congress at the Capitol in Washington, Oct. 25, for others.
the debt limit until 2025. “moves us one step closer 2023. Associated Press The agreement is sepa-
But it does provide some to preventing a needless rate from the negotiations
concessions to House Re- government shutdown and last spring. It rejects deep people and are free of any that are taking place to
publicans who viewed the protecting important na- cuts to programs hardwork- extreme policies,” Biden secure additional funding
spending restrictions in that tional priorities.” ing families count on, and said in a statement. for Israel and Ukraine while
agreement as insufficient. “It reflects the funding levels provides a path to passing The agreement speeds up also curbing restrictions on
In a letter to colleagues, that I negotiated with both full-year funding bills that the roughly $20 billion in asylum claims at the U.S.
House Speaker Mike John- parties and signed into law deliver for the American cuts already agreed to for border.q