Page 6 - aruba-today-20240108
P. 6

                    Monday 8 January 2024
            Air attack in northwestern Myanmar kills 17, including children, but

            military denies responsibility

            By GRANT PECK                                                                          to 2 million people that has  non-Burman  and  non-Bud-
            Associated Press                                                                       triggered  a  humanitarian  dhist  populations,  found
            BANGKOK (AP) — Airstrikes                                                              crisis.                      mostly  in  the  border  areas
            by  Myanmar’s  military  on                                                            Sagaing  region,  near  the  where much of the current
            a  village  under  the  con-                                                           border with India, has been  fighting takes place.
            trol  of  the  pro-democracy                                                           a  stronghold  of  armed  re-  About  10  houses  near  the
            resistance  in  the  country’s                                                         sistance to the army. A dis-  school  were  destroyed  by
            northwest  have  killed  at                                                            trict  capital  and  two  small  bombs,  said  the  resident
            least  17  civilians,  including                                                       towns,  including  Khampat,  who  spoke  on  the  condi-
            nine  children,  local  resi-                                                          have  been  seized  in  the  tion of anonymity because
            dents  and  a  human  rights                                                           past few months by a coali-  he was afraid of being ar-
            group said Sunday.                                                                     tion of resistance forces and  rested by the military.
            The  morning  aerial  at-                                                              the  Kachin  Independence  He provided a possible ex-
            tacks  on  Kanan  village  in                                                          Army,  one  of  the  stronger  planation  for  the  attack,
            Sagaing region’s Khampat                                                               ethnic rebel groups.         noting  that  a  ceremony
            town,  just  south  of  the  In-                                                       A local resident who helped  had  been  scheduled  for
            dian border, also wounded    The  bodies  of  the  victims  killed  by  airstrikes  are  shrouded   carry  out  rescue  work  told  Sunday  to  mark  the  com-
            about 20 people, they said.  in  blankets  at  a  building  in  Kanan  village,  Khampat  town  in   The  Associated  Press  on  pletion  of  combat  training
            Myanmar  is  wracked  by     Sagaing region on Sunday, Jan.7, 2024.                    Sunday  that  a  jet  fighter  for new members of the re-
            violence  that  began  after                                          Associated Press   dropped  three  bombs  on  sistance  forces  at  another
            the army ousted the elect-   dependent  online  news  fighting  for  greater  auton-   the village of Kanan, on the  school  in  the  village,  and
            ed  government  of  Aung  service sympathetic to the  omy for decades. The two  outskirts of Khampat, about  that  might  have  been  the
            San  Suu  Kyi  in  February  anti-military resistance.    groups sometimes carry out  280  kilometers  (170  miles)  intended  target  of  the  at-
            2021.  After  peaceful  dem-  The report by the state-run  joint operations against the  northwest  of  Mandalay,  tack.  He  added  that  the
            onstrations were put down  MRTV  television  in  its  Sun-  army.                      the  country’s  second-big-  bombing might have been
            with lethal force, many op-  day  night  news  broadcast  In response to accusations  gest  city,  killing  17  civilians  the consequence of a tip-
            ponents of military rule took  cited  an  unnamed  official  of abuses, the military gov-  who were in buildings near  off by a military informer.
            up arms, and large parts of  from  the  area  as  saying  ernment often accuses pro-   the village school.          Another resident, who also
            the  country  are  now  em-  there  had  been  no  plane  democracy  forces  in  the  Most  of  the  residents  in  spoke  on  the  condition  of
            broiled in conflict.         flying  in  the  area  on  Sun-  area of carrying out violent  Khampat  town  are  from  anonymity  due  to  security
            The   country’s   indepen-   day morning.                 campaigns of terror. But an-  the  Chin  ethnic  minority,  concerns,  said  nine  of  the
            dent online media and the  The  military  government  alysts for the United Nations  the  vast  majority  of  whom  dead were children and 20
            BBC’s  Myanmar-language  in  the  past  two  years  and  non-governmental  or-         are  Christians,  generally  other people were injured.
            service reported the air at-  has  stepped  up  airstrikes  ganizations have gathered  Baptist. Myanmar is largely  He  also  provided  AP  with
            tack  Sunday,  but  the  mili-  against  two  enemies:  the  credible evidence of large-  Buddhist,  led  by  the  Bur-  photos of the aftermath of
            tary  government  denied  armed         pro-democracy  scale  human  rights  abuses  man  majority.  The  ruling  the attack, including dead
            responsibility, claiming that  Peoples  Defense  Force,  by the army, including the  military  identifies  with  a  and wounded people and
            it  was  false  news  spread  and  ethnic  minority  guer-  burning  of  entire  villages  nationalistic  strain  of  Bud-  damaged buildings.q
            by  Khit  Thit  Media,  an  in-  rilla groups that have been  and displacement of close  dhism that shows hostility to

            Lebanon airport screens display anti-Hezbollah message after being


            Associated Press             anon,  and  a  little-known                                                            In  a  speech  on  Saturday,
            BEIRUT (AP) — The informa-   group  that  calls  itself  The                                                        Hezbollah  leader  Sayyed
            tion display screens at Bei-  One  Who  Spoke.  In  a  vid-                                                         Hassan  Nasrallah  in  a
            rut’s  international  airport  eo  statement,  the  Chris-                                                          speech  vowed  that  the
            were hacked by domestic  tian  group  denied  its  in-                                                              group  would  retaliate.  He
            anti-Hezbollah  groups  Sun-  volvement, while the other                                                            dismissed criticisms that the
            day,  as  clashes  between  group shared photos of the                                                              group  is  looking  for  a  full-
            the    Lebanese     militant  screens on its social media                                                           scale  war  with  Israel,  but
            group  and  the  Israeli  mili-  channels.                                                                          said if Israel launches one,
            tary  continue  to  intensify  “Hassan Nasrallah, you will                                                          Hezbollah is ready for a war
            along the border.            no  longer  have  supporters                                                           “without limits.”
            Departure and arrival infor-  if you curse Lebanon with a                                                           Hezbollah  announced  an
            mation  was  replaced  by  war for which you will bear                                                              “initial response” to Arouri’s
            a  message  accusing  the  responsibility  and  conse-                                                              killing on Saturday, launch-
            Hezbollah group of putting  quences,”  the  message       Planes are grounded due to the coronavirus pandemic at the   ing  a  volley  of  62  rockets
            Lebanon at risk of an all-out  read,  echoing  similar  sen-  Rafik Hariri International Airport in Beirut, Lebanon, on March 19,   toward an Israeli air surveil-
            war with Israel.             timents  to  critics  over  the   2020.                               Associated Press   lance base on Mount Mer-
            The  screens  displayed  a  years  who  have  accused                                                               on.
            message  with  logos  from  Hezbollah  of  smuggling  positions near the country’s  The near-daily clashes have  The Lebanese government
            a  hardline  Christian  group  weapons  and  munitions  northern border with Leba-     intensified sharply over the  and  international  commu-
            dubbed  Soldiers  of  God,  through the tiny Mediterra-   non  since  Oct.  8,  the  day  past week, after an appar-  nity have been scrambling
            which has garnered atten-    nean country’s only civilian  after  the  Hamas-Israel  war  ent  Israeli  strike  in  a  south-  to  prevent  a  war  in  Leba-
            tion over the past year for  airport.                     in  Gaza  began.  Israel  has  ern Beirut suburb killed top  non, which they fear would
            its  campaigns  against  the  Hezbollah has been striking  been striking Hezbollah po-  Hamas  official  and  com-  spark a regional spillover.q
            LGBTQ+ community in Leb-     Israeli  military  bases  and  sitions in return.         mander Saleh Arouri.
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