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A28    u.s. news
                     Diaranson 13 Juli 2022

                         AP Exclusive: Venezuela jails 3 Americans amid US outreach

                                                                      ans — remain imprisoned in  counterintelligence   agents  was  detained  by  migration
                                                                      Venezuela, and U.S. officials  justified  their  actions  by  officials  upon  entering  Ven-
                                                                      insist they are being used as  citing  the  U.S.'s  "constant  ezuela,  according  to  a  Go-
                                                                      political bargaining chips.  threats,  economic  blockade,  FundMe  page  they  set  up
                                                                                                   and  breaking  of  diplomatic  to pay for his defense. They
                                                                      The latest arrests come amid  relations."                 posted on the crowdfunding
                                                                      efforts by the Biden adminis-                             platform what they said was
                                                                      tration to unwind the Trump-  Some  top  Venezuelan  offi-  the last photo of him before
                                                                      era policy of punishing Mad-  cials also justify the arrest of  his arrest, near a Colombian
                                                                      uro  for  what  they  consider  Americans. In a June 13 press  border  checkpoint  on  the
                                                                      his trampling on Venezuela's  conference  announcing  the  Simon  Bolivar  international
                                                                      democracy.  Instead,  Biden  arrest  of  another,  unnamed  bridge.
                                                                      officials are trying to lure him  American,  Socialist  party
                                                                      back  into  negotiations  with  leader  Diosdado  Cabello  Prosecutors  allege  that  Ken-
                                                                      the  U.S.-backed  opposition  said:  "They  have  their  plans  emore,  his  girlfriend  and
                                                                      to pave the way for free and  against our country."       three  others  entered  the
                                                                      fair elections.                                           country on a nearby dirt trail,
                                                                                                   Hernandez, who was arrest-   one of hundreds of irregular
                                                                      As part of that still-early out-  ed  March  31,  was  supposed  crossings used daily by Ven-
                                                                      reach,  the  U.S.  has  dangled  to  appear in court  on Mon-  ezuelans  shuttling  between
                                                                      the possibility of easing sanc-  day but the hearing was post-  the  countries  for  groceries,
                                                                      tions on the OPEC nation —  poned.                        medical appointments and to
                                                                      a move that, over time, could                             visit family. They said he was
                                                                      also  help  lower  oil  prices,  Hernandez  migrated  to  Los  carrying  three  laptops  and
                                                                      which spiked following Rus-  Angeles as a toddler with his  was  accompanied  by  a  cap-
                                                                      sia's invasion of Ukraine.   parents,  who  were  fleeing  tain  in  the  Venezuelan  navy,
                                                                                                   civil war in El Salvador. After  something  that  also  raised
                                                                      The release of two Americans  graduating from the Univer-  suspicions.
                                                                      on March 8 was celebrated in  sity of California Los Angeles
                                                                      Washington,  giving  a  boost  law school, he turned down  Like  Hernandez,  Kenemore
                                                                      to the Biden administration's  lucrative jobs to instead work  was  charged  with  criminal
                                                                      outreach to Maduro. It's not  as  a  public  defender  repre-  association and conspiracy —
                                                                      clear what impact, if any, the  senting  indigent  and  some-  crimes punishable with up to
                                                                      jailing of three more Ameri-  times  homeless  defendants,  16 years in jail. His girlfriend
                                                                      cans  will  have  on  relations  a sign of his charitable spirt,  is also being held.
                                                                      with Maduro, a close ally of  friends and relatives said.
                                                                      Russia  whom  the  U.S.  has                              In  April,  the  State  Depart-
                                                                      sanctioned  and  indicted  on  Like  Maduro,  Hernandez  ment warned about threats to
                                                                      narcotics charges.           loves  salsa  music  and  has  Americans along the Colom-
                                                                                                   a  history  of  labor  activism.  bia-Venezuela border. It rec-
                                                                      The  State  Department  con-  An  avid  traveler,  Hernan-  ommended Americans avoid
                                                                      firmed the three arrests and a  dez was taking a short break  all  travel  to  Venezuela,  and
                                                                      spokesperon said officials are  from  work  when  he  trav-  never  enter  without  a  visa,
                                                                      advocating  for  the  immedi-  eled to Colombia, where he's  which is nearly impossible to
                                                                      ate  release  of  all  wrongfully  been several times before, his  obtain  since  the  U.S.  broke
                                                                      detained  Americans  in  Ven-  brother said. Right before he  diplomatic  relations  with
                                                                      ezuela.                      was due home, he accompa-    Maduro in 2019.
                                                                      Beyond  any  political  fallout,  nied  a  Venezuelan  friend  to
                                                                      the arrests point to what U.S.  the border. His family said it  According to Venezuelan law,
                                                                      officials consider an alarming  was never his intention to go  foreigners found in the coun-
                                                                      trend:  the  arrest  of  unsus-  to  Venezuela,  nor  would  he  try  without  a  visa  are  to  be
                                                                      pecting Americans along the  knowingly break the law.     immediately deported.
                                                                      Colombia-Venezuela  border,
                                                                      a  lawless  area  dominated  by  Hernandez's  friend  is  also  But for reasons that are un-
                                                                      criminal gangs and leftist reb-  being held and faces the ad-  clear,  all  three  men  arrested
            (AP) — Three Americans  according to a person familiar  els. Americans trying to enter  ditional  charge  of  migrant  earlier  this  year  were  trans-
            were quietly jailed in Ven-  with  investigations  into  the  Venezuela without a visa are  smuggling,  according  to  the  ferred  hundreds  of  miles
            ezuela earlier this year for  arrests. The person spoke to  especially vulnerable.     person familiar with investi-  away to the capital, Caracas,
            allegedly  trying  to  enter  The Associated Press on con-                             gation.                      to a maximum security pris-
            the  country  illegally  and  dition of anonymity because  Despite  Maduro's  often  fi-                            on  housing  many  of  Madu-
            now face long prison sen-    they  weren't  authorized  to  ery rhetoric against the U.S.  Two  weeks  before  Hernan-  ro's opponents.
            tences  in  the  politically  discuss the cases publicly.  "empire,"  there's  no  indica-  dez's  arrest,  Kenemore  was
            turbulent nation.            Hernandez  is  from  Los  An-  tion  he  is  targeting  Ameri-  taken  into  custody  in  simi-  Americans  jailed  in  Venezu-
                                         geles; Kenemore is from the  cans for arrest.             larly murky circumstances.   ela are at a disadvantage when
            Two  of  the  men  —  a  law-  Dallas area, but had lived in                                                        it comes to seeking help from
            yer  from  California  and  a  Colombia since 2019.       But with the South American  According  to  Kenemore's  their  government.  The  U.S.
            computer programmer from                                  country torn apart after years  family,  he  had  been  living  closed its hilltop Embassy in
            Texas — were arrested in late  A  third  American  was  ar-  of  political  unrest,  hyperin-  in Colombia for over a year  Caracas in 2019, after recog-
            March, just days after Presi-  rested  in  January,  also  for  flation  and  devastating  food  with a Venezuelan woman he  nizing  opposition  lawmaker
            dent  Nicolás  Maduro's  so-  allegedly  entering  the  coun-  shortages,  Maduro's  grip  on  met  online  when  both  were  Juan  Guaidó  as  the  nation's
            cialist government freed two  try illegally along its lengthy  his poorly paid security forces  getting  over  divorces.  The  legitimate leader.
            other Americans.             border with Colombia. AP is  is constrained. That's created  two shared a small apartment
                                         withholding his name at the  an opening for criminal ele-  where Kenemore was work-    The United Nations has long
            Venezuelan security forces ar-  request  of  his  family,  which  ments and hardliners looking  ing  remotely  for  a  client  in  complained about the lack of
            rested lawyer Eyvin Hernan-  fears retaliation.           to  spoil  Maduro's  talks  with  the U.S., but had decided to  independence  for  Venezue-
            dez,  44,  and  computer  pro-                            the U.S.                     relocate to Venezuela, where  lan judges as well as the facil-
            grammer  Jerrel  Kenemore,  At  least  eight  more  Ameri-                             his girlfriend had a home.   ity where the Americans are
            52,  in  separate  incidents  in  cans  —  including  five  oil  In one arrest  report  seen by                     being held.
            the western state of Tachira,  executives  and  three  veter-  the  AP,  Venezuelan  military  Kenemore's  family  said  he
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